
Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology

author:Frog in the woods

Hong Shilu was once a world-renowned parasitic scientist and the founder of the discipline of parasitology in China, and his invention of the "Hong's Hamburg Coverslip Worm Egg Calculation Method" has been used by the international medical community to this day, and his life has been devoted to medical education and health administration, especially in the fields of malaria, hookworm disease, trichyloides and other research fields.

Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology

Hongshi Lu

Hong Shilu (1894-1955) character Bai Rong, Zhejiang Yueqing people, born on May 3, 1894 in Yueqing County, Zhejiang Province, a large family in Kaiyuan Lane, his grandfather Hong Shulin and father Hong Guoyuan are both from Xiucai, Hong Shilu has received a good enlightenment education since childhood, and studied in the Yueqing Primary School founded by his father.

In the spring of 1905, Hong Shilu entered the Wenzhou Fu Academy, and before graduating in 1909, he went to Henan with his father Hong Guoyuan to serve as an alternate in Henan Province, while Hong Shilu transferred to Kaifeng Guest Middle School and later renamed Zhongzhou First Middle School.

After the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, Hong Shilu returned to Yueqing with his father, and the following year Hong Shilu went to Hangzhou to learn English, and in the winter of 1912, he was admitted to the National Beijing Medical College, which was founded on October 26, 1912, and was the first national school specializing in teaching Western medicine by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China government relying on China's own strength, with Tang Erhe as the first principal.

Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology

Former site of the National Beijing Medical College

During his school studies, Hong Shilu received the attention and attention of Ma Sulun, a chinese language teacher, who recommended many classic books to Hong Shilu, and Hong Shilu was also deeply influenced by Ma Sulun's patriotism and love for the people and moral cultivation.

In March 1917, the first batch of 22 students graduated from the National Beijing Medical College, Hong Shilu was one of them, because of his outstanding academics, he was retained as a pathology assistant teacher, and thus began his medical teaching and medical research career, and from then on began to compile the general theory of pathology and monographs, and later published by the Shanghai Commercial Press with "General Theory of Pathology" and "Monographs of Pathology", and was used as a university series by the Ministry of Education of the Beiyang Government.

Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology

《General Introduction to Pathology》

Before and after the "May Fourth Movement", Hong Shilu did not participate in this vigorous anti-imperialist patriotic movement, but stayed outside the movement, held a non-attention attitude, scrupulously abided by the campus to fulfill the duties of a teacher, and insisted on the teaching of pathology.

In the summer of 1920, Hong Shilu went to the Berlin City Hospital in Germany to study pathology, during which he invented the "basic membrane staining method", which was highly valued by the German medical community and was cited by many scholars.

Hong Shilu believes that there are many types of parasitic diseases in China, specializing in pathological research is far from meeting the actual needs of the country, he transferred to the Hamburg Institute of Tropical Diseases, specializing in parasitics, in his later medical career, Hong Shilu has also been engaged in the study of parasitic diseases, and in 1923 published a paper entitled "Morphological Supplement to Animal Fecal Nematodes".

In March 1922, Hong Shilu returned to China via Paris, and during his stay in Paris, Hong Shilu visited the famous Pasteur Institute, which was established in 1887 as both a basic research center for biology and a specialized biomedical center, with a wide influence in the world medical community.

In September 1923, the National Beijing Medical College was renamed the National Beijing Medical University, with Professor Hong Shilu as the president, and for the first time set the medical student system to a six-year system, just when Hong Shilu was determined to make great achievements in medical education, the Institute of Tropical Diseases in Hamburg, Germany, sent a letter to the Ministry of Education of the Beiyang Government, inviting Hong Shilu to Hamburg to continue the unfinished research work of the year, and the Ministry of Education approved Hong Shilu to go to Hamburg, Germany for further study.

In March 1925, Hong Shilu traveled to Hamburg, Germany, via Japan, the United States and Britain, and when he passed through Japan and britain, he visited the Kitasato Institute in Tokyo and the Liverpool Institute of Tropical Diseases, and after arriving at the Hamburg Institute of Tropical Diseases, under the guidance of Professor Fleipen, independently carried out research work, and found two new parasitic nematodes in animals, and completed the study of hookworm egg quantification, one of the results of which was "Hongshi hookworm egg measurement method", while the other was named after the mentor Flembon.

Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology


At the end of February 1927, the Northern Expeditionary Army occupied all of Zhejiang, and Zhang Jingjiang became the chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Government, and invited Hong Shilu to go south to Hangzhou to take over the Guangji Hospital founded by the British Anglican Church and serve as the director of the hospital council, but later the Guangji Hospital was forced to stop.

In 1928, Hong Shilu co-founded the private Hangzhou Hospital and was elected as the president, and in August of that year, Hong Shilu also founded the Hangzhou Institute of Tropical Diseases, which was the first parasitic disease research institute in China and the first privately founded modern medical research institution in China.

Hangzhou Institute of Tropical Diseases set up a board of directors, with Cai Yuanpei as the chairman, in order to get funding from the Ministry of Education of the National Government of Nanjing, with Tang Erhe as the director, Hong Shilu as the deputy director, and the actual work was presided over by Hong Shilu, the reason why Hong Shilu enthusiastically founded the Hangzhou Institute of Tropical Diseases was completely influenced by the French Pasteur Institute, the institute mainly took Zhejiang's ginger flake disease, schistosomiasis, malaria, hookworm disease as the research object, and actively carried out the research of census and prevention, Hong Shilu also wrote the "Hangzhou Institute of Tropical Diseases". The book "Malaria in Hangzhou" has played a pioneering and foundational role in malaria immunity and malaria parasite morphology research.

At that time, parasitology had not yet formed an independent discipline in China, mainly taught in pathology and microbiology, and China's vast territory, many types of parasites, wide distribution, seriously endangering the health of the people, it was Hong Shilu who took the lead in separating parasitology from pathology and listed it as a parasitic disease discipline alone.

Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology

Medicine and Hygiene

In the winter of 1928, Ma Xulun, then vice minister of education of the National Government of Nanjing, invited Hong Shilu, a student of that year, to concurrently serve as the director of the Editorial Office of the Ministry of Education, and promised him that he could work between Ningbo and Hangzhou.

In September 1929, Hong Shilu was invited by the Japanese Kyushu Medical Association, attended the annual meeting and gave a lecture on "Research on Ginger Tablets", visited the medical departments of several famous universities in Japan, and had a further understanding and understanding of Japanese medical education.

In 1936, Hong Shilu was hired by Jiangsu Nantong College as the director of medical science and professor of parasitology, which was founded by the famous patriotic industrialist Zhang Xiao, a private higher education school, and Hong Shilu still served as the leader of the Hangzhou Institute of Tropical Diseases during his work at Nantong College.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Medical Department of Nantong University was entrusted by the Military Medical Bureau of the National Government to organize medical teachers and students to establish a temporary field hospital, which was first located in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, and then moved to Hengyang, Hunan Province.

In August 1938, with the approval of the Ministry of Education of the National Government, the Medical Department of Nantong University was merged with the Jiangsu Provincial Medical And Political College, which had been moved to Yuanling, Hunan at that time, to form the National Jiangsu Medical College, Hong Shilu was still a professor, and during the Sino-Japanese Changsha War, because Yuanling was in front, the National Jiangsu Medical College was relocated to Guiyang, Guizhou in December of that year.

On February 4, 1939, 15 large Japanese bombers flew over Guiyang and carried out indiscriminate bombing of Guiyang City, this barbaric and bloody bombing caused the loss of guiyang city essence and heavy property losses, and the teachers and students of the National Jiangsu Medical College who were attending classes hid under the gate of the East Gate and lived in the air raid siren for several days.

Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology

Guiyang was bombed by Japanese military aircraft

The National Jiangsu Medical College had to reconsider the relocation, and finally decided to move to Chongqing Beibei Chi Jiaodang, when the National Jiangsu Medical College moved to Chongqing and was not yet stable, it encountered the Chongqing bombing, the indiscriminate bombing of Japanese aircraft, shocked the whole world, and the teachers and students of the National Jiangsu Medical College arrived in Chongqing in the bombing and smoke, and soon resumed classes in the anti-Japanese war.

Hong Shilu moved to Chongqing with the National Jiangsu Medical College as a professor of parasitology, in view of his excellent teaching experience and outstanding medical contributions, Hong Shilu was hired by the Ministry of Education of the National Government of Chongqing as the first batch of "ministry professors", known as "professors among professors", which is a high academic honor, equivalent to the later selection of academicians of the Academia Sinica, which is also a kind of praise for the teaching and scientific research level of Hong Shilu by the state.

National Jiangsu Medical College in 1942 set up the Institute of Parasitology, by Hong Shilu concurrently serve as the director of the institute, due to the shortage of parasitology professors, Hong Shilu began to train master's degree students, and regularly went to Northwest Medical College and Tongji Medical College as a professor of parasitology, despite the teaching work is very busy, Hong Shilu still carries out research on hookworm disease, malaria and oriental caterpillariasis, and actively carries out parasitic epidemic prevention work, has published dozens of research papers.

Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology

Hong Shilu (front row, sixth from left) poses with graduates

In 1946, the National Jiangsu Medical College moved from Chongqing, Sichuan back to Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, Hong Shilu was invited by the president of National Taiwan University Luo Zongluo, concurrently served as the director of the Institute of Tropical Medicine of National Taiwan University, before the restoration of Taiwan, students received Japanese education, the level of Chinese was very low, and most of the course reference books were in German, so teachers must be proficient in Japanese or German to be competent in teaching, Hong Shilu has twice gone to Germany for further study, not only proficient in German, but also has a high academic reputation. Therefore, he was selected by the Ministry of Education and National Taiwan University to work in Taiwan.

Hong Shilu led the Institute of Tropical Diseases of National Taiwan University to actively carry out a series of investigations, research and prevention of tropical diseases, presided over the editing and publication of the English edition of the "Chinese Journal of Tropical Diseases", and successively published the "Brief History of Parasitic Flukes in Taiwan" and "History of the Development of Parasitic Flukes in Taiwan".

In March 1948, zhu Jiahua, then minister of education, sent a telegram to the resignation of National Taiwan University President Lu Zhihong without any reason, causing Hong Shilu's dissatisfaction, so he resigned in protest, and in early April 1948, he left Taiwan in a hurry, ending his teaching career at National Taiwan University, although Hong Shilu had a strong affection for Taiwan.

In mid-September 1948, Hong Shilu was bleeding due to a sudden increase in blood pressure, and fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss, and after three months of bed rest, he was transferred to Hangzhou for recuperation.

After the liberation of Hangzhou in May 1949, Hong Shilu returned to Zhenjiang to continue to serve as a professor at Jiangsu Medical College, and in July of that year, Hong Shilu was invited to Beijing and took the illness Chinese to participate in the preparatory meeting of the First National Congress of Natural Science Workers of China.

Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology

Hong Shilu (front row, second from right) poses with democrats when he attends the CPPCC meeting

In January 1950, when the Health Department of the People's Government of Zhejiang Province was preparing to prepare for the establishment of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Experimental Institute, Hong Shilu participated in the preparation and establishment of the hospital at the invitation of Li Lanyan, then director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Department, and was hired by Tan Zhenlin, then chairman of Zhejiang Province, as the president of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Experimental Institute.

In September of that year, Hong Shilu went to Prague to attend the Sixth International Conference on Microbiology in Czechoslovakia, and made an academic report at the conference, introducing the overview of important human parasitic diseases in China.

On December 1, 1950, the East China Branch of the Central Institutes of Health was established in Nanjing, and the Ministry of Health of the Central People's Government appointed Hong Shilu as the president, and in October 1951, Hong Shilu was appointed as the director of the Health Department of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government, and at the same time the president of the Zhejiang Medical College.

Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology

Hong Shilu's letter of appointment

At the end of November 1952, Hong Shilu went to Beijing to attend the Second National Health Work Conference, during which he was sent to the Central People's Hospital for hospitalization due to excessive blood pressure, which led to dizziness and vomiting, and returned to Hangzhou after more than two months of treatment in Beijing.

In early April 1955, the Ministry of Health held a symposium on the research and treatment of lung trematode in Hangzhou, and Hong Shilu made a conference report on the topic of "Epidemiological Overview of Lung Fluke Disease in Taiwan Province", which was Hong Shilu's last speech before his death.

Hong Shilu, the pioneer and founder of Chinese parasitology, eventually left the Chinese medical community prematurely due to overwork, and also faded out of the vision of the Chinese people early. Or is it unfortunate?

Hong Shilu: Pioneer of Chinese parasitology

Hongshi Lu bronze statue

At the end of 2018, the Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences erected a bronze bust of Hong Shilu in front of its science and technology building on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the hospital, in order to commemorate and commemorate the founder of the hospital, Hong Shilu, which is the long-lost Hong Shilu once again returned to the public eye, which is not only the gratitude and admiration of modern people to the medical predecessors, but also the scenery and inspiration for the newcomers.

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