
Yang Lei: Using music to spread traditional culture, from the nation to the world

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In 2004, Hunan Satellite TV launched the singer talent show "Super Girl" for the first time, and then the "Happy Girl" and "Happy Male Voice" evolved by it flourished, giving birth to Li Yuchun, Zhang Liangying, Shang Wenjie and other powerful idols, marking the arrival of the era of entertainment drafts.

In the following ten years, these talented young singers continued to grow and shine in the Chinese music scene, and many of them entered the entertainment industry because of the talent show opportunity, and finally achieved a career. In 2006, in "Super Girl", She won the third place in Chengdu Singing District and the top ten singers in the country, Yang Lei, did not stop at a talent show, in addition to her own music career, acting, hosting, charity and other fields, she has achieved various impressive achievements, is a collection of multiple identities, multi-field all-round development of young artists.

Yang Lei: Using music to spread traditional culture, from the nation to the world

Musicians, media people, and public welfare ambassadors are flexibly transformed in different roles

In the past few years, in addition to music and performing arts, Yang Lei has also served as a column host and producer in Programs such as Beijing Kaku Children's Satellite TV, Beijing Satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, etc., and has also actively participated in charity and cultural exchange activities at home and abroad, serving as a host, image ambassador and various charity positions in many events, foundations, political and business activities, among which, from 2013 to 2015, Yang Lei has won the "Highest Cultural Contribution Commendation" issued by the US Congress for three consecutive years, as well as many national congresses, Senates, Commendations for charitable contributions from the city.

Asked how to define herself from multiple identities such as hosts, media people, musicians, actors, etc., Yang Lei told Music Bee that she is more inclined to the role of musicians and media people, "Musicians are their own identity as singers and behind-the-scenes planning, production and other professional areas of music, and media people are a kind of accumulation and precipitation of work experience and ability before and behind the stage for many years." ”

However, Yang Lei's definition of herself is open-ended, "I don't want to define myself absolutely, but I should flexibly adapt to different roles and identity transformations according to the needs of my work, in fact, the identity of each of us changes at any time at different times." ”

At present, Yang Lei and her partners jointly run a cultural company, through which she manages her personal business. When asked if she has more autonomy, she said: "Rather than having more autonomy, it is better to say that you can better participate in the work, better complete the work with the help of the team, learn independently, and continue to improve." ”

"I believe that every teacher on the team has something worth learning from me." The threesome must have my teacher', and I feel very positive and happy to maintain this presence mentality at all times. ”

Disseminate culture and popularize art education through charity and public welfare

In the various activities that Yang Lei has participated in, most of them are charity and cultural exchanges. "When encountering invitations to charity and cultural exchange activities, I am personally very willing to participate and cooperate, of course, I must also selectively participate according to my own time and work arrangements, and I will also consider the authority of the activities themselves."

She shared a condolence experience with the music bee, "We went to the overseas nursing home to visit the earliest batch of overseas Chinese and Chinese businessmen in China, they are very old and cannot return to China through long-distance travel, as a young generation, we tell them about the development of domestic culture, communicate with them with popular music, and deeply feel that they are also always paying attention to domestic development and paying attention to our younger generation of musicians." ”

For the saying that "the nation is the world", Yang Lei was deeply touched. "In the past ten years, our country's cultural soft power has developed rapidly," Yang Lei said, through these activities, especially with some overseas friends face-to-face exchanges and interactions, can strongly feel the strong interest in Chinese culture and Chinese music overseas. "I hope that every time I participate in such activities, I can play a greater role, let people understand the value and significance of the activities, and then let more people participate in them."

Majoring in music education, she devotes herself to the promotion of Chinese sinology, intangible cultural heritage and other cultures, and also attaches great importance to the cultivation and development of children's and adolescents' musical and artistic literacy. From primary school music teachers, to children's program hosts, to Ambassadors for the Promotion of Traditional Chinese Culture and Culture, traditional cultural education, including music, has formed a deep relationship with Yang Lei, "With the gradual enrichment of work experience and accumulation, in the future I will pay more attention to the cultivation of children's and adolescents' and even adults' musical and artistic literacy, create better works, and help more children and families." ”

A song "Ingenuity", inheriting the spirit of intangible cultural heritage

In January 2020, Yang Lei and outstanding musicians at home and abroad jointly created the single "Ingenuity" online to express the essence of ingenuity of "not forgetting the original heart, always having to be consistent". Yang Lei said that "Ingenuity" originated from a documentary shooting, "This documentary shooting work has allowed me to get close to and recognize many Chinese intangible cultural heritage and 'intangible cultural heritage' inheritors." Although I am not the inheritor of the 'Intangible Cultural Heritage', as a Chinese, I have the responsibility and responsibility to do something to let more people pay attention to, understand and develop the 'Intangible Cultural Heritage'. ”

It was touched by the firm and persistent heart and ingenuity of the "intangible cultural heritage" inheritors that Yang Lei found the music producer Guo Liang and presented the thoughts that sprouted in her heart.

"Regardless of the style and structure, 'Ingenuity' is more than just a pop song in the traditional sense. In the arrangement, we specially designed a pure music of about 1 and a half minutes, which gradually narrated and set off the theme of the song, and perfectly expressed the spirit of ingenuity of intangible cultural heritage that is people-oriented and passed down from generation to generation. ”

"In today's society, the word ingenuity is not unfamiliar, and I hope to turn this song into a blessing and give it to people who work hard and strive to persevere in all walks of life."

Yang Lei: Using music to spread traditional culture, from the nation to the world

Years of cultural promotion experience have laid the foundation for Yang Lei to create and interpret "Ingenuity". In her, music, artistic creation and cultural heritage have long been integrated, "I have a deep love for music in my soul, and I always maintain a sense of awe." ”

In recent years, Yang Lei has begun to put more time and energy into music creation. She explains, "The right thing to do is one thing, it's important to have enough time with music. I will use a lot of fragmented time to listen to music, to plan, to create, in fact, in work and life, music is always around, I have been inseparable from music. It brought me so much unforgettable joy! ”

Yang Lei said that there are many plans in 2021, hoping to combine music creation with various international competitions and cultural activities to participate in the promotion of traditional Chinese culture. "In terms of music, I hope to learn more about the stories behind the cultural history such as sinology and ancient poetry, integrate into the creation, collide with the inspiration with the production team, and create more beautiful works together."

Yang Lei revealed that next, the new work "Pilgrimage to Alexandria" will be launched in the near future, using music as a medium to explore the origin of the Chinese calendar and record the long history of Chinese civilization. In addition, there are also some works related to the inheritance of classics that will be met with you one after another.

As a musician, Yang Lei is inspired by the heart, expressing her reverence for craftsmen and human civilization; as a media person, she also uses music as a communication medium to take the initiative to assume the responsibility of value orientation and cultural inheritance. When the two identities are integrated, the direction of the young artist's development becomes clearer and clearer. I believe that at her insistence, the younger generation can understand the history and culture behind the works through music, and like and inherit the brilliant civilization left to the world by their ancestors for thousands of years.

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