
If you look at everything from another angle, there will be no holes

author:Struggle in solitude

Human emotions are very rich, and joy and sorrow are our most common emotional fluctuations. Whether we are happy or miserable is given by ourselves. Even if we have experienced pain, if we can look at it from a different perspective, we may be able to come out of sadness, find different scenery, and harvest different moods. In this way, you can not only make yourself feel happy, but also have a good luck.

Whether it is work or life, the mood is very important to us. If there is no good mood, we will feel that everything is not smooth, there is no passion for what to do, there is no interest, in this case, how can we improve work efficiency, improve the taste and quality of life?

However, in real life, there are always some people who like to be preoccupied, thinking that taking advantage of others is a matter of course, and it is intolerable for others to take advantage of themselves. If a person lives with this mentality and looks at everything around him, the mood is naturally difficult to be happy, and he will be angry because he cannot take advantage.

If a person's happiness comes at the cost of hurting others, then such a person is doomed to be resented by those around him. In fact, no matter what, if you look at the problem from different angles, your mentality will be completely different. If we encounter some sad things, or encounter some setbacks, we can try to look at the problem from a different perspective, find happiness from sadness, and find opportunities from setbacks, then our mood will be completely different.

As the Han Dynasty calligrapher Cui Yu's "Motto" describes, "No Taoist is short, no one is long, and the person who gives is cautious not to read, and the person who is given is cautious not to forget." "For people to live in the world, we should always keep ourselves at peace of mind, only in this way, emotions and mentalities will not be affected by the outside world at will." Always remember that happiness is our own, and we ourselves are the source of happiness, but all of this depends on how we look at and think about problems.

In life, we often struggle with a certain thing, why bother? Because, in our opinion, the best and most extreme things have been done, but in the eyes of others, they are not satisfactory, or there is no merit. The reason for this is that everyone has a different vision of measuring things, which creates a difference in mentality, and the final result is different.

Psychologist Maslow once said: "If the heart changes, your attitude changes with it; Attitude changes, your habits change with it; Habits change, and your personality changes with it; Personality changes, and your life changes with it. ”

Everything from another angle, there will be no holes. You know, no matter what kind of life you have now, what kind of life you have, this is a living fact, and we don't have to be distressed, because there is no so-called perfection in this world.

Therefore, we may wish to change our perspective to discover the beautiful side of life and make ourselves feel good, so that we can look at the problem rationally with a positive and optimistic attitude and broaden our horizons to discover a new world with holes in the sky.

A donkey, on its way home at night following its owner, accidentally fell into a dry well. The owner of the donkey tried everything to rescue the donkey, but the night was dark and the wind was high, the line of sight was obstructed, and he did not succeed. The next day, the owner of the donkey came to the dry well to rescue the donkey, but the dry well was too high, and the second rescue ended in failure.

The owner of the donkey could not bear to see the donkey in pain, and after thinking about it, decided to bury the donkey on the spot to alleviate its pain. So he called the villagers to help and asked everyone to dig up the soil and bury the donkey together.

As people filled the dry well with their hands and feet, the desperate donkey seemed to feel the breath of death, and it kept wailing, trying to make the last struggle before dying. As people buried their heads in the dirt and continued to fill in the earth, the donkey suddenly stopped wailing.

The owner of the donkey thought that the donkey was dead, so he reached out and looked at the dry well, and he was very surprised: the donkey did not die, but stood in the dry well with good manners, and when people scattered the soil into the dry well, the donkey shook the soil on his body with all his strength and fell under his feet, and then rose step by step through the soil under his feet. Eventually, the donkey slowly walked out of the wellhead as the soil in the well grew.

In the journey of life, sometimes we will inevitably encounter confusion and confusion, and will unconsciously put ourselves into a dilemma, at this time, what should we do? Is it to sit back and do nothing, or to use the conditions available around you to fight back and look for a chance to survive?

No matter what kind of extreme or harsh situation we encounter, as long as we can look at the problem from another perspective, we will always find a new way out, like the donkey that fell into the dry well, using the dirt buried to get out of danger and turn its fate upside down.

If each of us can use this effectively to look at the things that confuse and confuse us from a new perspective, we will find a better way out of it, and thus harvest a different and wonderful scenery.

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