
Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected

author:Wan 㚥

Gu Zhengqiu is the female disciple of Peking Opera master Mr. Mei Lanfang, who enjoys the reputation of "Taiwan Mei Lanfang" in Taiwan.

If there is no accident, Gu Zhengqiu's future is unlimited.

Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected

However, since the ancient red face has a thin life, Gu Zhengqiu's beauty has brought disaster to her.

Gu Zhengqiu was born in Nanjing in 1928, his original name was Ding Lanbao, he lost his father at an early age, and grew up in his grandmother's parents.

The grandmother loves this granddaughter very much, and Gu Zhengqiu is not restrained at the grandmother's house.

Gu Zhengqiu, who has a lively personality, has liked opera since he was a child, and he has a naturally good voice.

In 1939, Gu Zhengqiu was admitted to the Shanghai Theater School's zhengzi class with the first place.


Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected


With the guidance of his mentor, Gu Zhengqiu made rapid progress, sang better and better, and soon opened up his popularity in Shanghai.

在当时,顾正秋的经常演出的戏有《御碑亭》、《四郎探母》、《宝莲灯》、《红鬃烈马》等,这‬些都是传统的京剧大戏。 ‬


Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected

On the eve of liberation, Gu Zhengqiu took the drama team to the Taipei Yongle Theater for a performance. ‬

在‬台湾,‬顾‬正‬秋‬的戏‬文‬依然受到追‬捧‬,‬因为她‬师‬从‬梅‬兰‬芳‬先生,‬表‬演时‬处‬处‬透着梅‬兰‬芳‬的影子,所以获得了“台湾梅‬兰‬芳‬”的‬称‬号。 ‬

顾‬正‬秋‬艺‬色‬双‬全‬,‬追求她‬的男人‬很‬多‬,‬这‬其中就‬包括太‬子‬爷‬蒋‬经‬国‬。 ‬

蒋‬经‬国‬也是一个京‬剧‬迷‬,‬他‬经常来‬看‬顾‬正‬秋‬的戏‬,‬对‬顾‬正‬秋‬的美‬貌‬更‬是‬迷‬恋‬不‬己‬。 ‬


Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected

可‬是面对蒋‬经‬国‬疯狂‬的追求,‬顾‬正‬秋‬却‬不为所动。 ‬



任‬显群对‬顾‬正‬秋‬一‬见‬钟‬情‬,‬可‬他‬也‬是一个有‬家‬室的人。 ‬


‬顾‬正‬秋‬对‬任‬显‬群的追求并‬不‬拒绝,‬她‬经‬过长时间的了解后‬,‬毅然决定跟‬这‬个‬男人在一起。 ‬

Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected

Years later, Gu Zhengqiu once recalled one by one

"I was not obsessed with Ren Xianqun at first sight, but after I met him, I was attracted by his humorous and bold personality. When I spent time with him, I felt very happy and comfortable, and finally broke through all the difficulties, we came together, and decided to stay together. ”

顾‬正‬秋‬真‬心‬喜欢任‬显‬群,‬但是由‬于‬正‬妻‬的‬存在,‬她‬只能做‬妾‬,‬这‬不‬得‬不‬说‬是‬一种‬悲哀。 ‬

任‬显群对‬顾‬正‬秋‬也‬算‬是‬有‬情‬,‬他‬为‬了‬心‬爱的女人辞‬去了官‬职‬,‬办‬了‬一场‬隆重‬的婚礼,风‬风‬光光地‬将‬她‬接‬进‬了门‬。 ‬

After marriage, Ren Xianqun and Gu Zhengqiu had a good life, but not long after, the great disaster came, and Ren Xianqun was arrested and imprisoned.

Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected





Many people speculated that it was Chiang Ching-kuo, and he could not pursue Gu Zhengqiu, so he framed Ren Xianqun and exported evil spirits.

What the truth of the matter is, no one can say.

After Ren Xianqun was arrested and imprisoned, most of his property was confiscated, and Gu Zhengqiu was not Ren Xianqun's wife, but he also had to confiscate his personal property.

Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected

As the saying goes, husband and wife are originally the same forest birds, and they fly separately in the face of great trouble, not to mention that Gu Zhengqiu is not Ren Xianqun's wife.

Everyone thinks that Gu Zhengqiu, who is at the peak of his career, will leave Ren Xianqun, and even his family also feels that Gu Zhengqiu will abandon Ren Xianqun.

However, Gu Zhengqiu did not leave Ren Xianqun, she withdrew from the stage, washed away the lead, and lived a hard life.

At that time, Gu Zhengqiu still had many theater fans in Taiwan, and the owners of major theaters also competed to invite her to perform on stage.

"My husband is still in prison, how can I sing again?"

顾‬正‬秋‬拒绝了一切‬的‬邀‬约‬,她‬深‬居‬简‬岀‬,‬一‬心‬等‬着‬任‬显群。 ‬

Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected

1958年,任显群提前出狱了‬,‬可‬是他‬不‬能‬呆‬在‬城里,‬只‬能隐‬姓‬埋‬名‬去‬农村居‬住‬。 ‬

30岁‬的顾‬正‬秋‬为‬了心‬爱‬的男人,‬毅然‬决定离开台‬北‬去‬农村生活。 ‬


就‬这‬样‬,‬顾‬正‬秋‬与‬任‬显群过‬上‬了平‬凡的隐‬居‬生活。 ‬

此时的顾‬正‬秋‬忘记了自己名‬伶‬的身份,‬她‬只‬想‬做‬任‬显‬群‬身边的贤‬妻‬。 ‬

Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected


有‬了自己的公司‬后‬,‬顾‬正‬秋‬和‬任‬显‬群的日子才‬好‬过‬了‬一些‬。 ‬


1978年, 任显群因病去世,临终‬前他要求顾正秋把自己葬在当年“贫病相守”的金山农村。

Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected



"Man's life comes by chance and goes by necessity; joys and sorrows, ups and downs, honors and disgraces, are all in it." Although there is a 'reputation for not worrying' in life, there is also a 'disaster of seeking perfection', and everything still depends on one's own patience and fate, and cannot be forced. What should be done, I have worked hard to do, worthy of love, and I have truly loved, for the rise and fall of life and death, I have looked down. ”


Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected

In 2016, Gu Zhengqiu died of illness in Taiwan at the age of 88.


所以‬当在顾‬正‬秋‬去‬世‬后‬,‬她‬与‬任‬显群‬合‬葬‬的要求‬没‬能‬实现。 ‬


Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected

This is Gu Zhengqiu's most regrettable thing, but also the saddest thing.

Rather be a bird in the sky than a small person on the ground, a concubine is always a concubine, and no matter how much you pay, you are also a person without a name.

If Gu Zhengqiu hadn't followed Ren Xianqun, would she have become a leader in Taiwan's Peking Opera industry?

Unfortunately, there is no "if" in this world.

Gu Zhengqiu: Taiwan Mei Lanfang, Chiang Ching-kuo could not chase after, willing to be small for his lover, and the joint burial was rejected

About the Author: A woman who likes to read, is obsessed with history, and loves to write articles. What is a good article, I don't know. I only know that writing an article is writing what I want to say, what I want to write. This is me, an earthly layman, who is worried about the deep valley and the sky, and the orchid is fragrant.

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