
Bear Hunting - The Emperor's Amusement and The Maru Godson (Two Stories)

author:A glimpse of the situation

The nobility liked to hunt, probably in Eastern and Western cultures, and there was no difference. Chinese emperors also have such an ancient tradition, that is, to take the princes, royal families, and nobles in the palace to hunt.

Bear Hunting - The Emperor's Amusement and The Maru Godson (Two Stories)

The famous historian of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ban Gu, specifically recorded this story in the Book of Han:

Winter, Shangxing Changyang Shooting Bear Pavilion, Cloth Car Riding, Big Hunt.

It is also recorded in the Chronicle of History:

(Similar) often hunt from top to long yang. It was time for Tianzi Fang to strike himself at Xiong Yan (zhì), chasing away the beasts, just like the above.

It can be seen from the above that the ancient royal family set up a special "bear shooting hall" in Changyang for royal hunting. So why is this hunting lodge named after a "bear"?

In another book, The White Tiger Tongyi, Bangu says:

"Han Wenjia" said: "The son of heaven shoots the bear." Princes shoot elk (mí), doctor shoots tigers and leopards, soldiers shoot deer, and shǐ. "Why did the Son of Heaven shoot the bear?" Show obedience fiercely, Qiao Yu (nìng) also. Bears are fierce beasts, not only should they serve fiercely. Show that the courtiers of the world should be obeyed. The princes shoot elks, and show far away to confuse people. Elk's words are also lost. How does the doctor shoot the tiger and leopard? Show obedience to The Fierce also. Shoot deer, shǐ? Show to remove harm also. Each takes what he can.

Wang Chong also has a similar record in the "On Balance":

Tianzi shoots bears, princes shoot elks, Qing Dafu shoots tigers and leopards, and soldiers shoot deer, showing obedience to Mengye.

Bear Hunting - The Emperor's Amusement and The Maru Godson (Two Stories)

At this time, we understood that the bear was originally for the emperor himself to shoot and hunt. The reason is: bear, fierce and clever. Shooting and obeying, yu huang's coercion of the subordinates.

Therefore, the bear, the ancient auspicious beast, was of a very high rank and could only be shot by the emperor himself. And this also leads to a story about "Kangxi took Qianlong to hunt bears".

And Maru godson

Meng Mu is the mother of Mengzi, and she has a well-known story called "Meng Mu Sanqian". For thousands of years, the "Three Migrations of MengMu" has been praised by the world as a typical example of godsons. In fact, there is also a mother in ancient history, who is also a model mother, and her story is called "Wakamaru Godson".

Bear Hunting - The Emperor's Amusement and The Maru Godson (Two Stories)

The New Book of Tang "Vol. 154 • Liechuan No. 88 • Liu Zhongying (yǐng, pronounced "shadow") biography:

Liu Gongqiu, zikuan, Jing Zhaohua original person. ...... Zi Zhongying, zi yi meng. Mother Han, that is, Gao Nuye, is good at training children, so Zhongying is a young student, and tastes and bear bile pills, so that the night chews and swallows to help with diligence. Chang Gongwen (長工文), author of the Book of Shang Shu Twenty-Four Si Zhen (尚書24司箴), was consulted by Han Yu. Yuan and the end, and JinShidi, are the school scriveners. The cattle monks and children opened the Wuchang shogunate, and there was a father's style, and the monks and children sighed: "Not to accumulate the famous religion, and to settle down with this evil?" "Entered as the inspector of the imperial history, and moved to serve the imperial history."

It is said that there is a person named Liu Zhongyin, who was studious and very diligent when he was a child. His mother, Han Shi, was also very good at teaching his son, and often "he pill", that is, reconciling the "bear bile pill", let this Liu Zhongying take it at night, and help him study hard. Later, Liu Zhongyin was admitted to the Jinshi and was also appreciated by Han Yu.

Bear Hunting - The Emperor's Amusement and The Maru Godson (Two Stories)

Later, this move by Liu Zhongyin's mother Han Shi was called "Wakomaru Godson". It was also compiled by the Ming Dynasty into the "Early Childhood Qionglin", which is a children's book dedicated to the enlightenment of schoolchildren, a bit like the "Three Character Classic" we know today. The book reads: "Wasmaru Godson, The Sage of Zhongyin's Mother." This makes Han call us a mother model in ancient China who had a "godson with a good hand".

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