
Red Medaka: Ordinary life has the same meaning

author:Mortal Dust Book Pavilion

In recent years, the development momentum of Korean films has been rapid, and many acclaimed and popular movies have been launched. For example: "The Defender", "I Love You", "Parasite" and other well-known films. "Parasite" won the 92nd Academy Award for Best Picture.

In contrast, Japanese movies are relatively deserted. However, this does not prevent them from contributing some touching films from time to time, such as "Thief Family". The film, which was released in Chinese mainland in 2018, has a Douban score of 8.7 and won the Palme d'Or for Best Picture at the 71st Cannes International Film Festival in France.

Red Medaka: Ordinary life has the same meaning

But today, I would like to recommend a Japanese movie with a Douban score of 9.0, but it is not well known. It is an inspirational story about a modern-day young man, Nobuyuki Sasaki, who threw himself into the Tachikawa school and learned the traditional Japanese art of music, Rakugo.

Rakugo, similar to Chinese stand-up comedy, in Japanese "falling" is to shake the baggage, its most wonderful thing is the "fall" at the end of the paragraph.

In the 1980s, when Japan set off a "manga" craze (similar to Chinese counterparts), Sasaki Nobuyuki watched Tachikawa Tanshi's performance at the middle school art tasting meeting and was deeply attracted to him. After entering high school, he decided to drop out of school and learn rakugo with Tachikawa Tanji.

The storyline of this film is bright and full of laughs and tears. The story between the eccentric master and the apprentices with different personalities is plain and touching. It is a good movie that is very worth watching.

After watching the film, I was not only touched by the arduous process of the apprentices' hard work and achievement of their goals, but also touched by their mentor-apprentice feelings, brotherhood and affection.

Red Medaka: Ordinary life has the same meaning

(1) The teacher-apprentice relationship of external cold and internal heat

In "Red Medaka", the most moving thing is the master-apprentice relationship.

The grandmaster of the Tachikawa school, Tachikawa Tanji, is a maverick in the rakugo world, and he never bows to anyone in his life except when he bows to the audience during performances. Geng's personality also offended many people, and he was even expelled from the Rakugo Association.

After leaving the association, he remained spontaneous and innovative. He founded the "Tachikawa Stream", but unlike other masters, he took in "inner disciples" and lived at home to take care of food and housing. He collected his disciples, asked them for tuition, and the disciples lived outside and had to be paid for living expenses at home.

As a high school student, Sasaki Nobuyuki visited Tachikawa Tanshi for the first time and experienced the "unique" side of Tanshi-sensei. Sasaki Nobuyuki went to visit with a cake, and met Tanshi-sensei who was making curry rice, only to see him casually put various ingredients into the pot to cook together, including spicy cabbage, bean paste, etc., and even the cake brought by Sasaki was put in the pot.

Sasaki couldn't help but frown, wondering if such a smorgasbord could be eaten? As a result, at the invitation of the teacher, he tasted a bite that was extremely delicious, and he couldn't help but look at the grandmaster in front of him.

Li Chuan Tanzhi treated his disciples very harshly, and often people quit the division because they couldn't stand it. However, when a disciple was rebellious and prepared to switch to someone else,he not only did not obstruct, but instead gave gifts to introduce the disciple.

After joining Tachikawa Gate, Sasaki changed his name to Tachikawa Tanharu, and he worked hard to deliver newspapers while trying to learn rakugo. The spirit of perseverance was in the eyes of the master, so he favored it and often instructed him on how to perform.

However, after a misunderstanding, Tan Chun was almost expelled from the division, and was later asked to go to the Tsukiji Market to sell fish balls, and it would take a full year to return to the division.

Red Medaka: Ordinary life has the same meaning

At first, Tan Chun was unwilling, and by chance, he heard Master say, "Reality is the answer." Only then did he suddenly realize that he understood Master's painstaking heart.

So he turned around and returned to Tsukiji, where he carefully experienced life, and a year later, he returned to Shimen. The brothers found that Tan Chun's personality had changed greatly, he had become very intimate, he thought of others everywhere, and he was modest, even if he was a master and disciple, if there was something better than him, he would not be ashamed to ask.

Although Tachikawa tanzhi himself was strict with his disciples, he never allowed outsiders to point fingers at them. Some commentators have a grudge against the Lichuan sect and seize on some of the disciples' mistakes to accuse them. Tachikawa not only did not take into account the accusations of critics who were all vying for help, but also told him that "the master is the master, the disciple is the disciple", "It is not you who feed them, but they feed you". Critics had to go back in sorrow.

Red Medaka: Ordinary life has the same meaning

The harshness of Tachikawa Tanzhi reminded me of Huang Lei, who was a teacher at film school. Gentle and elegant in appearance, he is quite strict in teaching, and still makes students "have palpitations".

However, many of the students he taught became big stars, such as Haiqing, Huang Haibo, Yao Chen, Du Chun and so on.

When Tan, Kansai, Tan Chun, Zhi Le and the other four passed the exam of a second-level actor together, they understood master's love even more, which was so low-key and profound.

(2) The father-son relationship that has finally reconciled

In the process of Tanchun learning rakugo, the strongest objection was his father. But in the process of studying, the person who worried him the most was his father.

Red Medaka: Ordinary life has the same meaning

Sasaki Nobuyuki went to study Rakugo before he graduated from high school. The father is strongly opposed, because he is well aware of the importance of academic qualifications to a person, and it is absolutely unacceptable for the father to make such a rash decision.

Because the Tachikawa school requires disciples to learn art, they must obtain the consent of their families, and the family will fund the living expenses during the study of art. As a result, Sasaki Nobuyuki had to deceive his master that his parents had died. While earning living expenses by delivering newspapers at night, he insisted on coming to his door during the day to learn art.

Master Tanzhi, who had already seen through the lie, deliberately did not expose him, thinking that he might not be able to persist for three months. But Tan Chun persisted for half a year, during which Master taught Tan Chun a lot of passages, and then persuaded him to reconcile with his parents and let them agree to his learning rakugo.

Tan Chun returned home and made a four-year pact with his father. If, after four years, he could not become a second-class actor of the Tachikawa school and could perform independently, he would never learn rakugo again.

When the four-year period was approaching, Tan Chun returned home and found that the calendar was full of marks. The loving mother told him that in fact, don't look at his father's strong opposition to his learning rakugo, but before the agreed deadline, the most nervous person is the father, who makes marks on the calendar every day, waiting for the news of his son's success.

The affection between father and son is always like this, in the most blunt way, expressing the deepest love.

On the surface, he was always strongly opposed to the decisions his son made. In fact, it was because he was afraid that his son had made the wrong choice and gave up the good life.

On the one hand, he forced his son to run away from home, on the other hand, he was afraid that his children would be cold and hungry, so he asked his wife to put the prepared rice balls in his son's travel bag.

When his son finally succeeded, he was the one who was most happy for his son.

When we were young, we always did not understand the father's love, nor did we understand the meaning of the father's love like a mountain. When we grow up, we will be touched by everything they silently give.

(3) Brotherhood of suffering and commonality

In the film, there is also a feeling of brotherhood between the brothers and sisters.

They lived together day and night, serving the master, and at the same time competing with each other, for fear of being overtaken by the master and disciple who entered the division later. They are not brothers, but they are more like brothers.

Red Medaka: Ordinary life has the same meaning

Tan Chun was once angry because he was jealous of his disciple Zhile, but he heard his master say, "What is jealousy, if you don't work hard, if you don't put it into action, if you don't hold on to the weaknesses of the other party, even you can fall behind, this is called jealousy." Originally, in order to match and surpass the opponent, day after day, this problem will also be solved, but people always can't do this, because jealousy is easier. ”

Talking about chun enlightenment, from then on, he no longer envied others, but humbly learned from anyone who was stronger than himself, and finally made great progress in his skills.

However, the division brothers are more of a mutual help. Before becoming second-class actors, they memorized fifty traditional rakugo passages and randomly selected one from them to satisfy the teacher.

In the process of learning, they encourage each other and support each other, and work together to move closer to the ideal goal in their hearts.

They compete with each other and have mutual promotion. However, when anyone encounters difficulties, everyone does not hesitate to lend a helping hand.

Among the several brothers of the division, although tan was a master brother, he often let the brothers and disciples invite guests, and in a tanchun they saw him running away in order to avoid the debt collection of others, and only then did they understand the burden of his life.

After finally becoming a second-class actor and getting a bonus. The disciples all gave their bonuses to the brothers and sisters to let him pay off the debts as soon as possible. This moved the talk to tears.

Red Medaka: Ordinary life has the same meaning

Although this film is about how to learn rakugo, it also conveys the principle of being a human being.

Although the red medaka is a red medaka, it will not grow into a goldfish. But it also has its own moving features. As Tachikawa said when he introduced Rakugo. Rakugo has the story of the revenge of the forty-seven righteous men, but in addition to these forty-seven people, more people turned and fled, while Rakugo is about those timid and cowardly ordinary people.

People will still accidentally fall asleep when they should not sleep; even if they know that they should not drink, they will still drink when they are persuaded to drink; even if they know that their summer vacation homework is planned to do, it will be easier afterwards, but they will always be unable to do it; although they have worked hard, they still cannot get ahead. These are the protagonists of Rakugo.

Rakugo is an affirmation of human weakness. This film makes us as ordinary people find resonance, even if we can't succeed, after all, there are very few successful people.

Living like red medaka, having their own goals and working hard for them, they are not as vigorous as those heroes, but ordinary lives have the same moving points.

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