
Yantai apple red

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Yantai apple red

The picture shows Yantai apples hanging from branches.

In my opinion, the beauty of autumn in Yantai begins with the red apples of mountain villages. The red apples that spread over the mountains, the villages, the faces of the red fruit farmers, and the red and blue sky.

The wind in the mountain village is cool, and the sound of crickets playing in the fields under the sunset is heard, and autumn has come to the door. At this time, the mountain villages are plump and full, warm and red, whether in the small courtyard of the farmhouse, in the field, or on the street, you can smell the fruit in the autumn wind.

On the hill, in the field, the bright red fruit of the apple trees bent the branches, greedily sucking the nectar of autumn, quietly reddening in the daylight. Apples are red like a day, the color is getting stronger and stronger, the ripe apples are red and plump, some are like the faces of children, some are like agate, and the leaves gradually become yellow-green, no longer emerald green and luxuriant. Finally, the orchards were as red as flames, reflecting the earth red. It is unclear whether the mountain village is full of fruit trees or the fruit trees surround the village.

The growers are in good spirits and ready for the annual apple picking feast.

The peasant women quickly moved the willow basket and the plastic box out of the box, put it in the sun to dry and dry, and the cloth strips sewn in the basket were broken, replaced with new ones or sewn up, and put the yard in the corner of the yard after repairing. This is the day that the growers look forward to the most, not a festival like a festival, and their money bags are also inflated day by day from the day of picking. On the days of early and greedy black picking, although it is hard work, but there is income every day, the fruit farmer's face is full of joy that cannot be hidden.

Yantai people have a strong apple complex, and apple cultivation has a history of about 150 years. Yantai apple is famous at home and abroad for its "correct fruit shape, bright color, sweet and crisp flesh, and strong aroma", and is also the magic weapon for Yantai fruit farmers to get rich on the road.

The Yangjia Village I went to was a famous apple planting demonstration area in Yantai, far away from the orchard, and I heard the good singers singing "Happy gongs and drums knock out the annual celebrations.". In the sun, under the fruit trees, a pair of skillful hands of the fruit farmers kept picking the flowing "strips of red" red Fuji apples, and quickly filled the baskets on the ground. They picked carefully and meticulously, almost as if they were dressing up their daughter who was about to marry. The apples in each grower's home are piled up like a hill, with three layers inside and three layers outside, and it is impossible to insert them.

Hu Wenming, the "apple champion", is also busy in the orchard. I looked at the red apples on the trees that were printed with the words "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" and "Happiness and Peace", and admired his creativity. He picked one from the tree for me to taste, and looking at this smooth and delicate apple with a rosy color, I couldn't help but take a bite, crisp and raw, sweet, and the aroma immediately overflowed in my mouth, and the aftertaste was endless. Yantai apples are indeed worthy of the name. Hu Wenming told me that his fine orchards have produced more than 20,000 catties per mu for many years, and high-quality fruits account for more than 85%. He not only became rich by planting apples, bought buildings and cars in the city, had thick savings, and led the villagers to get rich together, imparting experience and technology to fruit farmers in ten miles and eight townships in terms of water and fertilizer management, pest control, bagging coloring, winter and spring pruning, etc. Driven by him, the income of surrounding fruit growers has increased significantly.

Stepping out of the orchard, I saw vehicles full of red apples draped in the sunset glow, galloping in the green fields on the golden avenue of a well-off life.

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