
Wanting to be with you is a happy thing

author:Love the wind of reading

I saw the look in your eyes, and I knew, this is you. Actually, you know, I miss you so much. But time always stays on you, and every time I look back at you, my heart will burst with sadness. My heart is like a wasteland, a desolation, like a wild weed spreading wildly, like a wildflower, like a happy mess, so that everything has not escaped the shackles of life and death, and I just want to forget the face of life and death. It just makes you feel a pang of pain in my heart. In fact, I know that maybe I am not qualified to live such a life, year after year, year after year, and I can still be on the day of your illness without pay. I just hope that time will come back to me, but loved ones, please bring us back and let us spend it together. But, my dear ones, how can you think of me so miserly, why are you so stingy and want to spit bitter water, we have not been as wasted as a year for so many years. Actually, I really want to see you in the eye, but I don't know how to express it after all. With you, I know if there is a glimmer of hope and ignorance in your heart, and maybe you know that you are so sad in your heart, maybe it is only born. Maybe you don't know, I was ignored by you in my bones. Would love to take you to a higher level, I thought, you know what? How much I want to call a text message with you, but I am not divided, I can not accept you, then, really only a few words well written, enough.