
Life is six words, no fear, no regrets

author:Jing to slim 1368

Text | Miss White

Life is six words, no fear, no regrets

Everyone's life is a different journey. Some people have gained love, confidants and ideals in this journey, while others are like stepping into a bottomless swamp, unable to withdraw and move forward.

Life is a long way, don't be afraid, don't regret it.

Life is six words, no fear, no regrets
Life is six words, no fear, no regrets

Don't be afraid of pain

The Russian writer Dostoevsky was arrested for joining the revolution and nearly executed. Released only moments before his execution, he left the execution site in handcuffs and ankles and began his exile in Siberia.

The miserable prison life did not bring him down, but pushed him to the peak of literary creation, and he said an intriguing sentence: I am afraid that I am not worthy of the suffering I have suffered.

Each person's abilities are limited, but their own potential is unlimited. When encountering difficulties, human nature first chooses to escape, and then finds excuses to comfort themselves afterwards:

"Tomorrow morning I must get up early to read, next year I have money, I will start a business again, and when I see him again, I will confess", life is wasted in such a self-consolation, and in the twilight years, when I look back on my life, I leave countless regrets in my heart: "If I had worked harder, how good it would have been!" ”

Even in harsh environments, we have inalienable spiritual freedom. We can choose to treat suffering with dignity, which is itself a nobility in human nature.

Pain is a part of life, and only those who experience pain without being knocked down can enjoy the wealth transformed by pain.

To escape difficulties is to escape opportunities.

Some people only see others lucky and grasp all opportunities firmly in their hands, but never notice that they grasp the opportunities and make efforts to solve the difficulties in front of them.

It is difficult to be difficult, and it is difficult to stay in place.

As long as you move your feet and face it with the impermanence of the world, the difficulty will no longer be difficult.

On the contrary, it will become a stepping stone on our way to growth. When you try to overcome it, you will definitely thank the perseverance of the original self.

Life is six words, no fear, no regrets
Life is six words, no fear, no regrets

Don't regret the past

When the third uncle was young, he was a fruit grower on the farm. Because Grandpa was not born well, he was criticized for fighting, and later he was allocated much less land than others, and he suffered from the cold words of others.

The third aunt was working in the commune at that time, and the third uncle often went to buy seeds, and he knew each other when he came and went.

The third uncle was kind and polite, and the third aunt gradually liked him. But the commune's colleagues said not to get too close to the third uncle, otherwise they would be easily implicated. The third aunt did not listen, while running an orchard with the third uncle, while burying her head in books and preparing to enter the university.

In the end, because the two were married, the third aunt still failed to pass the examination. Over the past many years, every time we asked about this matter, the third aunt was only grateful that she could meet the third uncle in the first place, and never improved the matter of failing the examination.

Standing at a fork in the road, in fact, no matter which road you take, you will regret it when you reach the end. No one can tell you which path to choose, so we have to summon up the courage to explore it ourselves.

Life is six words, no fear, no regrets

Everyone grows up facing countless choices. In fact, it is not difficult to make a choice, the difficult thing is to make a choice without regret.

A person's true maturity is not that he can choose the correct answer every time, but even if he chooses the wrong one, he can treat it with a normal heart and not regret it.

Sometimes, regret seems to make us feel better inside, we have done something wrong, as long as we regret it first, we can temporarily avoid the problem at hand and rely on all the mistakes to our past selves.

Because of this, regret seems meaningless, and what we need to do is to learn the lessons of mistakes and avoid repeat mistakes next time. If so, why regret it? Worthy of our hearts.

Life is six words, no fear, no regrets
Life is six words, no fear, no regrets

Life is a long way

There are always a few reefs and shoals in life, don't be afraid. When the waves are big, they ride on the surfboard to meet the difficulties, and when the wind is strong, they turn into a kite and fly against the wind.

In the face of difficulties, sometimes it is not the difficulties themselves that are blocking you, but the difficulties yourself that are frightened by the difficulties and stop moving forward.

There are many opportunities in this world, but we lack the courage to face difficulties and solve problems.

In fact, fear of pain is much more cruel than enduring pain. Anyone who has climbed the mountain knows that only the most difficult road can reach the top.

If you choose a flat and wide road, you can only look at the plain roadside scenery, and you can't experience the joy and harvest of climbing the peak.

If you are living an ideal life, please keep a fighting heart, unswervingly to work hard, if you encounter some unsatisfactory in life, do not be discouraged, the road to success is mostly stumbling, life is not a road in vain, as long as you walk, every step counts.

Life is six words, no fear, no regrets

There are no ifs in life, only consequences and consequences.

The past won't come back, and even if it does, it's not perfect. Those who have passed away, let them leave quietly, and don't regret it anymore.

When you pack your bags and set off again, you will be greeted by new travel companions and scenery on the journey.

For the rest of your life, try to live like this: no complaints, no sensationalism, no suffering to win sympathy.

No matter what suffering you encounter, you can still maintain your original intention and live seriously.

The long life is full of suffering and variables, but they are not afraid, do not regret, and regard these difficulties and obstacles as a playground, which is probably the most beautiful appearance of life.

Being born as a human being, walking softly and compassionately in the world, is the best explanation for oneself.

Life is six words, no fear, no regrets

✎ Author: Miss Bai, a woman in the workplace, writes words with temperature and strength, shares an interesting and meaningful life with you, accompanies you to grow, and accompanies you to be strong. The new book "Live the Way You Want" is in the exclusive pre-sale of

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