
No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

author:Rich Books
No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

Text/Rose Blossom

Everyone's success and talent are not innate, but are bought by their own efforts.

When some children do not want to go to school at the age of 15, think about playing games all day, complain about the hardships of studying, and are stressed, and 15 years old is already the youngest scientist.

No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

Recently, a news item about Fanglin's participation in the "Shanghai Second World Top Scientists Forum" was brushed off the screen, and what made everyone admire even more was the results of her research: the estimation of fibonacci sequences and bezu numbers. Many netizens said that they had never even heard of the name of this study.

As early as junior high school, she won the first prize and a special award of the "33rd National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition" and the first prize of the "33rd Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition" Shanghai Science and Technology Society President's Award (the only junior high school student winner).

These achievements, in addition to a certain talent, are inseparable from her diligence and persistence the day after tomorrow.

Some netizens commented: This world belongs to talented people, but also belongs to serious people, but also belongs to those who study seriously in the field of talent.

The so-called success is nothing more than the result of a comeback after repeated efforts, failures and setbacks.

No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow
No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

Some time ago, I saw such a news, which made people feel very deeply:

At the celebration of the 110th anniversary of the founding of Lanzhou University, President Yan Chunhua awarded the title of "Honorary Graduate Student" to a male student named Xie Yanting, and wore the school emblem, officially becoming a student of Lanzhou University and continuing to study for a doctorate.

No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

I couldn't help but cry when I saw this student on the podium expressing gratitude to his mentor and alma mater in a difficult language.

Xie Yanting is a cerebral palsy patient, from a young age can not control their own body, can not walk normally, speak a lot of effort, let alone write.

You can't go to school like ordinary people, and the courses of elementary, junior high, and high school are self-taught at home.

In 2011, eager to go to college, he tried to walk into the campus of Lanzhou University and audit mathematics in the classroom of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, which was 8 years, and he never missed a class, including oral English class.

In June 2015, he completed nearly 30 professional courses in mathematics and more than 150 credits in English and political public courses, and completed his undergraduate graduation thesis, which is completely lower than that of regular students of Lanzhou University.

Three years later, Xie Yanting completed his master's degree and defended his master's thesis. His research papers have also been published in the australian journal of combinatorial studies.

For a cerebral palsy patient like Xie Yanting, this perseverance is something that very human beings can insist on.

No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

No one's success comes out of thin air, but is created by acquired effort, diligence and a high degree of self-discipline.

Stephen King, an internationally renowned master of horror novels, sits in front of his computer every day at dawn and starts writing for the day.

He set himself the goal of writing five thousand words a day, even when he was uninspired, when there was nothing to write about. During the year, I only give myself three days of rest.

It was his diligence that made him a world-class monopoly, and it was his diligence that gave him an inexhaustible inspiration in his writing.

Dickens once said, "What I reap is what I sow."

Indeed, as long as you continue to fight for opportunities for yourself, work hard and fight tirelessly, everyone can become a talented person.

No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow
No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

Some people, when they see others succeed, always think: they are geniuses, gifted.

In fact, truly talented people never believe in geniuses, but only believe in the wisdom and perseverance of ordinary people.

Angela Duckworth, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, spent more than a decade on the road to studying "perseverance" in order to prove that "talent is not destiny, and hard work produces rewards".

No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

Duckworth has delivered a TED talk about Grit, and the video of the talk has garnered more than 10 million views so far. Her book, Fortitude: Unleashing the Power of Passion and Perseverance, also nearly made it onto the New York Times bestseller list.

She was awarded the MacArthur Scholar Award, also known as the Genius Award, for her discovery that "perseverance is the decisive factor in success." People also think she is a genius.

But Angela summed up "perseverance, not IQ, perseverance to achieve life" into two simple formulas, once again showing that hard work is the key to achieving all achievements.

Talent × effort = skill, skill × effort = achievement.

Not long ago, in Global People magazine, the news that a 14-year-old American girl earned more than 10 million a year attracted my attention.

The girl's name was Elena, and like every other girl, she loved candy. When she was 7 years old, her father said to her: Candy is not good for teeth. So she asked her father: Why can't you make sugar that is good for your teeth? So she spent 2 years developing a sugar-free lollipop that cleans her teeth.

No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

Her products are selling well worldwide, with profits of more than $2.1 million (about 14.83 million yuan) in 2018.

Currently with dozens of employees, she does product development, sales and marketing for herself, as well as attends trade fairs and interacts with consumers. However, she insisted on going to school full-time, and like other high school girls, she went to school every day, participated in school activities, and made friends. She said: "I'm no different from a normal girl.

There are no geniuses in the world, it's just that they give more than others, have super execution and perseverance.

Einstein said: "Between genius and diligence, I do not hesitate to choose diligence, which is the birth of almost every achievement in the world." ”

Therefore, tenacious perseverance and continuous diligence are the prerequisites for success.

No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow
No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

Professor Benjamin Bloom of the University of Chicago surveyed 120 elite figures from all walks of life, including musicians, scientists, artists, engineers and more. It turns out that there is not a single elite who does not devote a lot of time to hard practice. The greater the achievement of the person, the more diligent, the longer the time to delve into the business.

And examples of hard work succeed abound. It is not difficult to find that there are common traits in them:

1. Things that are interested in yourself, keep studying hard and studying hard.

People who really work hard know how to start from their hobbies and interests. Find where your hobbies are, set your own goals, and move forward step by step persistently and firmly.

Napoleon Hill once said, "Do what interests you, and if your interest is strong enough, then you are almost invincible." ”

Interest is the best teacher. Because you do what you really love, you will release the power to surpass yourself and embark on the road to success.

Even if you fight for it all your life and fight for a lifetime, you have no regrets.

2. Continuous self-discipline.

When it comes to self-discipline, we often think of working and resting on time, insisting on exercise, continuous learning, and so on.

However, self-discipline is not limited to this, it is a powerful self-management ability.

Apple CEO Tim Cook is known in the industry for being an early riser. Apple employees receive his emails at 4:30 a.m. at dawn, and every day, they've become accustomed to it. Cook also shows up at the gym at 5 o'clock every day.

People who are extremely disciplined often have better control over their lives and work, which is why they are excellent.

3. Super execution.

I like baking, so I plan to attend a French pastry training class, take a pastry chef, and open my own baking studio. But until now, the plan is still on the agenda.

Wanting to have a good body, I decided to go to a yoga training class. But as the days passed, the first step was still not taken.

In fact, many people are not without big ambitions, nor are they without dreams, and they have no plans for the future, but the problem is that their execution is too poor, and they always keep their goals in the fantasy and planning stage, and never put them into practical action.

As the saying goes: imagine a thousand ways before going to bed, and wake up still walking the old way.

No matter how perfect the plan, no matter how careful the arrangement, it is better than a sentence, first go on the road and then say. Only action can make plans a reality. And the stronger the execution, the more awesome it is.

4. The courage not to be afraid of setbacks and failures.

Voltaire said it best: "To be successful in this world, you must persevere to the end - the sword cannot be left until death." ”

Huang Bo is one example of this.

No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

Mention him, giving people the impression that he is not good-looking, does not have a very good figure, and does not have a strong family background. I once sang in a bar and was scolded off the stage by the audience; I wanted to be a singer, because my appearance was not high, and I was short, and I had no chance to go on stage; I went home to run a tannery, and I went out of business in the financial storm and went out of business, and I owed a debt. Later, he had the opportunity to play a male role in "Let's Go, Get on the Car", and as a clown, he had the opportunity to enter the show business circle.

Innate conditions can not defeat him, repeated failures can not defeat him, sneering and irony can not defeat him, countless times of comeback, countless times to dry tears and clench their fists, and finally succeeded in making people forget the clown Huang Bo, stand out, and become a five-billion movie emperor.

Sometimes, to see if a person is successful, it is not to see where his highest point is, but to see his ability to bottom out and rebound.

Of course, a person's success is inseparable from objective factors such as time, location, people and so on, but more importantly, it is their own diligence.

Psychologists have found that the human brain is more and more intelligent the more it learns. The more neural connections the human brain will make through learning, and this connection will also promote the development and leap of intelligence.

As the old saying goes, the way of heaven rewards hard work.

Although we are not gifted, as long as we are attentive and persistent in our studies and careers, we believe that everyone will be an accomplished person.


No one's success comes out of thin air, and any success is inseparable from the efforts of the day after tomorrow

About the author: Rose Blossom, rich small book people, rich book columnist, second-born mother after 80, like to record life with words, but also like to use words to witness the growth of children, willing to discuss the parenting experience with like-minded you on the road to children's growth; this article was first published in Fu Xiaoshu (ID: fxsfrc), the best girlfriend around you, Fushu 2018 launched a new book "Good Life".

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