
This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

author:Kittens love the kitchen

Hi @Hello everyone! I am the kitten of "Kitten Loves Kitchen", and today I met you again to share life, share food, and share happiness! Today the kitten brings you a "cold mix chicken noodles", which is a spicy and fresh flavor, belongs to the heavy taste of noodles to eat, summer weather is sweltering, no appetite, you can try this noodle practice, guaranteed to make you enjoy! Share it with you today, if you like it, you can try it.

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

 The sweltering weather is really uncomfortable, standing is not, sitting is not, even eating has no appetite. The hope is that there is an air-conditioned room, an ice-cold watermelon, and the most direct way to combat the torment of the heat. Like everyone else, I really don't have any appetite in this hot weather, especially the greasy dishes are basically out of the table, followed by those refreshing mixes and light soup dishes, and "cold noodles" is one of them.

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

Speaking of cold noodles, this is one of everyone's favorite summer delicacies, cold and delicious, and most importantly, it can also fill your stomach. But eating noodles is not enough nutrition, so today I made this "cold noodle", using chicken shreds and cucumbers as side dishes, which not only increases nutrition, but also makes the taste rich. Because the production process adopts the rendering of the spicy taste of Sichuan cuisine, let this noodle, spicy and refreshing, delicious and enjoyable, full of a large plate to eat in one breath, full of sweat, special cool, feel that this summer is actually not so uncomfortable, huh! There are a lot of words, so let's take a look at my production method!

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" >---------------------------------</h1>

【Ingredients】: half a pound of wet noodles, 1 chicken thigh, half a cucumber

【Cooking chicken thigh seasoning】: A few slices of ginger, 1 spoonful of cooking wine

【Cold Mix Sauce】: 3 cloves of garlic, 2 spoons of chili noodles, 2 spoons of pepper noodles, 1 spoon of white sesame seeds, 1 chives, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of balsamic vinegar, 1 spoon of chicken essence, 1 spoon of sesame oil

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" > - production methods and steps -</h1>

【Step 1】: Break the chicken thighs, rinse off the blood water, then put the pot in cold water, add ginger slices and cooking wine, bring to a boil on high heat and turn to low heat for 15 minutes, cook the chicken legs, of course, chicken breast is best.

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 2】: After the cucumber is cleaned, cut into strips and put on the plate, the garlic is crushed and chopped into minced garlic and placed in a small bowl, the chives are cut into chopped green onions, the white onion and garlic are put together, and the chopped green onion leaves are placed in the plate containing the cucumber shreds.

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 3】: Put two spoonfuls of chili noodles and two spoonfuls of pepper noodles into a small bowl containing minced garlic and chopped green onion, and then add a spoonful of white sesame seeds to set aside.

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 4】: Put half a spoonful of oil in the pot and burn until it smokes, pour it into the seasoning bowl, stimulate the flavor of the seasoning, after cooling it slightly, we start seasoning, and then add 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of balsamic vinegar, 1 spoon of chicken essence, 1 spoon of sesame oil, and then stir evenly into the sauce.

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 5】: Add water to the pot to boil, put the wet noodles into the pot to cook, generally the wet noodles under the pot to boil, with medium heat to cook for 1 minute.

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 6】: Fish out the cooked noodles and put them in the prepared ice water to cool, then fish them out and drain the water.

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 7】: While draining the noodles is water, fish out the cooked chicken thighs and soak them in the prepared cold water, fish them out, and tear them into silk by hand for later.

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 8】: Put the drained noodles into the plate, and at the same time put the chicken shreds and cucumber shreds on the noodles, it is best to pour the sauce we have mixed, and then sprinkle with chives to decorate it!

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Product picture】:We put the prepared noodles, stir well and you can eat on the table!

This spicy chicken silitar cold mix noodles, the method is simple, cool and delicious, summer on this bite - [cold mix spicy chicken noodles] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > – Cooking Tips</h1>

Today, this spicy and fragrant "spicy chicken shredded cold noodles" has been made, the focus of this noodle is on "spicy" and "hemp", the noodles taste is fragrant, the spicy taste is more fragrant, and people have a big appetite. Do you like cold noodles like this? If you like it, make it! But be sure to pay attention to details when making it!

(1) Cucumber is eaten raw, so it is necessary to soak it in salt water for a while in advance, mainly to remove pesticide residues, and at the same time can be sterilized, and it is more reassuring to eat.

(2) The best chicken thigh is to crack it and cook, easy to cook thoroughly, and at the same time can save time, if there is chicken breast, it is best.

(3) This noodle is made of spicy taste, so chili noodles and pepper noodles can be put more, spicy taste makes you sweat, let the sweat hair of the body open, can be a good removal of moisture, tired and disappear, especially refreshing. Of course, those who do not like spicy can be put less.

(4) The oil temperature stimulated by the spice aroma must be enough, and the general oil smoke is the best, so that the flavor of the spices stimulated is fragrant.

(5) Noodles are best made of wet noodles or hand-rolled noodles, which have a delicious taste.

(6) The time to cook the noodles should be grasped well, do not cook overheated, cooked overheated, the noodles are losing elasticity, the taste is not good, generally boiling for one minute is just right.

(7) It is best to boil the noodles with ice water, and the noodles that have been soaked in ice water are particularly refreshing.

(8) The cold noodles must be drained, or the noodles will be trampled and sticky, affecting the appearance and taste.

The above content is the method of "spicy cold mix chicken noodles" that I share with you, I hope it will be helpful to you today. Welcome to pay attention to the "kitten love kitchen" for reservation, I will update your food practices and skills every day, if you have any comments or suggestions you can interact with me in the comments below, kittens are very grateful, if you like kittens to share, just forward + favorite + like support it! Every one of your likes is the motivation for the kitten to continue to work hard! Thanks for the support, thanks for the company! We'll see you tomorrow!