
Dialogue with Shandong | Lu Zhiyuan: Build Qingdao into a demonstration city for Sino-German cooperation

author:Qilu one point

From October 28th to 29th, the "2021 Dialogue Shandong-Germany Shandong Industrial Cooperation and Exchange Conference" was held in Jinan, which was co-sponsored by the Shandong Provincial People's Government, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the theme of "Deepening Innovation and Cooperation, Seeking Industrial Development", and taking a combination of online and offline methods to hold theme seminars, industrial exchange meetings, German enterprise group visits and field visits and negotiation activities.

Dialogue with Shandong | Lu Zhiyuan: Build Qingdao into a demonstration city for Sino-German cooperation

At the theme seminar, Lu Zhiyuan, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee, mentioned that Qingdao has a deep historical relationship with Germany. In the 1980s, Qingdao Refrigerator General Factory introduced The German Liebherr production technology and equipment, which created the Haier Group, which was later well-known at home and abroad. In recent years, economic and trade exchanges, industrial cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between the two sides have become increasingly close. Germany is Qingdao's largest trading partner and the largest source of foreign investment in Europe.

Qingdao has a strong industrial foundation, home appliances, rail transit equipment, automobiles, petrochemicals, food and other industrial chain output value of more than 100 billion yuan, with Haier, Hisense, Green Beer and a number of world-renowned enterprises, cultivated a number of unicorn enterprises such as Jiehua Biology, Telian, Kaos Industrial Internet and so on. With strong scientific and technological innovation, it has 26 universities, 9 state key laboratories, and more than 4300 high-tech enterprises. Especially in the marine field, nearly 30% of China's sea-related academicians and nearly 1/3 of the high-end sea-related research and development platforms at or above the ministerial level have been gathered. The city has a high degree of openness, successively held the Boao Forum for Asia Global Health Forum Conference, multinational company leaders Qingdao Summit and other activities, with the world's 228 countries and regions have trade exchanges, foreign trade imports and exports in the first three quarters of this year increased by 36.6%, ten consecutive times selected as the most attractive Chinese city in the eyes of foreign talents. The environment is livable and suitable for work, Qingdao has beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, hospitable citizens, and "mountains, seas and cities" embrace each other, showing the characteristics of "red tiles, green trees, blue sea and blue sky".

Lu Zhiyuan mentioned that the next step will be to strive to build Qingdao into a demonstration city for Sino-German cooperation. Expand the cooperation space of advanced manufacturing industry. Expand cooperation with German enterprises in the fields of machinery manufacturing, precision instruments, high-end chemicals, automobiles, energy transformation, green and digital economy, strengthen cooperation with German "hidden champions" enterprises, vigorously develop the industrial Internet, promote industrial digital transformation, and shape new advantages in the development of the manufacturing industry.

To enhance the level of cooperation in the modern service industry, Qingdao will further promote the construction of an international shipping trade financial innovation center, promote the development of international trade and modern logistics with Germany and Europe, attract the regional headquarters of German and European international enterprises to settle in Qingdao, strengthen cooperation in finance, convention and exhibition fields, carry out high-level Sino-German exchange activities, and attract more high-end resource elements.

Build a high-level industrial cooperation platform, rely on the Qingdao area of the Shandong Pilot Free Trade Zone, focus on promoting trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, actively explore policies and measures conducive to the investment and industrial development of German enterprises in Qingdao, make full use of the Sino-German Ecological Park located in the Qingdao Free Trade Zone, attract more German enterprises and business associations to settle in, and strive to create a demonstration model for Sino-German industrial cooperation.

To promote industry-university-research cooperation, we will deepen scientific and technological people-to-people exchanges between the two sides, actively promote cooperation in scientific and technological research and development, technical services, marine development, etc., accelerate the construction of the Sino-German University of Technology and the Sino-German Youth Academy of Sciences, vigorously cultivate and introduce professional talents for cooperation with Germany, establish an expert database and senior talent pool for economic and trade scientific and technological cooperation with Germany, and build a demonstration base for Sino-German vocational education to provide solid support for industrial development.

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Dialogue with Shandong | Lu Zhiyuan: Build Qingdao into a demonstration city for Sino-German cooperation

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