
Ma Qianli et al.: The scale of land supply in the third round may increase, and the bidding rules of housing enterprises may be relaxed

author:Sino-Singapore warp and weft

  Zhongxin Jingwei October 29 Title: "Ma Qianli et al.: The scale of the third round of land supply may increase, and the bidding rules of housing enterprises may be relaxed"

  Author Ma Qianli (Market Research Director, Kerui Research Center) Qiu Juan (Researcher, Kerui Research Center)

  According to statistics from the Kerry Research Center, as of October 27, the total transaction area of residential land in 22 key cities across the country was 220 million square meters, reaching 75% of last year's transaction volume.

  In addition to Ningbo and Zhengzhou, the remaining 20 key cities have completed the first two rounds of centralized land supply. Although the land market has cooled down and land has been auctioned this year, in view of the fact that the third round of land supply has not yet ended, we believe that the annual land transaction scale of 22 key cities this year is still expected to remain at a high level.

  Data show that in the first 10 months of this year, some key cities in China such as Shanghai, Beijing, Changsha, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Hefei and other places increased land supply. In addition, the total supply of residential land in Tianjin, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Chengdu and other places is relatively abundant.

  In contrast, ningbo, Fuzhou, Shenyang, Qingdao, Chongqing, Wuhan and other places in the first 10 months of residential land supply is relatively small. In particular, in Ningbo, where the market heat was high last year, in the first 10 months of this year, the city's residential land transaction area was only 4.28 million square meters, only 40% of the annual residential land transaction volume last year, becoming the city with the most obvious decline in land transactions among the 22 key cities in the country.

  Since the implementation of the "two concentrations" (centralized release of transfer announcements and centralized organization of transfer activities) policy for land transfer in the real estate industry this year, most key cities in China have increased the supply of residential land, and the supply of land plans is "generous" compared with last year.

  On the one hand, the supply has increased, and on the other hand, the scale of land transactions has not achieved a substantial increase. The Kerry Research Center estimates that in the first 10 months, the transaction volume of residential land in 21 other key cities (Shanghai has not announced the land supply plan) accounted for an average of only 52% of the planned supply for the whole year this year. Therefore, compared with previous years, there is still much room for growth in the completion of land transfer in key cities this year.

  As of October 27, Wuxi, Nanjing, Suzhou and Shenzhen have listed the third batch of centralized land supply.

  In view of the current financial pressure faced by housing enterprises, and in order to avoid the recurrence of a large number of land auctions, we expect that under the goal of stabilizing land prices, stabilizing house prices and stabilizing expectations, the third round of centralized land supply in key cities in China should not only expand the scale of land supply, but also, under the pressure of the land supply plan not reaching the standard, some cities will continue to optimize the conditions for land transfer, and give a certain degree of relaxation to the restrictions on housing enterprises to participate in land auctions, so as to improve the enthusiasm of housing enterprises to obtain land. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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