
What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

author:Gout doctor Liu Liangyun

Gout is a lifestyle disease, and the knowledge about gout-related diseases has become more and more popular in recent years. However, many patients still have many questions about diet. The questions I often encounter from patients include the following:

"Doctor, can a gout patient eat meat?"

"Doctor, can gout drink red wine?"

"Doctor, can gout eat tofu?"

"Doctor, can gout drink tea?"

If you answer in general, the possible answer is: "Actually, it can be." If you answer seriously, the answer is: "It depends on the situation, it is not that it cannot be eaten, it is not all eaten, it needs to be treated differently." ”

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

After suffering from gout, many patients choose not to eat meat and not to eat fish

Before differentiating the uric acid-lowering diet for gout patients, we need to clarify the following points:

Controlling uric acid through diet is limited: only 20% of the purines consumed by the body through diet, and the remaining 80% of purines are synthesized through self-metabolism; that is, less than 20% of uric acid production comes from diet.

Diet is not the main cause of high uric acid: 30% of the causes of high uric acid in the human body are due to excessive uric acid production, 90% are due to reduced uric acid excretion, and 20% of the two are both; that is to say, diet does not lead to elevated uric acid.

Diet is only one of the triggers of gout: the cause of acute attacks of gout, dietary factors are only one of them, in addition to fatigue, injury, hunger, drugs, colds, work and rest disorders and other factors, avoiding acute gout attacks includes more than diet.

Dietary control is the basis of treatment: after the onset of gout, it is difficult to reduce uric acid to the standard value through dietary conditioning, and other treatments, including drugs, need to be supplemented; whether it is gout or hyperuricemia, dietary control and other life treatments are the basis.

All in all, patients with gout and hyperuricemia need dietary control, but dietary control cannot be used instead of standardized treatment; dietary control and other life conditioning are basic measures, and they need to be adhered to for a long time instead of "three days of fishing and two days of drying nets".

If the diet is well controlled, it can still play a role in lowering uric acid. Dr. Liu specially summarized the diet control rules of six foods not to eat, six foods to eat less, and six foods to eat more, through this way of eating, it is indeed possible to assist in uric acid reduction treatment.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

A healthy diet can lower uric acid

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > six foods not to eat, try to avoid gout attacks</h1>

Dietary adjustments for gout patients are not only to reduce blood uric acid levels, but also to avoid or reduce the acute onset of gout, as well as to prevent or mitigate the occurrence of other metabolic diseases. There are six foods, for gout patients can be described as "fierce as a tiger", we recommend not to eat, let's take a look at it.

Animal internal organs: poultry, livestock heart, liver, intestines, stomach, kidneys, lungs, brain, pancreas and other internal organs, the purine content is higher than 150mg / 100g, belongs to the high purine food, a large amount of food can lead to a sudden increase in blood uric acid levels, urate is easy to form crystalline salts to induce acute gout arthritis inflammatory response; at the same time, animal internal organs contain a lot of cholesterol and fat, easy to lead to cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, etc. Therefore, it is recommended that gout patients do not eat high purines such as animal offal, high cholesterol and high fat foods.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

Sichuan people eat hot pot and are prone to ingest a large amount of animal offal

Crustacean seafood: clams, scallops, oysters, straps, conchs, flower shells, etc. and sardines, anchovies and other parts of the marine fish are also high purine food, the relative risk value of gouty arthritis is higher than that of ordinary people 1.55 times, similar to animal internal organs, some gout patients will induce acute gout arthritis after eating a large amount of seafood. Therefore, it is recommended that patients with gout do not eat high purine foods such as crustacean seafood.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

Crustacean seafood is a food with a very high purine content

Alcohol: Beer, liquor or rice wine are alcoholic beverages rich in ethanol, of which beer and rice wine are most strongly associated with the onset of gout, which contains not only ethanol but also purines; liquor, especially high spirits, can also induce the risk of gout. These three kinds of alcohol, on the one hand, ethanol can reduce uric acid excretion, on the other hand, ethanol and purine can promote uric acid production. In addition, alcohol can also promote the triggers of acute onset of gout, including trauma and low body temperature at the end of the limbs. Therefore, it is recommended that gout patients do not drink beer, white wine or rice wine, and as for red wine, they can drink a small amount.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

People with gout are advised to abstain from alcohol

Fructose drinks: carbonated drinks, concentrated fruit juices, sugary tea drinks, functional drinks, milk tea drinks and other processed beverages, which are high in calories, generally add a large amount of sucrose or sugar, fruit glucose syrup or other sugar substitutes, honey and other fructose, and also contain other additives, fructose is easy to produce competitive metabolism with uric acid, thereby inhibiting uric acid excretion; fructose is also easy to consume a large amount of inorganic phosphate, resulting in increased uric acid production. Patients with gout are advised not to drink drinks high in fructose as much as possible.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

The monosaccharides of fructose drinks tend to lead to increased uric acid synthesis and decreased excretion

Thick broth: Thick broth, thick fish soup and animal offal, belong to the super high purine food. This is because the purines in meat or fish are soluble in water, resulting in a higher purine content in the soup; especially the milky white broth, which is not only high in purine content, but also high in oil content, may appear abnormal purine and lipid metabolism. Therefore, it is recommended that people with gout do not drink thick broth or thick fish soup.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

Purines are easily soluble in water, so the purine content in thick broth is higher than that of meat

Pickled or soaked food: pickled food, especially bacon, bacon, canned sardines, ham, soaked food including sauerkraut, kimchi, tofu milk, etc., contain a lot of salt, and pickled food is rich in purine content. These foods can hinder the excretion of uric acid, increase the burden on the kidneys, but also promote the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is recommended not to eat as much as possible.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > six foods to eat less and minimize uric acid production</h1>

Patients with gout believe that high uric acid is due to dietary effects, so strict restrictions on purine intake can reduce blood uric acid levels and reduce the number of acute attacks of gout. However, current studies have shown that even a strict low-purine diet can only reduce uric acid by 60 to 90 μmol/L. And like some gout patients, not eating meat and fish for a long time may lead to unbalanced nutrition and other diseases. Therefore, we recommend that foods with medium and high purines should still be eaten, but the amount should be controlled.

Animal meat: Animal meat is especially skinny meat, including pork, beef, mutton, chicken, goose, duck, etc., because its purine content belongs to medium and high purines, in addition to rich saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, can increase uric acid production. It is generally recommended to eat less, and if you eat it, you can choose to eat lean meat without skin in moderation.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

Lean meat can be selected for animal meat

Marine fish: moray eel, abalone, salmon, salmon, white fish, tuna, jellyfish, eel and other fish, the content of purcupine is medium and low, for gout patients can be eaten in moderation; some marine fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial to cardiovascular disease, and it is not harmful to eat in moderation.

High-fat foods: High-fat foods include animal fats, pork belly, beef with skin, fried chicken, barbecue, hot pot and other high-fat foods, which should be eaten less for gout patients; if it is hyperlipidemia and gout patients, try not to eat.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

Eat less of grilled high-fat foods

High salt food: watercress sauce, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, salted duck eggs, noodles, ham sausage, squeezed vegetables, oyster sauce, soy sauce, etc., high salt content, long-term heavy taste is easy to increase the burden on the kidneys, but also can promote the combination of uric acid and sodium to form sodium urate crystals, but also lead to high blood pressure, osteoporosis and other diseases, it is recommended to reduce cooking and consumption.

Fruits (high fructose): figs, oranges, grapefruit, lychees, persimmons, longan, bananas, bayberry, pomegranates and other fruits with high sugar content, can not be eaten with the stomach, try to eat less; gout patients are not recommended to juice fruits to eat, do not eat dried fruits, which will lead to fructose concentration; gout and diabetes patients should pay more attention to the choice of fruit types and quantities.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

Fruits and nuts can be eaten in moderation

Nuts: walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, melon seeds and other nuts have a medium purine content, rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, etc., gout patients can often eat; but for nuts rich in oil, it is still recommended to eat less, can not let go of eating.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > six foods to eat more and promote uric acid excretion as much as possible</h1>

For gout patients, the low-purine diet is not the whole of dietary intervention, of course, many low-purine diets can not reduce uric acid and promote uric acid excretion, but also to achieve weight loss, reduce gout hyperlipidemia and gout diabetes. For patients with high blood uric acid combined with other metabolic disorders, it may be more important to eat with confidence.

The following foods can be eaten by patients with gout and hyperuricemia:

Vegetables: cabbage, cress, sweet potatoes, radish, lettuce, cabbage, winter melon, cucumber, loofah, pumpkin, hollow cabbage and other vegetables, rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and water, can supplement gout and hyperuricemia patient nutrition, promote uric acid excretion, can eat more; for bean sprouts, mushrooms, spinach, four seasons beans, cauliflower, etc., it was previously considered that its purine content is high, not suitable for eating, but recent studies have found that these vegetables do not increase blood uric acid levels, if the previous consumption of these vegetables leads to acute attacks of gout, You can skip it.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

People with gout can eat as many vegetables as possible that promote uric acid excretion

Fruits (low fructose): plums, cucumbers, watermelons, coconuts, strawberries, cherries, etc. have low sugar content and can be eaten in moderation. These foods can alkalinize the urine and promote the excretion of uric acid, and the rich vitamins in the fruit are beneficial to the body.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

Low-fat milk: low-fat milk or skim milk, can reduce the level of blood uric acid, reduce the incidence of gout; dairy products contain trace elements, casein, etc., can prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and other risks, it is recommended that you can consume more low-fat or skim milk.

Eggs: eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs and other eggs, purine content is less, protein and other nutrients are abundant, you can eat more; but it is recommended not to eat or eat less egg yolks with higher cholesterol content.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

Nutrient intake from milk eggs is encouraged

Fine cereals: barley, rice, millet, corn, etc. are rich in vitamins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber, which can increase the proportion of coarse grains for people who are overweight; for patients with elevated blood uric acid or gout, the proportion of fine grains can be appropriately increased.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

Staple foods can be eaten with thickness and thickness

Boiled water: For gout patients, water is the most suitable beverage to promote uric acid excretion, especially boiled water is more affordable. Uric acid is excreted through the urine, in the case of normal kidney function, it is recommended to drink more than 2.5 liters of water per day to ensure that the daily urine excretion reaches more than 2 liters, so that the uric acid is excreted more freely.

What foods can lower uric acid? Six kinds of food do not eat, six kinds of food eat less, six kinds of food eat more six kinds of food do not eat, try to avoid gout attacks six kinds of food eat less, minimize uric acid production Six kinds of food eat more, try to promote uric acid excretion

Drink plenty of water to promote uric acid excretion, but don't be greedy

For gout patients, even eating a mouthful of high-purine food will not cause uric acid to soar; the fear is that some foods are not enough and overeat. Therefore, Dr. Liu does not encourage a single restriction of a certain food, and gout patients can limit the daily purine diet to less than 200mg; acute gout arthritis requires stricter restrictions.

Specific dietary strategies and lifestyle changes are necessary for people with gout. However, dietary control alone is not enough for the treatment of gout, it is also necessary to standardize treatment, through Chinese and Western drugs, immunosorbents, needles and mirrors and other treatment methods to actively reduce uric acid, so that uric acid is in a long-term state of standard.

Dietary adjustments are made to keep patients in an ideal state of health. So, from now on, change your eating habits.

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