
Kunming Medical University held the opening ceremony of human anatomy

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Yunnan Channel

Kunming Medical University held the opening ceremony of human anatomy

Kunming Medical University held the opening ceremony of the 2020 class of clinical medicine major human anatomy

On the morning of March 6th, the opening ceremony of human anatomy hosted by the School of Basic Medicine of Kunming Medical University, the Human Anatomy Laboratory of the College of Basic Medical Sciences and the CandleLight Volunteer Service Team of the College of Basic Medical College was held at the sports field of the university.

Fan Yan, deputy director of the Department of Human Anatomy and Histology and Embryology of Kunming Medical University, pointed out in her speech that every special dialogue with the "speechless teacher" (the honorific title of the medical community for those who donate the remains) is the collision of life and life, and it is precisely because of the selfless dedication of the "speechless teacher" that students have the opportunity to learn real anatomy knowledge. Xinglin couple Li Bingquan, Hu Suqiu and many body donors used their bodies to show the mysteries of human anatomy to the students, interpreting the teacher's wordlessness and dedication. Fan Yan reminded the students to have a sense of awe, respect the "wordless teacher", correct the learning attitude, touch the specimen lightly, and standardize the operation under the guidance.

Wu Fei and Chai Xinyu of the Candlelight Volunteer Service Team spoke as student representatives, and the two students told their own stories and insights from the experience of joining the Candlelight Volunteer Service Team to participate in the reception of body donation and learning anatomy courses. "The spirit shines with the sun and the moon, and love coexists with heaven and earth." The noble act of voluntarily donating the body of the teacher provided the cornerstone for mankind to climb the peak of medicine and made it possible for some people to gain a new life. Student representative Wu Fei said.

Kunming Medical University held the opening ceremony of human anatomy

All the students of the 2020 clinical medicine major solemnly read the anatomy oath, and the students' oaths were inspiring and sonorous. Everyone said that they would respond to the ardent hopes of the school and teachers with their full enthusiasm, and use their great love to maintain the sanctity of medicine!

Zou Zhirong, deputy dean of the Basic Medical College of Kunming Medical University, said in the summary of the activity that there is no medicine without anatomy, and anatomy is the first professional basic course that medical students are exposed to, which is a life education that begins with death, and is also the starting point for the initial understanding of life structure. The opening ceremony of human anatomy aims to let students feel the selfless dedication spirit of "wordless teacher", experience the broad mind of the doctor's benevolence, feel the responsibility and obligation of medical students' growth, we must have a sense of awe, respect the "wordless teacher", let the medical dream and humanistic feelings breathe together, share the fate, which is also one of the measures of the Basic Medical College to promote the implementation of curriculum ideological and political construction, deepen medical humanistic education, and create a new model of humanistic education. It is hoped that through this activity, the students will establish a firmer belief in studying medicine, live up to the selfless dedication of the "wordless teacher", face every life with gratitude, respect and humility, and pursue the life of practicing medicine with reverence, exploration and non-fall. ( Zheng Fuyun text/photo)

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