
Discover the mystery of Noah's Ark in ancient times: what Noah's Ark looks like

author:Interesting history

In 1916, when the Russian pilot Ratmi was passing through Mount Ararat, he accidentally found a blue thing on the top of the mountain, and driven by curiosity, he flew back to take a closer look, and it turned out to be a ship the size of a house, with a door on one side, but one of them had been damaged. The pilot reported the adventure to Tsar Nicholas II. The Tsar organized experts to conduct research, and the results came to a shocking conclusion: this house-like ship may be Noah's Ark!

Discover the mystery of Noah's Ark in ancient times: what Noah's Ark looks like

The image comes from the Internet

There is a legend in the Bible about Noah's Ark: After Adam and Eve stole the forbidden fruit, they were cast out of the Garden of Eden by God, and they came to the ground, and since then the whole earth has been filled with humans. Human greed seems to be innate, so much so that sin is everywhere in the world. More than 5,000 years ago, God finally got bored and one day suddenly decided to wipe out all the ugly people and all living things he had created.

But there was a believer named Noah, who was of good character and good heart, and God could not bear to let him die with the wicked, so he said to him, "There are so many sins in this land, and I regret that I have created life in this world, so I will destroy them, but my son, you are so good, so I must save you and your family." I am about to wreak havoc on the earth and destroy the whole world, and you, my son, by the incomparable wisdom I have bestowed upon you, build a great wooden ship, carry your family, and bring with you seven pairs of animals on earth. After this, torrential rains will fall for forty consecutive days and nights. ”

Noah built the ark out of wood as God commanded. It is 360 meters long, 23 meters wide and 136 meters high, with a total of three layers, equivalent to today's 150,000-ton giant ships. Noah had just transferred his family and animals to the boat, only to see dark clouds, flying sand and stones, lightning and thunder, and disaster began. It was as if a big hole had been opened in the sky, and heavy rain had fallen for 40 days and nights. The whole earth was white, there was no ugliness in sight, no life in sight, only Noah's Ark adrift alone.

Discover the mystery of Noah's Ark in ancient times: what Noah's Ark looks like

The story of Noah's Ark is clearly documented not only in the Old Testament, but also in the clay tablets excavated in the library of the ancient Assyrian capital of Nineveh, known as the world's oldest library. Few people in the world today do not know the story of Noah's Ark, but most people just regard it as an interesting legend, and even devout Christians do not believe in this bizarre myth! So when the discovery of the Russian pilots was announced, the world was shocked.

After World War II, a Turkish pilot looked down at "Noah's Ark" in the sky and took a photo. After enlarging the photo, the scientists measured that the hull was 150 meters long and 50 meters wide, which was very similar to the size of the Chinese boat, although it was different from the size of the chinese boat. The discovery set off another wave of searches for Noah's Ark. In July 1955, Joan Fernan took her 11-year-old son to the summit. The Emperor did not live up to his painstaking efforts, and they finally found the fragments of "Noah's Ark" and brought back a wooden plank. After the study of archaeologists in Spain, France, Egypt and other countries, the wooden board has a history of at least 4484 years. Joan Fernan then wrote a book about her experience, the famous "I Discovered Noah's Ark."

Thus, in the face of the double evidence of photographs and objects, people who have always thought that "Noah's Ark" is nonsense cannot help but frown, and some of them change their views, thinking that there may have been a great flood in human history, and it is true that such a thing as "Noah's Ark" may have happened. But another group of people, having carefully learned the ins and outs of the matter, raised several fatal questions about the discovery of Noah's Ark.

Discover the mystery of Noah's Ark in ancient times: what Noah's Ark looks like

First of all, even with the largest flood, the water level cannot rise to a height of 5,000 meters. Second, if there was a Noah-era Flood 5,000 years ago, why is there no trace of water alteration on the Earth's surface today? Third, even the so-called "photographs" are blurred and often rely on human imagination to identify the image of the ark. Fourth, if the Ark was stranded near Mount Ararat, it should also be washed back to a lower place by glacial motion, how could it be on the top of a mountain as high as 5,000 meters? Fifth, 5,000 years ago, is it possible to store a plank boat to this day? I am afraid that it has long been fragmented, how can it take the image of the ark?

Up to now, this mystery continues, so is there a Noah's Ark in the world? We still can't come up with a unified answer, but we believe that one day we will solve this mystery.

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