
How to steam cumin is not steamed, learn these skills, 5 minutes out of the pot, light and refreshing without sticking

author:First cuisine

Today I share with you a home-cooked dish "fennel steamed dish", no lumps, no sticks, green color, refreshing taste, there is a like hurry to learn it

How to steam cumin is not steamed, learn these skills, 5 minutes out of the pot, light and refreshing without sticking

Ingredients: Fennel

Excipients: wheat flour, garlic

Seasoning: salt, chicken powder, sesame oil

【Fennel steamed dish】—— Light and delicious

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare a handful of cumin, wash it clean, use a clean kitchen cloth or absorbent paper, and suck the residual water on the cumin to prevent de-pulping during steaming.

How to steam cumin is not steamed, learn these skills, 5 minutes out of the pot, light and refreshing without sticking

Cut the cumin into sections into pots, add 10 grams of vegetable oil, stir evenly, vegetable oil can form an oil film on the surface of cumin, avoid a large amount of water, put in 50 grams of wheat flour, continue to mix well, flour does not need too much, a thin layer can be, too much otherwise steamed out easy to stick to the lump.

How to steam cumin is not steamed, learn these skills, 5 minutes out of the pot, light and refreshing without sticking

2. Start steaming below

The steamer is evenly brushed with vegetable oil, the cumin is evenly sprinkled inside, the water is boiled and then basketed, steamed for 6 minutes, steamed for a long time, the taste is easy to stick.

How to steam cumin is not steamed, learn these skills, 5 minutes out of the pot, light and refreshing without sticking

After 6 minutes, we take out the cumin, pour it into the basin, shake it quickly to cool down, otherwise it will stick to the lumps.

How to steam cumin is not steamed, learn these skills, 5 minutes out of the pot, light and refreshing without sticking

Prepare a few garlic grains, pat and cut into minced garlic, put together with cumin, sprinkle a little salt and chicken powder according to personal taste, drizzle with 10 grams of sesame oil, mix well and then turn the plate.

How to steam cumin is not steamed, learn these skills, 5 minutes out of the pot, light and refreshing without sticking

Well, a very simple fennel steamed dish is ready.

How to steam cumin is not steamed, learn these skills, 5 minutes out of the pot, light and refreshing without sticking

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