
The inauguration ceremony of the District Government Municipal People's Hospital Deepening Cooperation and Co-construction Zone People's Hospital and Hekou District Medical Community Group was held

author:Bayou release

  On the morning of October 29, the hekou District People's Government and Dongying People's Hospital deepened cooperation to build the Hekou District People's Hospital and the inauguration ceremony of the Hekou District Medical Community Group.

The inauguration ceremony of the District Government Municipal People's Hospital Deepening Cooperation and Co-construction Zone People's Hospital and Hekou District Medical Community Group was held

  Xu Xiaolei, member of the Standing Committee of the District CPC Committee and director of the organization department, read out the decision on the establishment of the Medical Community Group and the decision on the appointment of the president of the Hekou District People's Hospital; Su Chongyi, member of the party committee and vice president of the Municipal People's Hospital, and Zhang Suxia, deputy district governor, signed an agreement on deepening cooperation and joint construction on behalf of the two sides; Gao Yuguo, secretary of the party committee of the district people's hospital, and Wang Shuping, president of the Hekou District People's Hospital of the Municipal People's Hospital, respectively made statements.

The inauguration ceremony of the District Government Municipal People's Hospital Deepening Cooperation and Co-construction Zone People's Hospital and Hekou District Medical Community Group was held

  Xu Xinsheng, deputy secretary of the party committee and president of the Municipal People's Hospital, delivered a speech, saying that the signing of the agreement between the Hekou District People's Government and the Dongying People's Hospital to deepen cooperation and jointly build the Hekou District People's Hospital marks another substantial step forward in the major decision of the two sides to jointly build and manage the Hekou District People's Hospital. We will also continue to do a good job in phased and planned assistance docking, smooth the green referral channel, actively cooperate with the corresponding work of the Hekou District People's Hospital, continuously send professional support teams, promote the construction of close-knit medical associations, and create characteristic disciplines of grass-roots medical institutions, so that the people in Hekou District and surrounding areas can truly enjoy high-quality medical and health services.

The inauguration ceremony of the District Government Municipal People's Hospital Deepening Cooperation and Co-construction Zone People's Hospital and Hekou District Medical Community Group was held

  Zhang Limin, deputy county-level cadre of the Municipal Health Commission, stressed in his speech that the deepening of cooperation between the Hekou District People's Government and the Dongying Municipal People's Hospital to jointly build the Hekou District People's Hospital is a major measure to implement the Party Central Committee's health work policy for the new era, deepen the reform of the medical and health system, and promote the high-quality development of public hospitals, which is of great significance to improving the level of health services and better serving the people. Hekou District People's Hospital should take the opportunity of deepening cooperation and co-construction to learn scientific management mode, advanced medical level and excellent talent team construction, and achieve steady improvement of comprehensive level.

The inauguration ceremony of the District Government Municipal People's Hospital Deepening Cooperation and Co-construction Zone People's Hospital and Hekou District Medical Community Group was held

  Zhao Shugang, secretary of the district party committee, thanked the leaders attending the ceremony in his speech, saying that since the signing of the cooperation and co-construction agreement on December 7, 2017, with the care and support of the Municipal Health Commission, the leaders and experts of the Municipal People's Hospital have helped us, sent a number of professional talents and technical backbones to us, helped the district people's hospital to improve the system process, improve the diagnosis and treatment technology, cultivate specialized talents, and effectively promote the quality and upgrading of the estuary health undertaking. The major progress of the two sides in deepening cooperation and joint construction will surely effectively promote the medical and health undertakings in Hekou District to a new level. Zhao Shugang hopes that the leaders of the Municipal Health Commission will continue to care about and support the development of hekou medical and health undertakings, and hopes that the leaders and experts of the Municipal People's Hospital will devote more energy and impart more experience, especially in terms of diagnosis and treatment technology, talent training, discipline construction, etc., to give more help, and boost the medical and health services in Hekou to a new level.

The inauguration ceremony of the District Government Municipal People's Hospital Deepening Cooperation and Co-construction Zone People's Hospital and Hekou District Medical Community Group was held

  In the work of the medical community, Zhao Shugang stressed that we will continue to strengthen the investment in grass-roots public health and medical service facilities, actively promote the integration and co-construction of the oil and land military port, fully promote the construction of the "three medical linkage" and the close-knit medical community, improve the public health service system, and fully open a new chapter in the development of the medical and health industry in Hekou District.

  Zhao Shugang pointed out that as the leading hospital for cooperative co-construction and the construction of the district medical community, the district people's hospital should comprehensively learn from the advanced experience, exquisite technology, high-quality service and good style of the municipal people's hospital, continuously improve the technical level and comprehensive service capabilities, share high-quality medical resources in the region, and drive the whole region to better meet the needs of the people for medical treatment. The district party committee and the district government will provide more comprehensive service guarantee for cooperation between the two sides, and create good working and living conditions for the experts and medical personnel dispatched by the Municipal People's Hospital in Hekou District, so that they can work with peace of mind, comfort and enthusiasm.

The inauguration ceremony of the District Government Municipal People's Hospital Deepening Cooperation and Co-construction Zone People's Hospital and Hekou District Medical Community Group was held

  Finally, Zhao Shugang and Zhang Limin jointly inaugurated the General Hospital of Hekou District Medical Community Group, and Xu Xinsheng and Xu Xiaolei unveiled the plaque for the Hekou Branch of Dongying People's Hospital. Li Bao, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor of the district, presided over the ceremony, and Wang Duanji, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, the principal responsible persons of the relevant departments and units directly under the district government, the medical and health units in the whole district, the leading group of the district people's hospital, and the representatives of the staff and workers attended the ceremony.

  It is understood that Hekou District will set up a medical community group with the district people's hospital, the district traditional Chinese medicine hospital, the district maternal and child health hospital, the district second people's hospital and other secondary hospitals, as well as the town street health center, the community health service center and other grass-roots medical and health institutions as member units, and the district people's hospital as the general hospital, while accelerating the improvement of the comprehensive service level and leading driving capacity of the district people's hospital, and continuously strengthening the construction of the "six major centers" such as regional chest pain, stroke, and cancer, continue to deepen the close-knit medical association relationship with the municipal people's hospital, and promote the relationship with the state, provinces, and cancer. The city's well-known hospitals, well-known disciplines and well-known experts have established a cooperation mechanism to empower the comprehensive development of hospital management, medical technology, discipline construction, talent training, scientific and educational cooperation, performance management, etc., and promote the improvement of the medical and health service capabilities of the whole region.

Reporter: Wang Chenglong

Editor: Liu Jinzhong Xu Ying

Review: Zhang Xinjun

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