
In addition to plant fat powder, there are 5 kinds of food additives to pay attention to, eat less, healthier

author:Every day

Plant fat powder, also known as "creamer", or "coffee companion", has a variety of flavors, can be perfumed, colored, flavored and other functions, is one of the common food additives.

In coffee drinks, milk drinks, instant milk powder, ice cream, etc., as well as food instant cereals, yam powder, fast food noodle soups, instant foods, bread, biscuits, sauces, chocolate, rice noodles, cream and other foods usually contain vegetable fat powder ingredients.

In addition to plant fat powder, there are 5 kinds of food additives to pay attention to, eat less, healthier

The "work" and "pass" of the plant fat powder

Plant fat powder can improve the internal organization of food, increase flavor, increase fat, make the taste delicate, lubricated and thick, so it is also a "good companion" for coffee products.

Vegetable fat powder has good instant solubility, flavored through flavor, the flavor is similar to "milk", in food processing can replace milk powder or reduce the amount of milk used, under the premise of maintaining stable product quality, can reduce production costs.

In addition to plant fat powder, there are 5 kinds of food additives to pay attention to, eat less, healthier

But it contains a large number of substances that are harmful to the human body. Studies have shown that the partial hydrogenation of vegetable oil is actually the process of turning the unsaturated fatty acids of vegetable oil into a saturated or semi-saturated state, which produces trans fatty acids, which can increase the low-density lipoprotein in the human blood, reduce the high-density lipoprotein, increase the burden on human cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and increase the probability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

When the United States revised the composition of the food pyramid, it has clearly proposed to pay attention to the problem of trans fatty acids, requiring manufacturers to indicate the content of trans fatty acids in products.

The World Health Organization and European and American countries have successively made recommendations and regulations on the safe upper limit of daily intake (2 grams) and the proportion of trans fatty acids in food (1%).

In addition to plant fat powder, there are 5 kinds of food additives to pay attention to, eat less, healthier

In addition to plant fat powder, there are 5 kinds of food additives to eat less, in order to be healthier

The main components of plant fat powder include: hydrogenated vegetable oil, emulsifier, glucose syrup, sodium tyrosite, sodium silicon aluminate.

Among them, people are worried about trans fatty acids, mainly from hydrogenated vegetable oils, or refined oils, as well as margarine, cocoa butter and so on. Therefore, when buying food, do not only care about the end of plant fat, but also eat less for ingredients containing hydrogenated vegetable oil, refined oil, margarine (or cream), cocoa butter, creamer and so on, so as to be healthier.

In addition to plant fat powder, there are 5 kinds of food additives to pay attention to, eat less, healthier

For some middle-aged and elderly people, obese people, and "three high" chronic disease patients, they should eat less deep-processed foods, and when buying processed foods, they should look at the food ingredient list, if they contain these ingredients, it is best not to buy.

Of course, trans fatty acids will also be produced by themselves when cooking too much in food, such as fried food, frying, barbecue and other high-temperature cooking methods, and excessive oil temperature will also produce trans fatty acids. Therefore, eat less fried, fried, barbecue and other foods.

When stir-frying, the oil temperature should not be too high, or you can mix the oil after it is out of the pan.

In addition to plant fat powder, there are 5 kinds of food additives to pay attention to, eat less, healthier

Middle-aged and elderly people should eat less pickled foods, eat more fresh vegetables and melons and fruits, which will help the human body's metabolism; meat food is better to steam or boil.

At the same time, develop good sleep habits, do not stay up late, eat regularly, and exercise more.

In addition to plant fat powder, there are 5 kinds of food additives to pay attention to, eat less, healthier

For healthy human beings, the human body has strong metabolic functions, so it is also possible to occasionally eat a small amount of food containing trans fatty acids. As a food additive allowed by the state, the additive above the end of plant fat, eating less does not mean that it cannot be eaten at all, so it is different from the color of the talk.