
The outer packaging of cumin goods imported from India by an enterprise in Dezhou, Shandong Province, tested positive and has now been sealed

Source: @Peninsula Metropolis

On July 17, the reporter learned from the office of the leading group (headquarters) for coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic operation in Leling City, Shandong Province, that on July 16, Shandong Huge Seasoning Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the huge company) imported cumin goods from India was suspected of being positive for nucleic acid testing. After receiving the report, the Leling Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government attached great importance to it and quickly did a good job in testing, investigation, tracing and tracing the source.

After verification, the batch of goods totaled 600 bags and weighed 15,000kg. It departed from the port of Mundra in India on April 20, 2021 and arrived at the port of Qingdao on May 21, where it underwent a unified container outer spray sterilization. On July 16, it arrived at the huge company. The relevant goods were tested by the Leling Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, of which the nucleic acid test of the outer packaging sample of the goods was suspected to be positive; after the re-inspection by the Dezhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the nucleic acid test re-examination result of the outer packaging of the goods was positive. At present, the batch of imported goods has been sealed in the vehicle container, unused and flowed into the market.

After the incident, Leling City immediately launched an emergency plan for the prevention and control of the epidemic of non-cold chain imported goods, sealed all the goods and transport vehicles involved, controlled 13 relevant contacts, and immediately carried out nucleic acid testing, which was negative for nucleic acid testing.

In accordance with the relevant provisions on the prevention and control of the epidemic of non-cold chain imported goods, Leling City will further strictly implement normalized epidemic prevention and control measures, increase the testing of non-cold chain imported goods, and comprehensively do a good job in the investigation and testing of employees, goods and the environment.

Here, I would like to remind the general public to enhance their awareness of personal protection, develop good habits of wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, and maintaining safe social distancing. Vaccination is the most effective measure for prevention, please actively vaccinate against COVID-19 while enhancing personal protection awareness to build an immune barrier.

The outer packaging of cumin goods imported from India by an enterprise in Dezhou, Shandong Province, tested positive and has now been sealed

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