
Willing to jump off a building to escape? After being caught, he was buried alive! A man from Guangxi personally recounts the horrific encounter in northern Myanmar...

author:Bright Net

Seduced by netizens, he smuggled himself to Kokang, Myanmar, with the dream of making a fortune, and as a result, he was trapped in a den of telecommunications network fraud and forced to engage in criminal activities. Unable to bear the torture, he finally risked his life to jump off the building and escape...

Recently, with the help of the police, Wang Tao (pseudonym), a man from Lingshan, Guangxi, who returned to his motherland after all kinds of hardships, told reporters about the horrific encounter in northern Myanmar.

Willing to jump off a building to escape? After being caught, he was buried alive! A man from Guangxi personally recounts the horrific encounter in northern Myanmar...

Sky Drop "Pie"

Wang Tao originally ran a small processing factory in Guangdong with a friend, and the income was OK, but the good times were not long, and the factory was difficult to sustain due to the impact of the epidemic and closed down. Life has become stretched, and every day he wakes up thinking about the way to get rich.

The "opportunity" has finally arrived. In September last year, Wang Tao met a netizen online. Wang Tao confided to the other party about his embarrassing life situation, and the other party said that he could introduce him to a job engaged in e-commerce, with a monthly salary of up to 20,000 yuan and a work place in Yunnan. Isn't that what I've always wanted? Although netizens did not disclose the specific work content, Wang Tao could not contain the excitement in his heart and agreed to it without much consideration. Within a few days, Wang Tao, full of hope, embarked on a dream-hunting journey without his family.

Smuggled into Burma

After getting off the plane and coming to Kunming City, Yunnan Province, Wang Tao met the connector in the mouth of netizens. Under the arrangement of the other party, Wang Tao and 5 other people got into a van. After more than 20 hours of bumps, they reached a small town on the southwestern border of Yunnan Province. After a short rest, Wang Tao and the others were sent to a deserted wilderness where there were no shops behind the village.

It was late at night, and they continued to hike in the dark, and after more than 3 hours of climbing over the mountains, they came to a village on the mountain. When he saw a group of villagers talking in incomprehensible words, Wang Tao reacted to this - he had been smuggled out of the country!

Not long after, the connector ordered Wang Tao to hand over their mobile phones, ID cards, and bank cards. Looking at a group of big men gathered around them, holding machetes in their hands, Wang Tao and the others did not dare to resist at all, and obediently handed over their belongings. After more than an hour of driving, Wang Tao and others finally arrived at the place of work that netizens said was Kokang, Myanmar.

Willing to jump off a building to escape? After being caught, he was buried alive! A man from Guangxi personally recounts the horrific encounter in northern Myanmar...

"Pig killing plate" scam

When they arrived in Kokang, Wang Tao and the others were taken to a factory-like company with an 8-story main building in the compound with many bungalows on either side. It is surrounded by high walls, and armed personnel with rifles are guarding the perimeter, passing through a large iron gate to enter the company's interior. Subsequently, Wang Tao and others were arranged to live in the staff dormitory of the main building. "Stay in the dormitory to rest, start training tomorrow, don't run around, otherwise you will look good!" A small boss of the company warned them.

The next day, Wang Tao and others met with Li Ge, the company's supervisor. At the beginning of the induction training, Li Ge took Wang Tao and others to the office area to observe how the company's employees used computers to carry out their work. Li Ge said that their task is to package their identities on social software, talk with "customers" through the words in the "chat script", cheat trust, and then cheat the "customers" into the "online gambling platform" built by the company in the name of "network investment" to bet, through the operation of background data, let the other party make a small profit in the early stage, and lose blood in the later stage.

Wang Tao understood after listening to it that the so-called high-paying job was originally engaged in "pig killing plate" telecommunications network fraud.

Wang Tao and others, who understood what was going on, immediately told Brother Li that they did not want to deceive people, and they were even more unwilling to do illegal and criminal things. But at this time, they are already meat on the cutting board, ready to be slaughtered by others. Immediately, Brother Li called out a bunch of thugs, punched and kicked them, and several people instantly had blue noses, swollen faces, bruises, and were escorted to the dormitory.

The following days became more and more miserable, the company only gave Wang Tao and others one meal a day, and constantly instigated and brainwashed them to accept reality and work for the company. At first, Wang Tao and others tried to fight with passive sabotage, but the company soon told them with fists, feet, sticks, and steel pipes that they could not be blamed here.

In order to kill chickens and scare monkeys, this gang did not care about the lives of Wang Tao and others, tied their hands and feet and beat them, so that everyone could watch their tragic appearance. Under the double oppression of the body and spirit, the people who came with Wang Tao successively bowed to the company. But Wang Tao still stuck to his bottom line, so he spent every day in beatings and abuse.

Life and death escape

When the time came in March this year, the company's director saw that Wang Tao was still an uncompromising look, how he refused to serve them, so he asked him to pay a ransom of more than 60,000 yuan, and he could leave after paying it off. Wang Tao had no money and did not want to increase the burden on his family, so after thinking about it, he thought of another way - to escape.

Wang Tao knew what the consequences of running away would be. There was once a young man in the company who could not bear the torture and tried to escape, was found by the guards, arrested, and finally broke his legs alive and pulled to the back hill, and everyone never saw the person again. Flee or not, the difficult choice made Wang Tao suffer.

After many days of fierce ideological struggle, Wang Tao finally strengthened his determination to escape. He began to observe the company's garrison and layout every day. After some observation, Wang Tao found that it was impossible to escape from the gate, and armed personnel with live ammunition were guarding the gate 24 hours a day, and the wall was too high to climb out. Finally, he found that there was an unfinished 3-storey building very close to the main building where he was located, and in the uninhabited dormitory on the 4th floor of the main building, there was a small window from where he could climb to the scaffolding of the 3-story building, and then climb along the scaffolding to the top of the building to jump outside the wall.

At noon on May 22, taking advantage of the gap between the lax guards, Wang Tao began to flee for life and death.

On the same day, Wang Tao quietly entered the dormitory on the 4th floor of the main building, climbed from the window to the scaffolding of the 3rd floor small building, and smoothly came to the top of the building. Looking at the height of more than 10 meters above the ground, Wang Tao could not care about his fear and jumped down from the upper floor.

After his feet landed on the ground, the huge impact made his whole body collapse on the ground, and his legs and waist were first a heart-rending pain, and then they began to numb, as if they were no longer part of him. Because he was afraid of being discovered by the guards, Wang Tao could only grit his teeth and endure the pain, but he did not make a sound.

Unfortunately, Wang Tao's move to jump off the building was still discovered by the guards. The guards then grabbed him and dragged him back to the company. "He didn't pay the ransom, didn't make money for the company, dared to run away, and now he jumped off the building and was injured, and there was no use in keeping it, so he was pulled to the back mountain and buried!" Brother Li saw that Wang Tao had fallen into an inhuman form and said viciously. The severe physical pain and the extreme fear in the spirit made Wang Tao on the verge of collapse, and at this time, he looked at them with despair on his face, and everything could only be resigned to fate.

After being carried into a pickup truck, Wang Tao, who was full of despair, quietly waited for death to come. Ten minutes after the drive, Wang Tao was carried into a hospital by the gang. Li Ge did not pull himself to be buried alive. Wang Tao, who was secretly glad to have escaped the disaster, learned afterwards that all this was deliberately arranged by Brother Li, who planned to let the hospital heal Wang Tao first, and then sell him elsewhere to make a fortune for the company. In the hospital, Wang Tao has been thinking hard about how he can escape Myanmar and return to his motherland. Soon, he finally found a chance...

During the hospitalization, The Burmese medical staff sympathized with Wang Tao's plight, and with their help, Wang Tao finally had the opportunity to call the Lingshan police for help. Finally, with the joint action of the public security organs at the autonomous region, city and county levels and the assistance of relevant departments, the Lingshan police assigned the criminal police to take Wang Tao back to the Nan umbrella port in Lancang County, Yunnan Province, for isolation and treatment.

During the treatment, Wang Tao often had nightmares. Looking back on his encounters in Burma, he has always had palpitations.

"I wanted to go over there to make a lot of money, but I almost lost my life, and I thought it was both remorseful and afraid." Although I am injured all over my body now, it is a blessing in misfortune to escape from that magic cave alive... Now I just want to quickly recover from my injuries, work hard to earn money in the future, and I don't want my parents to worry anymore. Wang Tao, who lived for the rest of his life after the disaster, told the police.

Wang Tao hopes that his tragic experience will be seen by more people, in order to warn people like him who have the dream of making a fortune, do not credulously believe that the so-called migrant workers in Myanmar can get high salaries, there is no heaven, only danger, chaos and death, happiness depends on their own down-to-earth struggle, fantasy of getting rich overnight will often pay the price of misery and even life!

(Source: China Chang'an Network)

Source: Nanhe Public Security, Jingdezhen

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