
Qiu Shui Weng said "Dream of the Red Chamber" (18) The Grand View Garden is the Garden of Life

author:The fragrance falls into the dust
Qiu Shui Weng said "Dream of the Red Chamber" (18) The Grand View Garden is the Garden of Life

This is the seventeenth note of "Dream of the Red Chamber". I have read this novel a lot, and every time I read it, I will have different feelings and understandings. However, only this time, there is always the same feeling: as if this is the beginning of the novel, as if life is in the budding, everything is new. Yes, the Grand View Garden has a different meaning for "Dream of the Red Chamber". The author seems to have returned from this, standing at a height of sudden enlightenment about life, to watch everything in this garden,—— he looked down at the flowers and grasses, a pond and a pavilion, a mountain and a stone; the joys and sorrows of the people in this garden, the parting of life and death, were all in his grand view. In the author's eyes, the Grand View Garden exists with the breath of life, is the garden of human freedom, and is also the paradise of youth. Youth is another starting point of life, and it is beautiful for everyone. If a person does not leave any good memories in adolescence, I think this person will have a lot less happiness in his life, and in the color of life, there will be more gray. Therefore, Lin Daiyu did not go out of the Grand View Garden until her death, and she always maintained a state of youth,—— a kind of purity and perseverance!

But when I was sorting through my notes this time, I suddenly found a problem. The whole novel is very rich in content, which is the common feeling of all readers who read this novel, but this time it talks about a very professional problem - garden architecture. The author does not specifically write how the Grand View Garden is built: how to plan and design, how to cost, how to build mountains, how to create landscaping... Therefore, all the specific activities related to the project are not mentioned. Instead, it is directly written that after the completion of the Grand View Garden, Jia Zheng took a cadre of people to the garden to visit the scenery, and the title was proposed, so that the reader was officially introduced to the Grand View Garden. The author seems to be deliberately avoiding the process of architecture, why? Could it be that such a great writer as the author also has a shallow point about the construction process? Later, when I read "Chinese Garden Art" and "History of Chinese Gardens", I found out the reasons for this: the original Freehand in traditional Chinese paintings, poems, Yang Lian, music, etc., metaphors, arias, light and shade, distance, intervals, pauses... It is the soul of garden architecture. If the garden architecture lacks cultural elements, it is just a building, which will naturally have a lot less interest and cannot be passed on for a long time. Similarly, if an architectural designer lacks artistic attainments, the building he designs is just a pile of civil engineering, without a soul and without beauty. Not only that, but the garden architecture also carries Confucian and religious ideas. Some gardens talk about symmetry, rules, heights, and arrangements, just like the order, rules, and status of Confucianism,—— its windows and doors have fixed patterns, and the orientation of the location is also very clear, but such buildings always give people a sense of uniformity, less interesting. Mr. Ye Shengtao wrote a passage in "Suzhou Garden": "China's architecture, from ancient palaces to modern general housing, most of them are symmetrical, how about the left side, how about the right side." Suzhou gardens are by no means symmetrical, as if deliberately avoided. There is a pavilion or a cloister in the east, and there will never be a pavilion or a cloister on the west side. Why? I think, using the analogy of drawings, symmetrical architecture is a pattern painting, not an art painting, while a garden is a fine art painting, and fine art painting requires the interest of nature and does not pay attention to symmetry. "Taoists talk about natural beauty, and the pursuit of twists and turns in the line in architecture aims to embody a feeling of "loneliness". Many of China's garden landscaping, with the help of Taoist ideas, make the architecture produce natural beauty, and even some garden buildings are directly attached to the natural landscape. Between this consideration, so in the garden architecture, each structure has a special emphasis: such as mountain stone flowing water, take the charm of nature; the alley, to have a sense of depth; the path, to twist and turn; the terrace, should bear the water facing the mountain; pavilion, high and view; wall, decorated with pink and clean; window, hollow and look out... Achieve the effect of people in the painting and painting in the garden. Therefore, to appreciate the garden attractions, you must be liberated from the rules and daily constraints, maintain inner peace, you can appreciate the beauty of garden art, in order to feel the charm of Chinese culture in garden architecture for thousands of years. If you have an impetuous heart and a lot of worldly things in your heart, even if it is a good garden building, you will feel tasteless when you see it, at most you will shout: Wow! Wow!

Qiu Shui Weng said "Dream of the Red Chamber" (18) The Grand View Garden is the Garden of Life

According to many red scholars, the prototype of daguanyuan is located in the Gongwang mansion garden in the western suburbs of Beijing. I have been to Beijing many times, and I have not had time to visit, I am afraid that I was concerned about fame and fortune at that time, and I did not have the heart to do so, so I regret it so far! So when we read the novel at this time, we simply follow Jia Zheng and a cadre of Qingke, listen to the explanation of Jia Baoyu, the tour guide, and go to visit this garden of life together! The first thing to arrive was the gate: "Jia Zhen ordered people to close the door, Jia Zheng first bingzheng to look at the door, only to see the main door five, one side of the tile loach ridge; the door railing window mallet, are finely carved in the new pattern, and there is no vermilion paint, a color of water mill group wall, below the tiger skin stone, built into a texture, not fall rich and vulgar, I like it." He ordered the door to open and enter. Only to see a belt of green ridges in front of him. "The door is the face of a building, and its scale is also a symbol of family prominence. Looking at the situation of a family, it can be seen from the façade, so there is a saying that when borrowing other people's things to show off, it is called "holding the façade". The façade of the Grand View Garden, the main entrance is five. Interval refers to the number of houses arranged horizontally, generally calculated in the singular. In ancient times, the number of rooms in the compound of all officials was stipulated, the emperor had nine rooms, and the general official had five rooms, which could not exceed the emperor. Therefore, the gate of the Grand View Garden should be decent, which makes Jia Zheng happy. From top to bottom, look at the ridges, windows, walls, steps, the construction of these buildings, tangible, colored, decorated, and the mode of construction has clear regulations and exquisite. In the Song Dynasty, there was a master architect named Li Jie who wrote a book called "Building the French Style", which talked about the specific naming, production methods, specifications and sizes of these building components. It is not difficult to see from this that architecture has been a rigorous activity since ancient times, and it is a complicated and time-consuming type of work. Entering the gate is a screen. There is a strong cultural and architectural aesthetic idea involved here. Many gardens or deep house compounds have a kind of screen blocking the entrance gate, so that people can not directly see the contents of the courtyard inside. One is that it can play a role of concealment, and the other is to make people associate. Once went to Dali, Yunnan, many Bai people's homes at the entrance of the compound called "three rooms and one wall", of which this "wall" is equivalent to the screen of the gate. And it has a certain artistic value. The wall in the Grand View Garden is a green mountain,—— composed of a hill with green plants attached to it, and what people see at a glance is a greenery. Passing through this green ridge, there is a strangely shaped hill of stones, and there are paths for people to walk: "One of the slightly exposed sheep intestine trails." Jia Zhengdao: "Let's swim from the trail, and when we come back, we can go out from that side before we can see it all." This trail is the first way to enter the Grand View Garden, so this is also the first place of the title. So Jia Zheng ordered everyone to write inscriptions, some people inscribed "Diecui"; some people inscribed: "Jinzhang"; some people inscribed: "Sai Xiang Burner", "Xiao Zhongnan", and so on, but Jia Zheng was not satisfied, so he asked Bao Yu to come out. What's the question? - "Winding paths". Suddenly I remembered a couplet of poems: "The winding path leads to a quiet place, and the flowers and trees in the Zen room are deep." "How Zen: a winding path, not a wide avenue in the city, not a highway, but a winding road. In the limited space, the road is curved, the distance is longer, the busy footsteps are slowed down, and time is slowly moved forward like a gentle stream. Reaching a quiet place means reaching the depths of the soul and generating thoughts about life,—— and only in a slow time will one calm down and fall into deep thought. The beauty of this naming is that it carries a dynamic beauty, which includes people's mood and experience of the scenery. The trail is curved and the scenery is quiet, so as soon as you enter the Grand View Garden, the mood is naturally relaxed and soothed. When they reached the highest point of the rock, there was a pavilion. The pavilion, in ancient times, was a place for pedestrians to rest. "Pavilionman, stop also." People stop the set also. ("Interpretation"). The pavilion in the garden should be a "reproduction" of the natural landscape or the roadside pavilion in the village or town. Water town mountain village, roadside more pavilions, for pedestrians to rest, there are mid-mountain pavilions, road pavilions, half-river pavilions, etc., because the garden as art is imitation of nature, so many gardens are set up pavilions. But precisely because the garden is art, the pavilion in the garden is very particular about the art form. The pavilion is often a "bright spot" in the gardenscape, which plays a role in finishing the finishing touch. Therefore, wherever there is a pavilion, there is a view: "A few more steps, gradually to the north, flat and wide, flying buildings on both sides, carved and embroidered sills, all hidden between the mountain col trees." Look down, but see Qingxi laxative jade, stone through the clouds, white stone as a fence, around the pond swamp, stone bridge three ports, animal face spit. "Standing on a high place, looking from south to north, there are houses, there are flowing water, there are bamboo trees, there are mountain stones. Every time I read this, my mind always thinks of an ancient poem that my own children recited in their ears: "One goes to two or three miles, and there are four or five yancun families." There are six or seven pavilions, eight or ninety flowers. "In the distance there are densely packed houses and bamboo trees, and in the near distance there are small bridges and flowing water, surrounding pavilions, and vanilla flowers in between, which will definitely leave people to stop and look out. Judging from Jia Baoyu's inscription on this scenery, this time should be late spring and early summer. The flowers fall in the water, drift with the water, and the water also carries the fragrance of flowers. So Baoyu called this "Qinfang". -----------------

"Suddenly, I looked up and saw a pink wall in front of me, and there were several trees and houses, and there were thousands of poles of green bamboo shading, and everyone said: 'Good place!' So everyone entered, only to see that the entrance was a zigzag small veranda, and the steps were full of Yong Road, with three small rooms on it, two bright and one dark, and inside were all beds and chairs that were closed in the same place. From the inside of the room, there is another small door, but out is the back garden, there are large pear blossoms, broad-leaved plantains, and two small retreats. A gap suddenly opened under the wall of the backyard, and the spring was sent, and the ditch was opened, poured into the wall, and went around the edge of the stairs to the front yard, circling under the bamboo and coming out. "People who have read the Dream of the Red Chamber will know what place it is when they look at it. By the way, this is the Xiaoxiang Hall where Lin Daiyu lived later. Outside the pink wall, there is bamboo, and the contrast between green and white colors highlights a three-dimensional sense of picture, and when added to the plantains in the back garden, it gives people a deep, cold feeling. Therefore, when Jia Baoyu wrote a joint question here, he may have been touched by this feeling and wrote: "Baoding tea is still green, and the window chess is still cool." "Such a deep green not only dyes the entire room environment green, but even the smoke of incense has become green mist." There is no sunlight in the four seasons under the bamboo forest, it is cold and slightly cold, and if you sit under it for a long time, I am afraid that your fingers will become cool. How imaginative! ——There is a calm and arrogant situation, isn't this exactly the characteristic of Lin Daiyu's life? As he spoke, he walked, and suddenly saw the green mountain sloping. Turning around the mountain, a yellow mud wall was faintly revealed, and the walls were covered with rice stems. There are hundreds of apricot blossoms, like steaming on fire. Inside there are many huts, but outside are mulberry, elm, hibiscus, garnets, all kinds of trees and new strips, with their twists and turns, weaving two green hedges. Under the slope of the hedge, there is an earthen well, next to which there is the genus of orange mallets; below it is divided into acres, good vegetables and flowers, endless. Jia Zheng laughed and said, "But there is some truth here." Although it is man-made and chiseled, it is touching to the eye, which inevitably arouses my intention of returning to the farm. This place was the Daoxiang Village where Li Feng later lived. The scenery inside is all symbolic. Li Feng is young and widowed, and although his life has the delicacy of apricot blossoms, he also has the opportunity of "the East Corner has passed away, and the mulberry is not too late". However, because of the rules of the big family and feudal etiquette, she had to put up the widow's chastity sign, so her life was simple and gray from then on, and the red, green, purple and white in her life was about to disappear, like the crops after autumn, towards withering. However, Jia Zheng said that he saw that he had the idea of returning to the peasants. For a long time in the official field, he was pushed back and forth by the political forces every day, and lived a life of fear, so there was a kind of exhaustion and tension in his body and mind. When he visited the Grand View Garden, he saw the beauty of these lives, and he suddenly relaxed his body and mind, so he had the idea of returning to the field and living in seclusion, which is the ideal destination for readers for thousands of years. ——Like Tao Qian, plant beans in the South Mountain, pick chrysanthemums under the eastern fence; recite the song of the mountains and wild, and drunkenly drink the shade of the five willows. In this scenery, Jia Baoyu also has a wonderful comment on "nature". "Baoyu said, 'But here we go! This disposal of a farmstead is clearly made by manpower: far from the neighboring village, near not to live up to Guo, back to the mountain without pulse, water without source, high without hidden temple tower, under the bridge of the city, steep and lonely, it seems not to be a grand view, then and the first few places have the principle of nature, the interest of nature? Although it is planted with a spring, it does not hurt the chisel. The four words of 'natural picture' are afraid that it is not the land but the strong land, not the mountain but the mountain, that is, all kinds of exquisite, and ultimately inappropriate... "Jia Baoyu said that "natural" should be natural, the natural formation of life, can not be forced to be processed by manpower. This is the Taoist concept of life and the philosophy of world rule. And he also pointed out that Tianzhuang Mountain Village should have its proper characteristics, like "small bridges and flowing water people's homes", or like Du Mu's poem "Thousands of Miles of Warblers CryIng Green and Red, Water Village Mountain Guo Wine Flag Wind" like the same natural scene. Here comes the purpose of a garden making: the garden should be as close as possible to the real nature. Of course, Jia Zheng will not understand, and those pilgrims will not understand, because they have less attention to natural objects in their lives.

Qiu Shui Weng said "Dream of the Red Chamber" (18) The Grand View Garden is the Garden of Life

Therefore, they will not use too much thought to think and experience Jia Baoyu's insights. So a group of people, "turned the hillside, wore flowers and willows, stroked the stone spring, crossed the trellis, entered the wooden incense shed, crossed the peony pavilion, and went to the peony garden, to the rose courtyard, to the banana dock, circling and twisting." This paragraph of text, borrowing "turning, wearing, degree, caressing, passing, entering, crossing, crossing, and leaning", like a movie, suddenly speeds up the tour and allows the space to quickly change. Maybe there are friends who like to write travelogues, you may wish to read these words, if you want to ignore some attractions, this is the best way, so that the scene transition is naturally excessive, logical. Then they came to another important spot. This is the later Xue Baochao residence of the Wuwu Garden, where there are no bamboo trees, only some exotic flowers and plants: "Or only the vines, or the vines, or the hanging mountains, or the stone feet, or even the hanging eaves of the red pillar, the haunting steps, or the green belt fluttering, or such as the golden rope pan flexion, or the real Dan sand, or the flowers such as golden laurel, the taste is fragrant, and the extraordinary flowers are comparable." Jia Zheng couldn't help but say, 'Interesting! Just don't know much. Some said, 'It's a coix seed.' Jia Zhengdao: "Must there be such a strange fragrance of Xueli Vine?" Bao Yu said, "Sure enough, it's not." Among these grasses there are also vines and roses, the incense is Du Ruo, that is about the orchid, this one is about golden kudzu, that one is the golden grass, this one is the jade vine, the red nature is purple yun, and the green one must be Qingzhi. I think of all those grasses in "Leaving the Troubles" and "Anthology": there are some called what Horna Jiang Hui, and some are called what Lun Group Zi Dai. There are also Shi Fan, Qing Song, Fu Liu, etc., which are found in Zuo Taichong's "Wu Dufu". There is also what is called what green grass, and what dan pepper and mushroom are found in the "Shu Du Fu". Now that I have changed from old age to adulthood, people cannot recognize it, so they are all pictographically famous, and gradually they are called, and there are also some...'" I remember reading this once, and I can't help but sigh to myself: "O my God!" Who said Jia Baoyu didn't love to read! Here we quote not only Qu Yuan's "Leaving the Troubles", but also Zuo Si's "Three Capitals". A teenager has read so many difficult poems! This has to make me lament our education: if education is all utilitarian and procedural, maybe all educated children will come out in the same pattern. In their cultural cultivation, there can be no vanilla orchid, Du Ruowu, nor will there be an artistic conception in poetry and song. Many years ago, my father told me: "You are a child in the countryside, you should be familiar with agricultural production and know all the crops and some wild grasses and flowers in your hometown, don't read the book, you can't remember the twenty-four solar terms, and you recognize the wheat as a leek, so what is the use of reading?" People will laugh at your ignorance! Of course, the books that Jia Baoyu read were actually the books that the author had read. A great literary scholar, in his cultural cultivation, must have been involved in the three religions and nine streams, astronomical geography, divination and astrology, including the rich knowledge of nature, society, and humanities. So the significance of reading this novel is that you are not only reading the novel, you are swimming in the traditional Cultural Ocean of China, and you enjoy the nourishment of the deep cultural spring. The more you read, the more you will have the aroma of exotic flowers in your body,—— a unique, natural breath that is stored in your blood. Maybe Xue Baochao lived here, and she also had such an aura in her blood. But she was immersed in that fragrance and could not extricate herself,—— the lowness of the grass, the pulling of the vines, but could not hide the bright colors, the seductive fragrance. Just like Jia Baoyu's joint for this scenery: "The poems of cardamom are beautiful, and the dreams of sleeping feet are fragrant." "Youth, poetry like a dream. I want my life to be as beautiful as a flower; then I will sleep soundly under the flowers and make that dream of youth more fragrant.

Qiu Shui Weng said "Dream of the Red Chamber" (18) The Grand View Garden is the Garden of Life

Daguanyuan visited here, and there is probably half of the area. "Saying, everyone came out, not far away, then saw the lofty pavilion, the floor was raised, the Four-sided Lin Palace hugged, the winding and complex road was haunted, the green pine eaves were whispered, and the magnolia was wrapped around; the golden glow animal face, the color huan mantis head." This is the central location of the Grand View Garden, where Jia Yuanchun will complete her provincial ceremony, so it is magnificently repaired. However, Jia Baoyu said that he had seen it somewhere. The fifth time Jia Baoyu traveled to the illusory realm, and this provincial pro-villa, just like the illusionary realm, seemed to be talking about the matter of wealth and glory, but it was nothing more than something ethereal. Therefore, after the death of Yuan Chun, Jia Fu immediately went into decline - wealth is nothing but an instant nothingness, and disillusionment is a permanent existence. When the rich and prosperous experience for a long time, they are tired. Just like Jia Zheng visited this grand view garden, after walking for half a day, his legs were sore and his feet were weak, and his interest was not high. Just when Jia Yucun came to meet him, he immediately retreated. He retreated to the place where Jia Baoyu later lived: "Suddenly, a courtyard appeared in front of him, and Jia Zheng said: 'Here you have to rest and rest.'" Saying a path to attract people, around the peach blossoms, through the bamboo hedge flower barrier woven moon cave door, Russian pink wall ring protection, green willows hanging around. Jia Zheng and the crowd entered the door, the two sides are full of verandas, the courtyard is dotted with a few mountain stones, on one side is planted a few bananas, on the other side is a tree xifu begonia, its momentum is like an umbrella, silk hanging golden wisps, and spit dan sand. "Begonia red, plantain dark green, this red and green, is the most brilliant color of life, but also full of fantasy color, so later called this place Yihong Courtyard." Every time I read a sentence describing this place, I always think of Li Qingzhao's "green fat red thin" ,—— the poet sees the imperfection of life: one life is strong, and the other life will gradually decay. Jia Baoyu, on the other hand, is called "red fragrant green jade" ,—— he hopes that all the beautiful life will survive, so he likes to be lively, likes to get together, but does not like to be separated. But how can the things of the world be so complete? All that man has is nothing but emptiness in the end, and what can be preserved is his own mind and soul. It's like the mirror in Yihong Courtyard that can see everything, and from it you can see twice as much as the real thing, but it's just an illusion. The mirror is just a kind of contemplation, and the Buddhists use the mirror to tell the world: always remind themselves to be enlightened, and use the wisdom of life to see things. The Heart Sutra says, "The bodhisattva who contemplates himself sees that the five aggregates are empty." "What you see is nothing, it is emptiness. So later, the author borrowed Grandma Liu to enter the Grand View Garden, and after getting drunk, he ran to the provincial courtyard and almost pulled a bunch of shit, and then he was confused in front of this mirror, and then slept soundly in Baoyu's room, farted, and snored. You seem to hear this old country woman yelling: "I'm yuck!" What is it! People can't find the direction! In addition to the irony of that scene, it is also a kind of understanding of the author's wealth and nothingness.

Qiu Shui Weng said "Dream of the Red Chamber" (18) The Grand View Garden is the Garden of Life

Ranking, the Grand View Garden day trip to here should have an ending. The grand view is the form of life, and the view is the mind of self. Appreciation is a kind of state of mind cultivation that can purify the soul. Gardening is a cultural activity and a process of receiving cultural influence. When you are shuttling through the crowd every day, when you are busy in a crowded society, you may wish to stop, look back at the road, calm down and think about it, maybe you will have another understanding: look at the world, feel at ease. August 15, 2021 Golden Rhino Court

*About the author: Qiu Shui Weng, formerly known as Wang Yong, was born in Jintang, Chengdu. Like words, love life; enjoy life, feel life

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