
Inherit good family training, cultivate good family style Zhao Ran

author:A new life in pictures and texts

Inherit good family training and cultivate good family style

- Tell me about my grandfather

Zhao Ran, a teacher at Zhong'aiting Primary School in Cuijiaqiao Town, Anyang County

Every family has its own family discipline, family style, and family rules. In our family, Grandpa is a model for the family, which invisibly gave us a deep influence and benefited us to this day! Today, let's talk about our family's family training, family style, and family rules: filial piety, love, and honesty!

Honoring parents is the greatest blessing!

When I was a child, because my parents were busy at work, my brother and sister from my aunt's family and I were both studying at my grandfather's house, and it was time for us to develop personalities and habits. The first bowl of food is served to my great-grandmother, then my grandfather, my grandmother, and finally we eat together. In memory, Grandpa and Grandma did not speak loudly to the great-grandmother, and always taught us to respect the elders, Grandpa said, this is the most basic filial piety, but also the most basic way of being a person, filial piety to parents is the greatest blessing! When my great-grandmother was in her 80s, my grandfather was almost 70 years old, and we all grew up to go to school in other places, but every time we returned to my grandfather's house, the first bowl of food would be unconsciously served to my great-grandmother.

My great-grandmother left us when she was 96 years old, and outsiders said she was blessed and had a group of filial children and grandchildren. Yes, we are not blessed people, because there is an old family, such as a treasure! Now Grandpa and Grandma have become old, and their bodies are no longer tough. Grandpa is 89 years old, his body is deteriorating under the torment of illness, and his temper has become as willful as a child. But we still remember grandpa's teaching: respect for elders. The sons and daughters took turns to take up their posts, patiently coaxing and persuading every day. The sons-in-law also stuck to their posts, and we, the younger ones, went to accompany them during the holidays and make them happy. Although Grandpa has been a little confused, he still lives happily under the careful care of his children, and the happiness of his children and grandchildren fills our big family! Because of their example, we, the children and grandchildren, are also continuing to abide by filial piety in our respective small families, keeping in mind the family motto: filial piety!

I'll go first with you

The relationship between Grandpa and Grandma is also a good family style in our family. Grandma is anxious, Grandpa is slow. When I was a child, I always listened to my grandmother constantly urging, hurry up..., hurry up.... And Grandpa always has three proverbs: don't panic, don't be angry when things happen, and basically eat vegetarian is the way to health. Then Grandma will start a new round of broken thoughts, Grandpa is not angry, still not in a hurry, this is the tolerance between husband and wife. Grandpa tolerated Grandma's broken thoughts, which is the embodiment of love! Slowly, they grew older, Grandma was still in a hurry, Grandma always walked fast when going down the stairs, and I could always hear Grandpa shouting in the back: Beautiful (aunt's name) Mother, you slow down, let me walk in front of you. Grandma would get angry and say why didn't you let you come before me. Grandpa would slowly walk to the front and say, "So that when you fall I can catch you!" When walking, Grandpa always accompanied Grandma, and also let Grandma go inside, he always said that Grandma is the hero of our family, he is busy at work, it is Grandma who is taking care of great-grandmother and children. At that time, there was no natural gas, and I had to make coal, make a fire, carry water, wash clothes, and Grandma was the hardest person. This is grandpa's love and respect for grandma! When chatting, he always said to his grandmother: Beautiful lady, when you leave (die), let me come behind you. Grandma would still be angry and ask why, and Grandpa would say sadly: I'm going to be in front of you who will take care of you! This is Grandpa's love for Grandma! Now they always walk hand in hand, and what we see is their love for each other, the hand of the son, and the old age with the son! Solemn family style in our relationship with our families: love!

Be a man of integrity and be a clean and honest official

When grandpa was young, he was a township chief and a bureau chief, and he was a very big official in that era, but he still adhered to his heart: he was upright and honest as an official! When I was a child, I often listened to my grandfather tell stories about my youth, and I didn't think much of it at that time. After work, I met some old seniors, who always praised grandpa every time they talked about him, saying that Lao He was a good township chief, who did a lot of good things for the people and let them live a good life. This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, my grandfather is already a veteran party member who has been in the party for more than 50 years, the government issued him a "party member in the party 50 years commemorative medal", when he held the certificate, his smile was bright and pure! Although we all have our own jobs now, we still abide by the family rules: honesty!

In addition, Grandpa has a lot to learn from. Grandpa always had a flock of sparrows in his yard, and Grandpa would often feed them with family millet and steamed buns, so they also became small members of our family and stayed so often that there were always gifts from the sparrows on our cars. He used to say, don't be small and good! After retirement, he still did not relax himself, every day at 9 a.m. the fixed work is to read, read the newspaper, while reading and taking notes, drawing words, encountering words that do not know the dictionary to check, and then annotate in the book, at night will also write a diary, record the day's life. He always said that when he was a child, he didn't have money to go to school, he stole to learn, and now that he has the opportunity to learn, he must cherish it well, and he must live to be old and learn from the old. And Grandpa really did it, his habit has continued until now, until some time ago, his thinking was confused, slowly forgetting a lot of things, and did not know us very well, or did not forget to pick up books to study.

Simple family style, family training, and house rules shape our personality and teach us to be human. Grandpa brought us not only life, but also more valuable spiritual strength, and finally I hope that my grandfather can accompany us a little longer, a little longer, so that we can do our filial piety again, inherit our family style and family training! (Anyang County Cuijiaqiao Town Li Song Village Primary School recommended by Xue Jinshan)

Inherit good family training, cultivate good family style Zhao Ran

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