
Promote the healthy development of food security

author:Information News
Promote the healthy development of food security

On October 27, Wu Yuzhou, secretary of the county party committee, led the main responsible persons of the county development and reform bureau, the agricultural and rural bureau, the municipal supervision bureau and other units to investigate the food security work in Anxi County. Huang Hanyang, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, attended the meeting.

The second phase of the expansion project of the county central grain reserve warehouse, which began construction in September this year, has a total investment of about 37.26 million yuan. The project is scheduled to be fully capped by the end of this year, and is expected to be completed in June next year, and the intelligent standard warehouse capacity can reach 50,200 tons after completion. Coming to the project site, Wu Yuzhou learned in detail about the progress of the project construction, required the project party to reverse the construction schedule, wall chart operations, accelerate progress, and ensure that the project is completed and put into use in accordance with the established time node, with quality and quantity; to further strengthen the intelligent construction of grain depots, improve the grain quality monitoring system, realize the informatization of warehousing in Anxi County, intelligent management, and efficient operation, and continuously improve the ability and level of ensuring food security.

Subsequently, Wu Yuzhou and his entourage also inspected the grain reserve depot and emergency material reserve depot in the second phase of the county grain and material reserve co., LTD., learned in detail about the warehouse capacity, grain storage, quality inspection, warehouse management, grain rotation, etc., and listened to relevant reports.

Wu Yuzhou pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the standardized management of grain reserves, ensure that the quantity of grain reserves at all levels is true, of good quality, safe in storage, and standardized in management, and ensure that emergency situations can be mobilized and used; more scientific and technological means should be used to improve the refinement of grain collection and storage, and the level of professional management; it is necessary to do a good job in the fire safety work of grain depots and emergency material reserve depots, implement fire control measures in detail, strictly prevent fire accidents, and make every effort to ensure the safety of grain storage and emergency materials.

On the same day, Wu Yuzhou and his entourage also inspected the site selection of the rice processing plant, the provincial grain reserve inventory and rotation of the provincial treasury directly under Ku'anxi, and the emergency rice reserve of Jingsheng Grain and Oil Trading Co., Ltd.

During the survey, Wu Yuzhou pointed out that food security is an important foundation for national security and a top priority related to national fortunes and people's livelihood and social stability. All units at all levels in Anxi County should do a good job in grain production, purchase, reserve, processing, and sales from the high plane of keeping the bottom line of safety, and earnestly shoulder and implement the political responsibility for ensuring food security; they must strictly implement the responsibilities of local entities, departmental supervision, and enterprise implementation, normalize the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards, stabilize grain production, maintain the order of grain circulation, and improve the level of grain management and management; they must establish and improve grain emergency plans and give play to the role of grain reserve banks. Earnestly improve the ability to ensure food security, and make every effort to promote the healthy development of food security in Anxi County.

(Source: Anxi County People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】


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