
"East River Storm": Beacon Fire Children's Love, Fire Youth

author:Nemo the ugly fish
"East River Storm": Beacon Fire Children's Love, Fire Youth

Although the historical background of these works is the same, due to the specific events told, the time, place and character deeds involved are different, so they can always give people a different viewing (drama) experience. Some of these works are large investment and high cost, some have big directors, big stars, and some bring together high-traffic newcomers, so they can win more attention and popularity in the market. However, there are still many film and television works with the same theme that do not have high investment, large cost, nor big directors or big stars, but they can still shoot momentum, performance feelings, giving people a sense of experience that is often seen and often new.

"Dongjiang Storm", which will meet the audience on October 22, although there is no big director, big star, nor is it a high-cost, large-investment anti-Japanese theme work, but because of the heroic performance of the sons and daughters of Dongjiang in the battlefield, it has been described from the heart, telling with affection, and also rekindling the patriotic feelings of the fist in the hearts of the audience, and then composing the soul song of fierce loyalty, which makes people see blood boiling and burning, and the morale is high.

"East River Storm": Beacon Fire Children's Love, Fire Youth

"Dongjiang Storm" takes the invasion of Guangdong by the Japanese army invading China in 1938 as the historical background, focusing on the heroic deeds of the heroes and children of the Dongjiang River represented by Niu Heizi, Ye Hu, Fang Xiaofei and Hong Mei, who threw their heads for the country, spilled their blood, and forged loyal souls. As a film and television work with anti-Japanese themes, "Children of Dongjiang" is quite careful in production. The film combines gunfights, action, and love, and is a drama film that is worth watching in the autumn season.

Although the reproduction of war scenes in "East River Storm" is not particularly large, the depiction of close-range gun battles and long-distance shelling is still relatively professional. Smoke was everywhere, the Japanese invaders burned, killed, and plundered without any evil deeds, and our benevolent people resolutely rushed to the front line, took up arms to defend their homeland, and safeguarded sovereignty. The Japanese invaders were not only ferocious but also cunning, and heroic sons and daughters such as Niu Kuroko and Ye Hu, who were full of lofty ambitions, not only had to fight fiercely with The Japanese devils, but also had to fight with the enemy's wisdom. The war on the front line is relentless, and the espionage in the rear is thrilling. "East River Storm", blood sprinkled on the earth, fiery spectrum Huazhang.

"East River Storm": Beacon Fire Children's Love, Fire Youth

"East River Storm" has a lot of hardcore action scenes that are burning and cool to watch, which is one of the highlights of the film. In particular, the good-skilled Niu Kuroko seems to have a brute force and recklessness, but in fact, he has a set of skills in using his mind to deal with the devil. In the film, there are many action scenes that are quite wonderful. Whether it is Niu Kuroko's group drama with an outnumbered crowd or a single fight with Japanese devils, whether it is close combat or fist and foot combat, it has captured the momentum and played the spirit of Chinese kung fu, which makes people feel relieved, refreshing, burning, and inspiring.

"East River Storm" also organically and appropriately integrates the love of children, so that the heroes and children such as Niu Kuroko and Ye Hu appear more flesh and blood, three-dimensional and abundant. Fluttershy is the county magistrate Qianjin, gentle, delicate, intellectual, generous, despite her father's opposition, resolutely and resolutely supports Niu Kuroko. And in the process of resisting Japan, he developed a love for the brave and fearless Niu Kuroko, and his common ambition also made the two have a common language. One killed heroically on the front line, and the other strongly supported in the rear. Although there are no sweet words, and there is no sea oath mountain alliance, the true affection in the battlefield fire makes people feel warm in their hearts. Red Sister looks a bit hot and furious, grinning a lot, but at the critical moment she will not drop the chain. The love story with Ye Hu created some laughter in the film, and a tearful scene was staged at the end of the film. The bravery and fearlessness of the war lovers is admirable.

"East River Storm": Beacon Fire Children's Love, Fire Youth

There is a small detail in "East River Storm" that immediately reminds the editor of the classic feature films "Red Child" and "Little Soldier Zhang Ga". Seeing that Niu Heizi, Ye Hu, Fluttershy, Red Sister and other big brothers and sisters were all rushing to the front line of the anti-Japanese resistance, a group of children also spontaneously formed the "Anti-Japanese Youth Team". The spontaneous actions of the children, regardless of age, patriotism and youth, are the portrayal and continuation of the spirit of the sons and daughters of China who are not afraid of foreign aggression, are not afraid of power, are united in their hearts, share the same hatred and hatred, and go to the soup and fire for their families and the country.

"East River Storm": Beacon Fire Children's Love, Fire Youth

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