
Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

author:Mr. Tidebang

As soon as Dong Qing is mentioned, I can't help but think of "full of poetry, full of economy, temperamental beauty" and other adjectives to describe the elegant connotation of women, and Dong Qing does meet these conditions, her beauty is engraved in the bones, is the charm brought by time precipitation, and it is a unique feminine taste of women!

Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

Dong Qing's beauty is not only set off by clothing and styling, but also the kind of years that have been emitted through the years. Although Dong Qing wears plain clothes and does not apply powder, she can also deduce a temperament beauty and shape the most charming charm of women, Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced.

Color matching: a black temperament elegant

Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

It is said that simple wearing is the way to test femininity, and Dong Qing explains this truth very well. A black matching of no highlights to wear, although the whole person looks like an ordinary aunt, but Dong Qing is not afraid of the camera, naturally look up and stride forward, the atmosphere brought by black is full, and the versatile and casual style is an enhancement of the sense of luxury.

Style matching: straight-leg hip coat + slim small leg pants

Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

Although Dong Qing threw away the exquisite makeup and wear, it did not affect the distribution of her temperament in the slightest, and the overall dress was low-key and elegant, and the ordinary old aunt was proper. Straight-leg style of hip covering coat jacket, simple and without losing the effect of long and avoiding short, versatile small leg pants are a classic choice, this simple collocation, can also set off Dong Qing's temperament, I have to say that Dong Qing is really a CCTV treasure.

Method one: Proper slim fit is important

Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

If you want to do simple wear, deduce a non-simple temperament, you must start from the style version, and it is important to make good use of the appropriate slim design. Avoid the impact of being too loose and invisible, use the advantages of knitted fabrics to outline the curves of the body, and interpret a unique femininity, although the overall single is simple in foundation, it also loses the charm of the exudation.

Method two: high-grade and comfortable fabric selection

Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

High-grade comfort-filled fabrics are also key treatments, and the choice of fabrics is at the focus of wearing, which is the most significant in terms of visual and experiential sense. The choice of silk fabrics and silk fabrics can immediately weaken the monotony of the basic style, thereby enhancing the overall high-end stunning effect.

Method three: exquisite jewelry set off

Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

Knowing how to find exquisite beauty in simplicity is the key to enhancing femininity, and exquisite accessories can instantly deduce the wear taste and detail processing. You can choose some brooches, sweater chains and watches to match, not only to create a sense of fashion, but also to interpret the noble temperament.

Tip 1: Simplify the complexity

Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

To wear a simple outfit out of a not simple temperament, you need good wearing skills to lay the foundation and avoid the impact of too complicated and fancy. The combination of complex and simple wearing skills can effectively enhance the effect of primary and secondary distinctions, especially the tops that integrate fashionable elements, which can not only reduce the monotony and tedium, but also be critical to the shaping of fashion taste.

Tip two: match the same tone

Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

The collocation of the same tone is the key to minimalism, the overall unified color matching shows the elegant effect of the temperament, the classic color matching is the exudation of the sense of charm, the elegance and freshness brought by white, combined with the elegant intellect of the skirt, the gentle and noble effect, the same color pays attention to comfort, high-grade, fashionable, to avoid too exaggerated design techniques.

Tip three: a collision between styles

Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

The collision between styles can be effectively created to create a stylish effect, and the collision of elegance and intellectuality instantly interprets the eye-catching effect. Gentle and sweet dresses, paired with smart suit pants, the two are originally unrelated pieces, but when combined, they look very stunning and fashionable, and the beauty of the unique temperament is remarkable.

Dong Qing appeared in the countryside, wearing a low-key plain face to face the camera, becoming an ordinary aunt temperament is still advanced, Dong Qing wears details interpretation two, how to achieve simple wear to shape a not simple temperament? Third, the necessary skills of simple dress fashion summary:

1. In daily life, we must also know how to shape simple clothing, it is crucial to find high-grade beauty in simplicity, avoid complexity, and enhance the sense of refinement.

2. Want to enhance the charm of temperament, it is inseparable from the importance of wearing, the more simple collocation, the more elegant the effect of temperament, can be a good interpretation of femininity.

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