
25+ Girls Must See! It turned out that the secret to keeping the skin bouncing was this pair of CPs

author:As new

As you get older, are you also worried about "sagging skin and losing elasticity"? Do you know why your skin is sagging? How can we effectively salvage when our skin is sagging? Let's explore the mysteries of the depths of the skin with xiaobian!

Why does my skin sagging?

In fact, the real reason for the sagging skin is the aging caused by the loss of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin, because collagen and hyaluronic acid are the key to filling the skin. Among them, collagen is like a "elastic net" that supports the skin, which strongly supports the skin, making the skin plump and elastic. However, after the age of 25, the collagen in the skin drops rapidly, and by the age of 40, there is only less than 1/2 of the collagen left at the age of 20, and the reduction of collagen in the skin will directly lead to a series of problems such as sagging, sagging, wrinkles and so on. In addition, in addition to collagen, hyaluronic acid is also very critical, because hyaluronic acid is like a "reservoir" that fills the "elastic net", and is an important moisturizing factor that fills the collagen "elastic net". The reason is that hyaluronic acid's water absorption and water retention ability is very strong, 1g of hyaluronic acid can absorb 1000 times its own weight of water, and sufficient hyaluronic acid can create a full water environment in the skin, making the skin full, plump and moist. However, the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin will also continue to decline with age, if the relative content of hyaluronic acid in the human body at the age of 20 is assumed to be 100%, then at the age of 30, it will drop to only 65%, if the skin lacks hyaluronic acid, it may appear dry, enlarged pores, dry lines and a series of problems.

How can we effectively save our skin when it is sagging?

External beauty begins on the inside, and skin nutrition really needs to be replenished as soon as possible. Skin is the largest organ of the human body, not only need external care, but also need adequate endogenous nutritional support, around the age of 20, collagen and hyaluronic acid began to enter the peak of loss, we need to supplement collagen and hyaluronic acid as soon as possible from the inside out, support the skin to maintain a full and firm state. There are several common but unproven supplementation methods:

a Eat pig's trotters and peach gum to supplement collagen

Foods with high collagen content include pig's trotters, fish skins and other foods, however, the collagen in these foods is a macromolecular protein, which needs to be decomposed into free amino acids through the small intestine to be absorbed and utilized, and the amino acids absorbed into the body will synthesize different types of proteins according to the current needs of the human body, however, there is no evidence that the collagen we directly ingest from food can be redirected to synthesize collagen in the body. In addition, most of these foods are high in fat, which can make us fat due to excessive calorie intake if we are not careful. The so-called "plant collagen" such as peach gum is actually a polysaccharide, not a protein, which will form a viscous solution after cooking at high temperatures, so it is mistaken for "collagen".

b Only by applying a mask to replenish the moisture of the facial skin

Mask can replenish skin moisture from the outside, if you want to repair both inside and outside, you should pay more attention to the addition of hyaluronic acid from the inside out to strengthen the skin's ability to retain water and lock water. But foods rich in hyaluronic acid are often difficult to swallow, because hyaluronic acid is mostly found in animal tissues such as eyes (such as bull's eye), joints, cockscombs and umbilical cords, and it is usually difficult for us to obtain from our daily diet, because such foods are not delicious for most people.

c Supplement skin nutrition only eat collagen

While supplementing collagen, hyaluronic acid is also needed to exert the effect of 1+1>2. If only collagen is replenished, it is like throwing a piece of steel on the open ground, but there is not enough cement, so there is no way to build a building.

Collagen and hyaluronic acid are so important to the skin, but the results obtained from the daily diet are not satisfactory, so how can we supplement collagen and hyaluronic acid more effectively?

NU SKIN specializes in new technology! NU SKIN collagen hydrating technology, more targeted, more effective to help you replenish the collagen and hyaluronic acid you get from the skin! NU SKIN Collagen Hydro-Light Technology not only contains 2500mg of patented bioactive collagen peptides - it is a "elastic net" that supports the skin, making the skin more elastic and plump, but also contains 100mg of sodium hyaluronate - which can be greatly hydrated and locked in moisture, filling the bottom of the muscle. In addition, NU SKIN Collagen Water and Light Technology also contains two major plant double extracts: snow lotus culture can be antioxidant, anti-radiation, anti-melanin, lutein can be antioxidant, help filter blue light, increase skin moisture. These two plant double extracts can work together to better protect the collagen water and light effect.

In short, skin care needs to be both inside and outside, NU SKIN specializes in collagen water and light technology, one support and two filling, so that you can drink full of collagen water light!

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