
In this life, all gains and losses are providence

author:Time has passed

Text/Time is up

Figure/from the network

In this life, all gains and losses are providence

Everything in this world is not brought by life, nor brought with it by death.

A hurried life, but it is all something outside the body, but it is just a cloud of the past in this long life.

All gains and losses are providence, and all that Heaven has already arranged.

What you can get, you can easily get even without effort.

What will be lost in the end, even with great effort, cannot be saved.

Just as one cannot determine one's origin, you cannot change the things that one is destined to do.

In this life, all gains and losses are providence

If you can't get it, let it go, the world is so big, the road of life is so long, the future is so far, and there are still many beautiful things to look forward to.

Don't miss out on more beauty in life because of a momentary attachment.

The so-called "fate sometimes must have, fate must not be forced at any time."

In the face of fate's established arrangement, people have no choice but to gladly accept it.

Looking at the past and the present, how many people want to change their lives against the sky, but in the end, all of them ended in failure.

Even if you do your best and fight to break the blood, in the end it will be a joke.

If you can't get it, don't want it, anyway, there is nothing you have to get in this life.

Except for life and the necessary conditions for survival, everything else is a floating cloud, and it is not so important to get it or not.

Instead of wasting time on things that are destined to be unobtainable, it is better to save that time and energy, feel what you have now, and cherish all the beauty that exists now.

Don't wait until you've lost everything to regret it, and don't lose a whole watermelon because you want to get a sesame seed.

In this life, all gains and losses are providence

Life should learn to look down, look down, and calm down your mentality.

Some people have some things, and it is enough to chase them, and the rest is left to fate.

If you can get it, it is a kind of luck, although it is worth rejoicing; if you don't get it, you don't have to be too depressed, anyway, there are so many beautiful things in the world, it is not inevitable.

In this lifetime, no one can control their own destiny, nor can they control the final outcome of everything.

What can be done is not to spend all your efforts to fight against fate, but to do everything in the moment with all your heart, not to think about the final outcome, but just to do your best.

Even if the final result is not as good as people want, at least it has been sincerely tried and sincerely paid, and it is enough.

Time is still long, youth is just right, but do good deeds, do not ask about the future.

In this life, all gains and losses are providence

Some things are destined to be lost, just as everyone will eventually die. It is the arrangement of fate, and it is also a fact that cannot be changed.

Something that will eventually be lost, like a burning candle, burns itself as hard as it can, brings you a glimmer of light, and then it is goodbye. The light that was not very bright but reassuring could not be grasped, could not be retained.

Loss is not necessarily a bad thing, just as "Saion lost his horse and knew that it was not a blessing."

Every person who comes into your world, every object that appears in your life has their mission, and when the mission is completed, it is also when they leave.

No one will stay in your life forever, accompanying you from birth to death. There are always people coming and going, and there's always something that disappears from your world at some inadvertent moment in your life.

In this life, all gains and losses are providence

In life, the most important thing people have to learn is to say goodbye.

Because there is no such thing as eternity in this world, everyone and everything will eventually leave you at some point. Instead of watching them leave with tears in their eyes, they are extremely remorseful about the past.

It is better to take advantage of the opportunity that you are still together, cherish the time of the moment, cherish every person and everything that exists in your life.

Even if you end up losing them, at least looking back at those times you once had, it's more about feeling fulfilled than regret.

Life is like a river of water, and I don't know where it will flow. The people you meet on the way, the scenery you see, and the path you pass through are a kind of accident and the necessity of life.

In this long journey, what can be obtained, even if it is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, will come to you. And what can't be retained, even if you work hard, can't leave it by your side.

In this life, all gains and losses are providence

The weight of life is not that people must get a lot of things, but that they enjoy having them while calmly losing.

What will not be possessed, will never be possessed, instead of becoming a lifetime of wounds and regrets in the heart, it is better to open your heart and let it develop freely.

What will be lost, no matter how hard you make, you can't change the final outcome, rather than wasting time and energy on meaningless struggles, it is better to cherish it when you have it, and say goodbye on the occasion of parting.

People can't always be a child, willful, always learn to grow up, learn not to be alarmed, learn to accept everything that happens in life.

Man's power is so small, so small that he cannot control his own destiny at all, but so what?

As long as you cherish the current time, work hard for what you want, no matter the final outcome, everything is the best arrangement.

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