
Sticking to a promise, Zhongshan Sizheng teacher Ma Jian's "Education Classic"

author:South Plus client

This article is included in the column #Looking for good teachers around you #

·Editor's Note·

In order to publicize the advanced deeds of outstanding ideological and political teachers in Zhongshan, in July this year, the Office of the Leading Group for Education Work of the Zhongshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China launched the activity of "Looking for Good Teachers of Ideological Politics Around Me". In the course of the activities, a group of credible, respectable, reliable, happy, courageous, and promising ideological and political teachers stood out. They dare to innovate and take responsibility; they are exemplary teachers and care for students; their ideological and political classrooms contain beauty, teach and display beauty, and academic dissemination beauty, and are recognized as good teachers of ideological and political affairs in the minds of schools, society, and students.

Nanfang + has successively launched reports on the characters of good teachers in ideological politics, transmitting positive and upward "political energy" and encouraging the majority of ideological and political teachers to conscientiously fulfill the lofty mission of Lide Shuren.

Answering students' questions on the delivery bed, returning to work after the early end of maternity leave during the epidemic prevention and control period, and taking care of the family alone during her husband's guarding the frontier... Every time a challenge comes, she can handle it calmly.

There seems to be endless energy in her body, and behind these energies is responsibility and responsibility. She is a teacher, a military sister-in-law, and an excellent and honorable Communist Party member, she is Ma Jian, a political teacher at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Middle School.

"I have wanted to be a teacher since I was a child, on the road to study, my teachers have given me a lot of opportunities to grow, when the teacher can also pass on their knowledge of the world to others, guide students to grow in the right direction, I also want to be such a person." 」 It's a glorious profession, and I'll use what I can to make 'teachers' more respectable. Ma Jian said.

Sticking to a promise, Zhongshan Sizheng teacher Ma Jian's "Education Classic"

Ma Jian. South + Ye Zhiwen photographed

Be a guide for the growth of students

Ma Jian graduated from Northeast Normal University, and she won the honor of outstanding class teacher in Zhongshan City with her excellent teaching ability, and her teaching achievements were recognized by parents and students. In the process of teaching, she brings students not only professional knowledge, but also consistent care and protection.

Luo Yi (pseudonym) is one of the students Ma Jian has taught, and has won a number of scholarships, but such a student with excellent character and learning has also had "problems" - psychological problems arising at the critical moment of ascension once affected his study and life.

"Luo Yi is top-notch in learning, all aspects of performance are very good, in the face of the pressure of the middle school entrance examination, he is already somewhat sensitive, he has a large emotional ups and downs. At that time, I was his homeroom teacher, and after communicating with the school psychology teacher, I developed a series of treatment plans for him. After half a semester of hard work, he was in good shape in the second semester of the third year of junior high school. Ma Jian said.

After Luo Yi entered the high school of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Middle School, Ma Jian explained his situation to his class teacher for the first time, and sometimes met him at school, and also helped him analyze and solve the problems encountered in learning. "This child has now entered the third year of high school, and now his psychological state is also very good, and he is actively preparing for the college entrance examination."

In addition, as the deputy secretary of the third party branch of the school's high school, Ma Jian also always paid attention to combining the study and education of party history with the teaching of ideological politics in high schools.

"Party building and teaching are not in conflict. This year, we organized a commemorative activity to resist US aggression and aid Korea, so that students could watch relevant videos, which triggered them to think about 'why should we resist US aggression and aid Korea' and stimulate students' patriotism. At that time, after reading this content, many children were in tears. They said that the teacher 'we must study, we must contribute to the strength of the country, and we must read for the rise of China'. This is the significance of the study of party history and the teaching of ideological and political science. Ma Jian said.

Sticking to a promise, Zhongshan Sizheng teacher Ma Jian's "Education Classic"

Ma Jian is giving lessons to students. South + Ye Zhiwen photographed

Take on the responsibility at the critical moment

In his daily education and teaching, Ma Jian always alerted himself: As a Communist Party member, he must charge ahead and play a pioneering and exemplary role. At the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, she was eight months pregnant while taking care of her family's young children under the age of three, while still struggling in her teaching position.

At the end of February 2020, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Middle School began to teach fully offline, and Ma Jian, who was 8 months pregnant at the time, stuck to her post, in addition to teaching course content, she also had to monitor the health of students, and for students with poor learning status, she also had to think of various ways to help them return to their state.

"I will do regular theme class meetings to help students and help parents find ways to alleviate anxiety." When it was almost time to give birth, the students still had a lot of questions, so I took pictures of the problem analysis in the hospital bed, posted them to the learning group, and answered them by voice, and then jokingly told them: I have officially stepped down. Ma Jian said.

After giving birth, Ma Jian took the initiative to end maternity leave early, and within 4 months after giving birth, he took up teaching on the post, solved the teaching difficulties for the grade, and carried forward the exemplary role of a Communist Party member.

"May production, normally it should be December of that year to finish maternity leave, but many students ask me when to go to work, at the end of August I received a call from the Academic Affairs Office saying that the teacher resources are not enough, need support, and I will go to work in September." I feel a bit sorry for the second treasure at home, and the time spent with the children is reduced a lot. Talking about his family, Ma Jian felt a little guilty.

Sticking to a promise, Zhongshan Sizheng teacher Ma Jian's "Education Classic"

Good seniors for new teachers

In the teaching of professional disciplines, in addition to continuously improving his own knowledge, Ma Jian also passed on the help of young new teachers, in the 2019-2020 school year, served as a guest lecturer for the training of new teachers in primary and secondary schools in Zhongshan City, imparted theoretical knowledge such as teachers' professional qualities to new political teachers in primary and secondary schools in Zhongshan City, and also explained teaching skills to new teachers through teaching open classes, and cultivated new teachers in Zhongshan City to pass on the scriptures and solve puzzles. In addition, she has published books such as "High School Ideological and Political Efficient Classroom Teaching Strategies", and served as a guest lecturer for new teacher training in Zhongshan City, a parent tutor for family education in Zhongshan City, and a tutor for family education in Guangdong Province, influencing other ideological and political teachers through diversified methods.

Ma Jian said that the direct source of being able to serve as a mentor is that he won the first place in the third class teacher professional ability competition in Zhongshan City, and represented Zhongshan City to participate in the fifth Guangdong Provincial Class Teacher Professional Ability Competition, won the first prize of the junior high school group and won all the single first prizes, becoming the only Grand Slam player in Zhongshan City.

After that, Ma Jian began to train the participants in Zhongshan City as a mentor, and the contestants he led won the first prize of the Guangdong Provincial Class Teacher Professional Ability Competition, the first prize of the First Kindergarten Principal Moral Education Ability Competition in Guangdong Province and other awards. "I hope to cultivate more professional talents for Zhongshan Moral Education." Ma Jian said. In addition, she also answers questions for young teachers through training, school lectures, studio training organized by Zhongshan City, etc., and helps novice teachers grow faster.

"In addition to technical and professional guidance in training, the transmission of the spirit of moral education in Zhongshan is also very important. It is necessary to have a warm moral education, not a didactic, and emotional communication is more important than other aspects of education. For example, in the team I trained, there was a teacher who previously tended to use hard rules to restrain students, and in the process of training, we taught him many more gentle ways, for example, he can use social forces (psychological assistance guidance, legal aid guidance, etc.), social practice, etc. to achieve educational effects, which can make him have more choices in real education. Ma Jian said.

Ma Jian said that his ability to achieve such growth was inseparable from the influence of her husband Yang Qingsen. "My husband is a border guard who has been in Tibet for 10 years, and his dedication and hard-working spirit have deeply influenced me. In the future, I will keep up with the pace of the times, maintain my study habits, and do a good job as a guide for students' political thinking. I promise students, 'I can't guarantee how high your professional grades will be, but I can guarantee that the students I have taught are all people with three positive views', which is also the teaching goal I set for myself, which is an important task to be completed as a teacher of political science. Ma Jian said.

[Writing] Nanfang Daily reporter Yuan Shimin

【Photo】 Nanfang Daily reporter Ye Zhiwen

【Author】 Yuan Shimin; Ye Zhiwen

Fragrant Hills Academy

Source: South+ - Create more value

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