
The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

author:Distant mountain eyebrows

Hello everyone, I am Yuanshan Meidai, today we come to talk about the fashion celebrity - Chanel.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

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Chanel, great, poor. Lucky, and unfortunate.

Freedom is not only her lifelong pursuit, but also her own pursuit.

She was born untouched by fate. With a cry, she came into this world, suffering and humiliation on the banks of the Loire, where she was born and raised.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

Relying on others, she picked up the bread and resolutely went into the toilet to enjoy her freedom.

She struggled desperately in countless nights, and fate crushed her.

As an orphan, she has been self-reliant since she was a child, and she has a difficult life at the bottom of society.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

Fortunately, she is very strong and stubborn at heart.

A blooming camellia became a bright light in her life.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

She hated a life of humility, humility, and lack of dignity. In order to preserve her dignity, she must be granted absolute independence and freedom.

Money is not a panacea, but it is a panacea. It can also open the door to independence and freedom.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

So she began to work hard and support herself on her own.

She uses her passion, talent, energy and time unreservedly in her career. Starting with a hat, she attracted the attention of the world.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

She gives fashion a new soul, teaching women how to properly pursue beauty and fashion.

She told the women that you can't afford Chanel, but you must have a dress called yours.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

Fashion is the freedom of individuality, elegance is the independence of posture.

If a woman wants to be charming, it must first be a mystery.

She loves black. Black is mysterious, solemn, deep, elegant. It is the beginning of all things, the return of all things.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

She disguised herself as an eternal secret that people could not see and touch.

Because of the departure of her beloved, she made a love vow to "let women all over the world wear small black skirts".

Now, the little black dress has become the dream of women all over the world. It is simple, pure, elegant and charming.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

Black contains everything, and white contains everything.

Black and white are the simplest colors in the world, but they are also the most extreme presences.

White and pure, pure and simple like a girl, beautiful and moving.

So she created an era of pure white jokes.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

These two sacrifice colors were pushed onto the fashion stage by Chanel and became insurmountable classics.

With her unique design philosophy and forgetting to eat and sleep at work, she created her own fashion kingdom, but she still didn't stop creating and fighting for freedom and independence.

Diamonds shining with galactic light poured into the night sky of Paris, covering women with starlight.

The crystal 5 perfume in a square glass bottle awakens people's sleeping and hidden charm.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

Five colors and four pairs of shoes allow you to travel the world from morning to night.

Diamond pattern bag, delicately cut, delicately sewn, is a dream carried on the shoulders.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

Whether it is shoes or bags, diamonds or perfumes, they all reflect Chanel's style and spirit: simple elegance, freedom and independence.

No cumbersome decorations, no complicated patterns, no extra edges and corners, everything is just right and impeccable.

She has always believed that simplicity is beauty, and comfort and love are the pursuit of fashion.

She set off a hurricane-like era in the fashion world for which she was vilified and questioned, but she never backed down. Today, Chanel's fashion kingdom has endured two centuries of ups and downs, and the voice of questioning her has long been drowned out by the torrent of time.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

She also said goodbye to fashion briefly and spent a quiet and peaceful time, but the restlessness in her bones prompted her to return to the stage.

At the age of 70, she returned with the heart of a girl in her old age.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

This time, she tasted a fiasco, but she was still a maverick and not afraid.

She never gets complacent when she becomes famous, and she doesn't give up on herself when she is dark and lonely.

Finally, just four years after her comeback, she made the world fall in love with Chanel again.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

She was proud of her life and had made many enemies, but she had never been a real enemy.

She had never worn a wedding dress for anyone in her life, but she married her own business and held on to it until death.

In addition to career, she also has love.

She had a favorite Capele boy. He took her the first step towards freedom and taught her how to live and how to love.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

He was her lifelong enlightenment teacher, her confidant, and the pain of her life.

When he left, her world was pitch black, and she launched a heavy mourning for him with the most solemn black.

There was also the talented poor poet Levidi, who brought her into the literary world, inspired her creatively, and opened the door to her art.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

He healed Chanel's heart with affectionate and sad verses, arming her weak lower abdomen.

The beautiful Russian nobleman, the wandering king and grandson, she was fascinated by his melancholy temperament, and she also drew infinite inspiration from it.

Elibu possesses the Demon Soul. He once again became Chanel's lover of life and death. His extraordinary talent and continued love have become hobbies she can't give up.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

England's richest duke, he was willing to use his endless wealth to protect her from trouble and put on the ring of his dreams for her.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

But she turned gracefully, saving her self-esteem.

She pursues love and craves stability, but she will never give up her career, her independence, or her freedom.

For her, career is everything, freedom is above everything.

At the end of the story, Chanel is still alone, alone.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

At the age of 80, people still called her Miss Chanel.

She is still rebellious, maverick, fearless of wind and rain, proud as a snow plum, tough as a pine.

She is detached from the outside and cultivates both inside and out. She hated glitz and unrealistic beauty.

She was a person who lived outside of her age. She will always be 20 years old, forever young.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

Today, Chanel's figure has disappeared from the curtain of the times, but the fashion she created is still at the forefront of the times.

Chanel's spirit will also influence generations of women to fight for independence and freedom; that simple double C logo has also been given a deeper connotation, representing the essence of Chanel culture; the holy and pure camellia is still slender, continuing the myth of the undefeated flower...

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

She uses her limited life to create infinite value.

Her life is a legend.

At the end of life, the legend does not fall.

The legendary life of "Chanel", see how poor tailors have created the world's top luxury brands

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