
Consultation in the people 丨 Xuhui District CPPCC efforts to create a "consultation in the people" committee workstation notes

author:Shangguan News

More and more thick "builder's home" communities, a variety of convenient and well-equipped "waterfront" service sites...

Nowadays, strolling along the Xuhui River and looking closely at this ever-changing "life show belt", Di Jinshan, a member of the CPPCC Committee of Xuhui District, is full of excitement. Through the platform of the Liaison Group of CPPCC members in Xuhui District, he participated in various grass-roots consultation activities on the development and construction of the riverside, put forward a series of countermeasures and suggestions, and was adopted. "I have a great sense of accomplishment and a sense of accomplishment to add luster to this 'life show'!" He said.

In recent years, under the guidance of the CPPCC xuhui district, various streets and towns in Xuhui district have set up a liaison group for the work of CPPCC members, and then set up grassroots consultation points to guide CPPCC members to participate in grassroots governance, empower grassroots governance, and help improve the modernization level of community governance.

The road to consultation is getting wider and wider

From Line 11 Yunjin Road Station Exit 6, walk along Longlan Road for more than 100 meters west, you can see a 3-story pale yellow building - this is the Longhua Street Community Party and Group Service Center, and the location of the Longhua Street Grassroots Consultation Point.

"At the beginning, we set up the negotiation point here, mainly considering that it is close to the subway and the transportation is convenient, so that it is more convenient for everyone to meet." Lu Yun, deputy secretary of the Longhua Subdistrict Party Working Committee and head of the liaison group of the CPPCC members of the subdistrict, said.

Entering the small building, the directory of cppcc national committee members, shanghai municipal cppcc committee members and Xuhui district CPPCC members linking Longhua Street is prominently posted on the wall, as well as a flow chart for conducting grass-roots consultations - including 5 steps of "preparation before consultation", 5 steps of "convening a grass-roots consultation meeting", and 5 steps of "implementation of the results of the consultation".

The most eye-catching thing is the 7 "grassroots consultation point extension points" in Longhua Street. "We have also set up 7 'branches' around grassroots consultation activities." Lu Yun said.

In 2020, Longhua Street will set up party and group service stations in Binjiang "Builder's Home", Longnan Jiayuan Community, West Bund Zhita, Waterfront Neighborhood Hui, Greenland Hui, China Eastern Airlines Binjiang, and Qihang Hui to provide services for various groups such as construction workers, young talents, Riverside tourists, building white-collar workers, and community residents. In August of the same year, in order to promote the effective connection between CPPCC consultation and grass-roots consultation, so that CPPCC members can further go deep into the grass-roots level, on the basis of the grass-roots consultation points set up in the community party and mass service centers, the streets set up grass-roots consultation extension points at 7 party and mass service stations, so that the platform for grass-roots consultation extends to residential quarters, blocks, buildings, and business circles.

"Look! Across the road from the 'headquarters', there is a 'branch'. Lu Yun said as he pointed to a 22-story glass-walled building, the China Eastern Airlines Binjiang Center, where white-collar workers gather. There are 29 project sites in Xuhui Binjiang, and during the peak period of construction, there are tens of thousands of foreign builders, and in such a large "builder's home" community, the street also has a "branch" of grass-roots consultation. "We hope that with the help of these consultation carriers, the committee members will be closer to the people and the community." She said.

Longhua Street extends the "tentacles" of grass-roots consultation, which is the epitome of Xuhui District's continuous expansion of grass-roots consultation platform in recent years.

In 2015, Xuhui District set up a liaison group for the work of CPPCC members in 13 towns and towns, with the CPPCC being responsible for "setting up the stage" and the streets and towns responsible for organizing, guiding nearly 300 CPPCC members of Xuhui District to go deep into the community, contact the masses, listen to people's feelings, and resolve people's worries.

In 2020, Xuhui District set up grass-roots consultation points in 13 streets and towns to "have something to discuss", and encouraged qualified streets and towns to set up grass-roots consultation extension points, with the help of the two major platforms of grass-roots consultation- the "Satisfaction in Xuhui" visit activities deployed by the CppcC Members of the Street and Town CPPCC Committee and the Xuhui District Committee of the COMMUNIST Party of China, to guide CPPCC members to deeply participate in grassroots governance and assist grassroots to solve governance problems.

Over the years, members have actively consulted and made suggestions through attending the street and town community congresses, inspecting the key work of the streets and towns, and reviewing practical projects, focusing on the formulation of the annual work plan of the streets and towns, the arrangement of important projects, and the promotion of key work, and contributing wisdom to the solution of the people's "urgent difficulties and worries" problems.

In Tianping Street, around the fine management of Gao'an Road, the members strolled through the neighborhood and put forward good suggestions. In Hunan Subdistrict, centering on the topic of "people's livelihood in the historical style area", the committee members went into one "old house under the plane tree" one after another, conducted on-the-spot investigation, and put forward many rationalization suggestions around the repair of houses and the improvement of residents' living conditions, which were incorporated into the work plan by functional departments. In Longhua Street, by participating in the "Satisfaction in Xuhui" visit, the committee members learned about the problem of installing elevators on the pedestrian bridge at the longwu intersection of Longcao Road, so they reflected the situation to the functional departments and got a reply that "it will be solved in the rapid transformation of Longwu Road". Xi Beili, a member of the CPPCC District Committee, combined with what she saw and heard in the grass-roots consultations, put forward suggestions for a more humane and convenient community epidemic prevention work, and submitted corresponding social conditions and public opinion information for adoption.

Through the continuous optimization of the grass-roots consultation platform, in Xuhui District, the road for CPPCC members to participate in grass-roots consultations is getting wider and wider.

The deliberations are becoming more and more solid

On July 28, 2021, Typhoon "Fireworks" just skimmed over Shencheng, and the construction site of Xuhui Binjiang West Bank Financial City shrouded in drizzle ushered in a group of "uninvited guests". As soon as they walked into the construction site, they chatted with the construction workers and grass-roots workers and "inquired" about the living and living conditions of the construction workers.

They are members of the Xuhui District CPPCC Committee from the Liaison Group of CPPCC Members of Xietu Street, from various fields such as culture, education, medical care, and social work, and came to participate in a grassroots consultation activity with the theme of "Linking Social Resources, Accurate Service Needs - Exploration of the Operation of the Builder's Home of the West Bund Financial City". After the inspection activities on the same day, in the conference room of the "Builder's House" in the West Bund Financial City, the liaison group held a grass-roots consultation forum, and the members actively contributed ideas and suggestions to strengthen the distribution of public service resources, improve the convenience of living facilities, and ensure the safety of construction sites in view of the actual needs of construction workers.

"We will absorb the suggestions of the committee members, further promote the open sharing of public service resources, and implement 'precision distribution' for builders, so that they can personally feel the 'temperature of Xuhui service'." Zhou Ying, director of the Xietu Road Subdistrict Office, said.

Moving the consultation venue to the construction site and carrying out exchanges around topics of concern to front-line workers is a tireless exploration of Xuhui District's efforts to improve the efficiency of grass-roots consultation.

In order to ensure that grass-roots consultations "do not go through the formalities" and can really play a role in grass-roots governance, every year the CppcC Xuhui District Will repeatedly communicate with various streets and towns to "select" consultation topics. According to the relevant person in charge of the CPPCC Xuhui District, the consultation topics determined should generally meet three requirements, one is to focus on the hot topics that the community is concerned about, and to combine the needs of residents; the second is to focus on the more difficult problems to solve, if it is a relatively easy problem to solve, there is no need to rely on the wisdom and strength of the CPPCC members; the third is that the incision should be small, not too macro, resulting in the inability to solve at the level of the town.

Every time grassroots consultations are carried out, each neighborhood and town will invite members of the district CPPCC who live and work in the local area to participate. In addition, according to the category of the theme of consultation, each street and town will invite CPPCC members from relevant majors and sectors to participate through the district CPPCC, guide the members to give play to their professional expertise, and help the grassroots to solve problems.

With the joint efforts of the district CPPCC committee and all neighborhoods and towns, in recent years, grassroots consultations are playing an increasingly prominent role in the work of grassroots governance in the whole district. The enthusiastic participation of CPPCC members has added a warm "consultation tentacle" to grassroots consultations.

——In 2020, in the process of building a landscape block, Tianlin Street "made a difficulty" in the rectification of shop signs: how can we avoid the clutter of signs along the street, but also moderately highlight the personality of the signboard and avoid excessive unification of the signboard style? The street liaison group invited CPPCC members with professional backgrounds in planning and design to participate in consultation and discussion, and revised and improved the rectification plan according to the professional suggestions of the other party.

——In 2020, in the process of promoting the governance of Leshan area, Xujiahui Street invited CPPCC members from various professional fields to give advice and suggestions on issues such as community management and demolition of illegal buildings. The latter is based on their own professional expertise, answering questions for residents and doing ideological work for residents. With the assistance and promotion of people from all walks of life, including CPPCC members, all relevant parties in community governance have gradually reached consensus, thus accelerating the progress of governance work.

——With the advancement of the "double reduction" work, students' homework burden is reduced and they return to the community. In this context, how to let children have more places to play and help them grow up healthy and happy? In 2021, Lingyun Street will carry out grassroots activities around the theme of "Linking Social Resources and Helping Children Grow Up - Jointly Discussing the Construction of Child-Friendly Communities", inviting CPPCC members from the education sector to make suggestions and suggestions, and incorporating the suggestions of the members into the preliminary work plan.

"CPPCC members participating in grassroots consultations often make suggestions from the position of a third party, rather than from the position of Party A or Party B, so the grassroots are relatively easy to accept." Pu Yongkai, director of the Office of the Cppcc Special Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Xuhui District and director of the Liaison Office of the CPPCC members, said that the relatively detached status of the members allows them to play a more role in consolidating consensus in the process of participating in grass-roots governance.

The effectiveness of the consultation has been continuously improved

Today, all streets and towns in Xuhui District have included 97 CPPCC members and CPPCC members in Shanghai into the liaison group of CPPCC members and towns, and invited CPPCC members at the three levels to sink to the front line and participate in grass-roots governance work.

According to the plan, this year, all streets and towns in Xuhui District will carry out grass-roots consultations on 13 topics such as "how to further improve the service level of the '1+7' Binjiang Party group service station", "Nandan East Road - urban block micro-renewal project upgrade", "promote the installation of elevators in existing residences", etc. This work has received a positive response from CPPCC members at the three levels.

Zhang Ying, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, took the initiative to dock with Longhua Street and put forward a series of opinions and suggestions around the development of the service industry and the gathering of talents in the Xuhui Riverside area. Liu Xingkai, a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Xuhui District, took the initiative to sign up for the first grass-roots consultation activity of the CPPCC in Xuhui District, and when he investigated in Hongmei Street, he put forward professional suggestions around the elevator installation project of the Aerospace Xinyuan Community. Su Ying, a member of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, has repeatedly called the CPPCC Office of Xuhui District and signed up to participate in a number of consultation activities... The relevant person in charge of the CPPCC Xuhui District said that they will continue to communicate closely with the streets, further improve the consultation and deliberation system, do a good job in service guarantee work, and maximize the effectiveness of the three levels of CPPCC members in participating in community governance.

On August 17, 2021, Xuhui District held the first batch of medal awarding ceremonies for the "Consultation with the People" CPPCC Workstation, and 7 street and town liaison groups, including the Longhua Street CPPCC Committee Work Liaison Group, received the first batch of awards. This "flop" will further standardize and guarantee the normal and long-term effectiveness of CPPCC members at the three levels participating in grass-roots consultations.

Hu Min, chairman of the CppcC Xuhui District CPPCC Committee, said: In the future, the liaison groups of all neighborhoods and towns in Xuhui District should give full play to the unique role of the CPPCC organs and CPPCC members, embody the characteristics, advantages, and quality and efficiency of the special consultative bodies, realize the organic combination of CPPCC consultations and grass-roots consultations, and better build a "consultation with the people" CPPCC members' workstation that "needs the grassroots, the masses praise, the members welcome, and the party and government are satisfied."

Original CPPCC headlines

Author: CPPCC headline reporter Liu Ziye

Editor: Yang Xiaoxi


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