
Global Connection丨For the first time after the new crown epidemic! The Mexican capital restarts the Day of the Dead


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The Day of the Dead is one of the most grand and unique festivals in Mexico. After the Spanish colonists came to Mexico, they combined the Western Halloween tradition with the local indigenous customs to create the Day of the Dead.

Global Connection丨For the first time after the new crown epidemic! The Mexican capital restarts the Day of the Dead

In 2003, UNESCO inscribed the Mexican Day of the Dead as an intangible cultural heritage. Inspired by the 2015 Hollywood movie 007: Ghost Party, the Mexican government decided in 2016 to host a mass parade to celebrate the Day of the Dead, which this year marks its fifth year.

Global Connection丨For the first time after the new crown epidemic! The Mexican capital restarts the Day of the Dead

In 2017, the animated film "Dream Quest" was screened worldwide, showing the festival characteristics of the Day of the Dead to audiences around the world with fantastic imagination and magnificent colors.

Global Connection丨For the first time after the new crown epidemic! The Mexican capital restarts the Day of the Dead

According to the Mexico City Government, about a million people took part in this year's Day of the Dead parade. "Celebrating For Life" is the slogan of this year's Mexico City Day of the Dead series, which is intended to commemorate the deaths of COVID-19 and pay tribute to the frontline medical workers in the fight against the epidemic.

Reporter: Wang Chao, Zhu Yubo, Kang Wenjun

Editor: Xie Wentao

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

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