
Hot buns, staggered peaks for a quarter of an hour... This school in Jinshan is so heartwarming!

author:i Gold Mountain

The frost has arrived, the temperature has plummeted, and the morning and evening are getting colder,

What are the changes to the school's after-school services?

Let's go to the school in Jinshan!

Hot buns, staggered peaks for a quarter of an hour... This school in Jinshan is so heartwarming!
Hot buns, staggered peaks for a quarter of an hour... This school in Jinshan is so heartwarming!
Hot buns, staggered peaks for a quarter of an hour... This school in Jinshan is so heartwarming!

At four o'clock in the afternoon, two steaming bags of buns appeared in each classroom. The children quickly washed their hands, lined up, one by one... This warm scene appeared during the after-school service period of Zhuhang Primary School. The children were pleasantly surprised to say that tuesday shiitake mushroom buns, Wednesday chives rolls, Thursday and Friday did not know what it would be! In the aroma of buns, the children look forward to tomorrow's after-school service.

Hot buns, staggered peaks for a quarter of an hour... This school in Jinshan is so heartwarming!

Jin Fanhua, principal of Zhuhang Primary School, said that the reason why he thought of providing freshly baked dim sum during the after-school service time was because a teacher said to her: "Principal, I had a dream last night, dreaming that at four o'clock in the afternoon, the children were holding hot buns and eating one bite at a time. I didn't even want to wake up, that moment was too real, too happy. "This matter is the students' desire, parents' expectations, teachers' concerns, Jin Fanhua immediately decided to act immediately, contact the general affairs, communicate with the canteen, notify the class teacher, select the duty chief..... Soon, the dream came true!

"Ding~" The principal's mailbox came to the letter, and a parent of the lower grade said in the letter: "It's almost winter, it's getting darker and earlier, we want to pick up the child earlier, can we?" "Is this the wish of most lower school parents? The moral education office of the school immediately communicated with the Parents Committee to understand the situation, clarify the opinions, and finally decided: the original departure time of 5:30, the lower grades were one quarter of an hour earlier.

On the first day of leaving the school, the road conditions at the school gate have improved significantly: the traffic in the middle of the road is clear, the walking queues on both sides of the road are not crowded, and the teachers who are anxious to go home do not have to wait for the parents of the students to finish before leaving work. Reasonable wrong time and batch, that is, to meet everyone's needs, but also to make the order at the school gate orderly, really kill two birds with one stone!

Hot buns, staggered peaks for a quarter of an hour... This school in Jinshan is so heartwarming!

The six new round stools are like sunflowers blooming, and children and parents who arrive early or late can sit on the round stools and wait. The newly installed six spotlights illuminate the face under the night, the warm light, the parents look very relieved, no matter how late the work does not affect the pick-up of children; the children look very at ease, the dark is not afraid, parents are busy at work, it does not matter if they come to pick up later... A small change at the school gate, everywhere is full of warmth.

Hot buns, staggered peaks for a quarter of an hour... This school in Jinshan is so heartwarming!

Hot buns, a quarter of an hour of staggered peaks, warm lights. ... These small measures to care for the healthy growth of students and facilitate teachers, students and parents make the after-school services under the "double reduction" policy warmer in this autumn and winter.

| Song Yan

Edit | Dry Yu Qiong

Editor-in-charge | Yu Luoyin

Hot buns, staggered peaks for a quarter of an hour... This school in Jinshan is so heartwarming!

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