
Yisheng medicinal diet: the practice of maintaining cuttlefish in autumn and winter

author:Dr. Yisheng
Yisheng medicinal diet: the practice of maintaining cuttlefish in autumn and winter

Cuttlefish, also known as squid, cuttlefish, orderfish, etc., belong to the mollusks of the cephalopods. Its flesh and spine (called sea mantis in Chinese medicine) can be used in medicine. Li Shizhen called cuttlefish a "blood medicine", which is a good medicine for treating women's anemia and blood deficiency and menstrual amenorrhea. Cuttlefish is a delicious seafood, rich in nutrients, each 100 grams of cuttlefish meat contains 13 grams of protein, fat 0.7 grams, carbohydrates 1.4 grams, calcium 14 mg, iron 0.6 mg, thiamine 0.01 mg, vitamin B20.06 mg, niacin 1 mg. The polypeptides contained in it have antiviral and anti-radiation effects.

Successive medical monographs have rated the health care effect of cuttlefish highly. Cuttlefish meat taste salty, flat, has the effect of nourishing blood and yin, beneficial stomach ventilation, dispelling bruising and relieving pain, used for menstrual disorders, blood deficiency and amenorrhea, collapse leakage, palpitations, sperm, deafness, waist and limb numbness and so on. Cuttlefish egg is salty in taste, has the effect of tonifying kidney filling, appetizing water, and is used for sperm and slippery sperm caused by kidney deficiency. Sea mantis is salty, astringent and slightly warm, has the effect of astringent hemostasis, acid making, etc., for excessive gastric acid, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pediatric hypochondriasis, etc., external use can stop bleeding and treat skin ulcers, multi-tears, scrotum eczema, etc. The following describes several kinds of cuttlefish medicinal diets.

Yisheng medicinal diet: the practice of maintaining cuttlefish in autumn and winter

Tonic sulka soup

30 grams of psoralen, 10 grams of dates, 50 grams of cuttlefish, 10 grams of sea mantis, seasoning to taste. Soak the cuttlefish in hair, wash and cut into strips. Fry the sea mantis and psoralen in water to remove the residue, add cuttlefish and jujube, cook together until the cuttlefish is cooked, and mix with salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger, etc., 1 dose per day. It is used for yin deficiency and blood loss, low menstrual flow or menstrual closure.

Cuttlefish bone stewed pork skin

Cuttlefish bone 15 g, pork skin 60 g. Wash the cuttlefish bone and pork skin, cut the pork skin into small pieces and put it in a bowl with the cuttlefish bone, add water to the water, simmer over low heat until the pork skin is cooked thoroughly, 2 times a day. Suitable for physical weakness and blood-hot collapse.

Cuttlefish stewed chicken soup

1 cuttlefish is washed and sliced, 1 hen is washed, and simmered with salt and ginger. It is used for maternal tonic qi and blood, increase milk.

Cuttlefish quail egg soup

60 grams of cuttlefish, 5 quail eggs, cook a total of soup, add condiments to eat. It is used to treat anemia, dizziness, amenorrhea.

Yisheng medicinal diet: the practice of maintaining cuttlefish in autumn and winter

Cuttlefish mushroom porridge

1 cuttlefish, 100 grams of pork, 100 grams of japonica rice, 50 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 50 grams of winter shoots, seasoning appropriate amount, cuttlefish foam hair diced, and then add pork and shiitake mushrooms to cook into porridge, add MONOS glutamate, salt, pepper to taste and eat. It is used to improve qi and regulate menstruation, astringent and stop bleeding. Indications for the treatment of amenorrhea, vaginal discharge.

Cuttlefish winter melon porridge

150 grams of cuttlefish, 100 grams of winter melon, 100 grams of japonica rice, seasoning to taste. Wash and cook the porridge with japonica rice, add cuttlefish and diced winter melon after cooking, cook for a while, then add cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, sesame oil, and cook it slightly. It is used to supplement the spleen and stomach, and reduce swelling. Indications for the treatment of nephritis, edema, hemorrhoids.

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