
Flowing golden years| golden years in fiery youth

author:Qilu one point

The golden years of fiery youth

Flowing golden years| golden years in fiery youth

I was born in a state-owned enterprise compound on the outskirts of Zibo City, Shandong Province, as an authentic Qilu son and daughter.

More than seventy years ago, as the footsteps of the founding of the republic were getting closer and closer, a group of enthusiastic young people gathered here from all over the motherland, threw their heads and spilled their blood for the energy cause of the motherland, and made great contributions to the development of the republic. Generations of people have lived and multiplied here, and like many old state-owned enterprises at the beginning of the founding of the people's republic, there are factories, schools, hospitals, and we affectionately call this place the Torch Homestead.

I grew up in such a state-owned enterprise compound shining with red brilliance, grew up eating a hundred meals, and with the feeling of serving my home and country, I was determined to one day return from school and build my hometown.

Time flies. After graduating from university, with the joy of learning and the infinite attachment to the spring city of Jinan, I embarked on the road back to my hometown.

In his early twenties, he was full of spirit and flourishing.

Put on the familiar overalls, walk into the strange and familiar factory, the road of youth struggle, and set sail from here.

Everyone's youth is only once, and when it is gone, it will not come back. The youth years are like gold, and the history of youth struggle is the most memorable golden years in life.

In my golden years, when I first entered the torch sales department, under the care of the party organization, the original years of enthusiasm and no regrets made me learn to grow in the wind and rain, which I still remember.

For me, who is introverted, I may not have imagined in my lifetime that I would work in the sales department where foreign exchange business is frequent. This job, for me, who was not good at words at that time, was full of challenges, and my heart was somewhat uneasy.

On the first day of reporting in the sales department, looking at the crowds coming and going in the office, and the non-stop ringing phones, I suddenly realized that I had come to the battlefield of the company's external frontier, where the company's mission of generating revenue was shouldered, and every salesperson was a fighter who was waiting for the market.

At that time, I was responsible for the position of logistics shipper, which was related to the smooth delivery of the company's products to the hands of customers, and its importance was self-evident. In the face of such a position with internal and external cooperation and high-speed operation, I was shy and ashamed, and I felt helpless for a while.

But difficulties are always temporary. In order to better comply with the requirements of the post, with the belief of loving the post and dedicating myself to self-breakthrough, I made up my mind to be diligent in learning and have the courage to change myself.

Blushing whenever someone talks? Then speak up!

Not sophisticated? Then race against the clock to learn!

Can't adapt to the inside and outside operation? Then do it flexibly!

During my first years in the sales department, the heavy shipping management work made me feel physically and mentally tired: from the overwhelming delivery documents every morning; to the countless phone calls; from the non-stop arrangement of vehicles, to the sweaty handling of special circumstances in the shipping process... Such a busy process cycles throughout the day. However, in the face of difficulties in my work, I would like to thank the party members and comrades of the department who regard me as their own, their helpfulness and selfless dedication, so that I, a newcomer who has just entered the workplace, feel the warmth of the party organization.

With such warmth and conviction, I strengthened my original intention of walking with the party. Insist on one step at a time, and unswervingly move forward.

Due to the company's tight delivery tasks at that time, it was common to work overtime on weekends and holidays, and during that time, I often worked overtime until very late to go home. Every Friday afternoon, not only to deal with the friday day's delivery task, but also to arrange the weekend delivery plan, I can't remember how many times, in the hungry, greeting the starlight home. In the quiet office on weekends, the clock ticks, and in the constant urging of vehicles and coordination, it seems that the whole world has been forgotten by me... In the midst of all the hardships, whenever I saw the party members and comrades of the company charging forward, the reverence for the party in my heart suddenly arose.

The spring breeze beats the drums of war for me,

Summer rain accompanies the way home.

Autumn leaves fluttering on the journey,

Winter snow is silent forever.

Four seasons in turn. I always insist on working diligently with a heart of courage to change myself and dare to face difficulties, and I am willing to endure the ordinary and lonely. With the precious spirit of Qilu's sons and daughters who are not afraid of difficulties and bravely move forward, they tirelessly study business, and their responsibilities are heavier than Taishan, but they also have to accept all kinds of rivers. From that moment on, in my body, I suddenly gave birth to the arrogance of Shandong Hanzi who bravely shouldered heavy burdens!

From shyness to shyness to talkative, from weak to confident. In the midst of thousands of hammers, I learned to strategize in internal and external affairs, learned to be clear in the production of documents, and learned to look at the pressure at work with an optimistic and open-minded attitude. In order not to be able to ship 100,000 in time, I was also depressed about the urgency of work...

Growth is a long process, full of original intentions, not afraid to move forward. I put the enthusiasm of youth 100% into my work, and use the hottest state every day to meet new challenges. Although I will face different problems every day, the original intention that has been tempered by the fiery youth has more firmly guided me to fight for the torch and fight for youth!

Later, because of my excellent work performance, I was elected as the secretary of the regiment branch of the company's sales department. During this period, I strengthened exchanges with the young cadres and league organizations of the League members and enriched my spiritual world. The process of contacting the regiment organization has also invisibly narrowed the distance between me and the party organization. With such a sacred and special mission, I submitted an application to the organization to join the party.

Flowing golden years| golden years in fiery youth

Since then, my fiery original heart has been stained with bright red colors belonging to the party. Since then, the zhengzheng oath of not forgetting the original heart and keeping the mission in mind has often echoed in my heart.

With a fiery heart and expectations for the party organization, I have integrated the shipping work with the party and government work. In my spare time, I actively participated in various activities held by the party organization, taking the original intention as the strength to move towards the party organization. At the same time, under the recommendation of the company's party organization, I actively participated in various activities held by provincial and municipal organs and achieved good results.

Flowing golden years| golden years in fiery youth

Kung Fu pays off. On December 28, 2018, I officially faced the Party flag and solemnly swore an oath. When the red Zhengzheng oath sounded, I suddenly burst into tears: along the way, it was the party that guided me, with the original intention of youth and infinity, without fear of wind and rain, let me roll and climb all the way, overcome difficulties, bravely move forward, and realize the unity of life ideals and beliefs.

From the age of twenty-four to twenty-eight, it is the best youth in life, and life can have several beats, not at this time, when to beat. I dedicated the most precious youth of the four years to my hometown and the party, and I was worthy of the Qilu feelings in my heart. As a son and daughter of Qilu, a student of Quancheng, and a son of a state-owned enterprise, I am very fortunate that I did not settle for the status quo in the youth years of hard work, and when I returned to my hometown, I chose to break through in the forward. The result, whether successful or not, is the best confession of the original intention.

Real gold is not afraid of fire. Looking back on the golden years, the original intention forged in the fiery youth is enough for me to go forward in the future, to see the mountains and small mountains, and to smile at Qilu Qingwei!

Author's name: Han Kai

Author Affilications:Zibo Torch Energy Co., Ltd

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Flowing golden years| golden years in fiery youth

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