
Building a reliable team? Fight for re-election, Trump recalled "old brother" one after another

Wang Rujun

As the president of the United States, Trump's every move will always become the focus of attention from the outside world. On the 13th local time, Trump issued two appointments: one is to recall Hope Hicks, the former director of the White House Press Office, appoint him as a senior adviser, and cooperate with Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Kushner and White House political affairs director Brian Jack to help Trump run for re-election; The second is to recall John McKintie and serve as Trump's personal assistant again. These two appointments may seem simple, but when you think about them, they are quite meaningful.

Fight for another four years of "presidential addiction"

When Trump began running for president in 2015, Hicks and McKintie were the right-hand men after the saddle, following Trump all the way to the White House. The former kept rising in rank until he served as chief of the White House Press Office. In 2018, Hicks left to go to Fox TV to earn money. McKintie, on the other hand, was found to be a gambler and was forced to leave the White House in 2018 because he could not pass the security background check. Now, Trump has shaken off the pressure of the "Russia gate" and the Ukrainian "telephone door", safely survived the "impeachment pass" initiated by the Democratic Party, and began to work on the general election at the end of 2020.

Four years ago, Trump relied on a group of reliable relatives and friends to form a "small circle team" to fully support through one hurdle after another, and now the key node is coming again, what to do? Trump once again recalled the "old subordinates", strengthened his "small circle", and strived to be "presidentially addicted" in the White House for another four years.

Three-punch tweet combo

As we all know, after Trump entered the White House, "twitter governance" is his famous signboard, pushing policies, removing officials, criticizing political enemies, intimidating opponents, and even scolding people he does not want to see, Twitter has become a sharp weapon that makes Trump arrogant. On the same day that he recalled his old subordinates, Trump sent three more tweets in a row. One is against former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. Because Kelly spoke justice for Lt. Col. Alexander Wiedeman, who was removed from office for testifying in the impeachment of President Trump. Trump is a revenge man, publicly saying that Kelly showed "incompetence" at every turn when he worked in the White House, and that he violated the military and legal regulations and should "shut up".

Second, Trump criticized the Justice Department's recent indictment against Roger Stone as "unfair." Roger Stone, who has done great things for Trump's presidential campaign, was investigated for "Russiagate" and charged by special counsel Robert Mueller on seven counts, including obstruction of justice, perjury and harassment of witnesses. Trump publicly called out the Justice Department in the Stone case, so that William Barrdu, the attorney general whom Trump once relied heavily, could not get off the stage and had to publicly state that the president's criticism "made him unable to do it." Barr said that while he had decided to revise stone's sentencing recommendation before Trump tweeted, Trump's tweets made the Justice Department's independence look hurt and the morale of Justice Department staff was hit. In response, White House press secretary Grisham responded that Trump was just expressing his opinion publicly like ordinary Americans, and he believed that Barr was capable of fulfilling his duties and abiding by the law.

Third, Trump ridiculed Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York and a Democratic candidate for the presidential election, as a short man who needed to step on a box to participate in the Democratic presidential debate. As a result, Bloomberg unceremoniously replied: "There are many people in New York who laugh at you behind your back, saying that you are a clown who is screaming and messing around at the carnival." They understand that you inherited a large fortune but have failed again and again due to stupid deals, and I have a track record and resources to definitely beat you!"

The old brother is the most reliable

Not to mention who is right and who is wrong, since Trump took office, he has not only changed the traditions of the White House, but even changed the politics of the United States. In the more than three years since he entered the White House, Trump's subordinates will have changed nearly 60 people, from the secretary of state, the president's national security adviser, to the White House chief of staff, the White House press spokesman, etc. Now Trump has publicly said that he will "sweep away the dirt" and drive disloyal people out of the White House. Some people may say that Trump's approach is a bit "mixed", but in fact, Trump is definitely a shrewd lord. From a political elite all the way to the White House, he worked for more than three years and began to plan for re-election. Now that the Republican Party has been tied to a boat with itself, and the US economy is working well, the opposition Democratic Party is scattered. Trump is clear: If you want to keep the country, you must first have a reliable team. The old brothers who worked with him in 2015 are naturally the most trustworthy people. Hicks and McKintie are among them, along with his daughter Ivanka, son-in-law Kushner, and so on.

In any case, as long as Trump appears, the US election in the second half of this year will definitely be another wonderful drama!

Editor-in-charge: Zhao Jiandong

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