
What porridge a woman drinks can beautify

author:Tiny new

Women love beauty is born, but women's beauty is not born, how can they have a good look? The following tiny new introduces several kinds of porridge to everyone, so that everyone can have beauty while enjoying food.

1. Wood ear goji berry red date porridge

Raw material selection: the right amount of black fungus, about fifteen goji berries, red dates should be made of five to ten large and full, and then prepare three small spoons of oats and two small spoons of high-quality brown sugar.

Method: First of all, the red dates and black fungus should be soaked first, which can be soaked in boiling water for almost two hours, and then the red dates should be removed from the core and skin, so that the cooked porridge tastes better. In this way, put it in the pot and add the right amount of water, cook it together, and it will take about twenty minutes to get it done, which is very delicious and delicious. Beauty and beauty, and will not grow fat.

2. Red date barley silver ear porridge

The nutritional value of dates is very high, and it is a very good food supplement for women, because dates contain non-rich VC, which is a good ingredient for blood nourishment, which can make our face glossy and rosy; Barley is also famous in beauty food, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, but also a very good tonic food, is the king of the world's grass plants, can be a good promotion of human metabolism; White fungus has the effect of emollient, spot removal and yin nourishment. Such a combination, can not be done without beauty.

Material selection: high-quality dates, barley, white fungus, and rice, you can choose brown rice, brown rice is more nutritious.

Method: Wash the dates first, boil the porridge in water for another 10 minutes, then wash the barley, brown rice, and white fungus together and put them in the pot, first boil on high heat, then turn on low heat until cooked. If it is a rice cooker, there is a function of cooking porridge over there, and you can also put it together.

Beauty taboos for women

1, should not use hot water

Hot water can completely remove the facial protective film, and after washing the face with hot water and soap, the human skin will feel very tight and uncomfortable. In fact, even in the harsh winter, there is no need to wash your face with hot water, only cold water can wash away the dust on your face, and at the same time exercise facial blood vessels and nerves, sobering the brain.

2, should not use a wet towel

Towels that are wet for a long time are conducive to the growth of various microorganisms, and wiping the face with a wet towel is tantamount to applying various bacteria to the face. Towels should always be kept clean and dry, and after washing your face with your hands, dry them with a dry towel, fast and hygienic.

After washing the face, you must dry it, otherwise the water on the face will evaporate on its own, making the skin cold, the blood vessels contracting, causing the skin to dry, peeling and cracks and wrinkles, and we must dry the face before using skin care products.

3, should not use the washbasin

Not to mention whether the washbasin is clean, just say that the face wash, after the hand-face interaction, more and more muddy, and finally ended in unclean. It is far better to wash your face with running water in your hand; First scrub your hands clean, then wash your face with your hands, one is cleaner than the other, and it doesn't take more than a few handfuls, it's all clean.