
The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

author:Mr. Lobbyist dys123

Among the founding heroes of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a general named Li Tong, a relative of Liu Xiu's uncle, who was heavily loved and loved by Liu Xiu, and finally his official position reached the prime minister above ten thousand people under one person; although there were important components of Lang Xiu's relatives included in it, the contribution of his talents and deeds was also indelible, the biggest of which was the impetus for Liu Xiu's brothers to raise the banner of righteousness and rebellion, and the firm belief in Liu Xiu's great cause; all this came from the "revival of the Liu clan, supplemented by the Li clan" mentioned in Tu Chen [chèn], what is going on? (Tuyu basically means a hidden language made up by wizards and alchemists in the Qin and Han dynasties to indicate auspiciousness; Refers to the prophecies and omens that will be fulfilled. )

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Lee Tsun Image

I. Brief introduction of Li Tong's history:

Li Tong was born in an unknown date, died in 42 AD, the character dimension, Nanyang County, Wanxian people, the family has been engaged in business for generations, for the local rich and rich people; Li Tong became a County Servant of WuXian County, but also quite capable, to the end of the new dynasty, the people's resentment boiled, Li Tong saw this world scene is not willing to be an official again, plus the family is rich, and learned of the divination prophecy of his father and others, simply resigned from the government and went home to wait for the opportunity. In 22 AD, the world was in turmoil, Wang Chang's Xiajiang soldiers and Wang Kuang's Xinshi soldiers arose, and the Nanyang area also began to riot; Li Tong's cousin Li Tie consulted with him: "Now that the world is in turmoil, Wang Mang's regime is about to collapse, and the Han Dynasty should rise again; in Nanyang's Liu clan, only the Liu Yan brothers can love and accommodate the masses, and can conspire with them to destroy Wang Mang's revival of the Han Dynasty." Li Tong smiled and said, "My opinion is the same." When Liu Xiu took refuge in Wanxian County, Li Tong asked Li Tie to pick up Liu Xiu, Li Tong and Liu Xiuyi met, the two talked for a long time, and the handshake was extremely cheerful; Li Tong was shaken by Liu Xiu's talent and style, and thought in his heart that Liu Xiu might be a dragon head level figure in the Prosperous Han Room, so he told Liu Xiu all the things about the proverbs, Liu Xiu heard that he began to have a big accident, and his mouth said that he did not dare to be serious, but there must be a kind of arrogant belief in his heart.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Figures and celestial signs

Second, insight into the ins and outs of the heavenly machine:

Li Tong's choice of life path was due to the prophecies revealed to him by his father Li Shou, which had a lot to do with the state teacher Liu Xin at that time; Liu Xin was a minister of the Western Han Dynasty, a scribe, who at that time studied all the sons, poetry, mathematics, and fang skills, and was known for his ability to belong to the text; he wrote the "Zhong Almanac" and the "Three Unification Almanacs", calculating the pi rate of 3.1547, known as "Liu Xin Rate". It can be said that he was a talented scholar, who went through several dynasties of The Hancheng Emperor Liu Xiao, the Han Lai Emperor Liu Xin, the HanPing Emperor Liu Yan, and the new Emperor Mang Mang; when he was young, he and Wang Mang had a rich and noble family, and they had a deep friendship with each other, And Wang Mang gradually gained power, and in the midst of his rise, he won over liu Xin, who was frustrated in the official field, for his use, appointed Liu Xin as the right Cao Taizhong doctor, and soon moved his official to lieutenant of the middle base.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Portrait of scholar Liu Xin

Soon, Wang Mang became the Duke of An Han, and immediately promoted Liu Xin to Xihe and Jing Zhaoyin, and made him the Marquis of Hongxiu, making him the "Official of The Confucian Lin Shibu"; gradually promoting Liu Xin to become the supreme leader of academic and cultural undertakings, while Liu Xin preached and advocated the promotion of ancient chinese classics, especially the Zuo Zhuan and Zhou Li; among them, there were quite a few contents conducive to his usurpation of power by the Han, that is to say, Wang Mang was talented, and when his political ambitions swelled to the highest point, he knew how to use literary theories to create weapons of political theory Liu Xin and Wang Mang help each other to use their relationship to grow their highest goals. Liu Xin was finally worshiped by Wang Mang as a state teacher, which can be said to have reached the extreme of human subjects, but Liu Xin was after all a descendant of the Western Han Dynasty and a very talented scholar, and after becoming a master of the state, he repented that he had been used by Wang Mang for a long time; so he began to participate in the plot to kill Wang Mang to regain the rule of Liu's imperial court, and committed suicide after the defeat.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Stills of the elderly Liu Xin

In the academic study of astronomical calendar, Liu Xin explored the relationship between historical changes and the Mandate of Heaven, and often carried out some divination affairs; divination of some things in the future wanted to know in advance, which was not only what the emperor liked to know, but almost all people had this desire; therefore, many people used divination to achieve their own goals, or wanted to know future events, so as to avoid disasters and seek good fortune; Wang Mang also used the divination of Liu Xin and others to realize the realization of his plan to usurp power; Li Tong's father, Li Shou, was nine feet long and had a special appearance that was different from ordinary people Li Shou initially followed Liu Xin in his work, like the study of astronomical calendars and prophecy and auspiciousness, and served as zongqing of the new dynasty; Li Tong served as a general of Wuwei, and later served as a county clerk in Wuxian County, with a reputation for ability. And Li Tong heard his father say that they had divination from Tu Chen's vision: "Liu's revival, Li's supplement" prophecy; That is to say, the Western Han Dynasty Liu clan can still be revived, and regain the power to rule the world from Wang Mang's hands or other forces, there will be the assistance of the Li people; Li Tong firmly believes in this, and his life choice route has also set a firm tone.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Wang Mang drew a picture of the political theory weapon of seizing power by divination prophecy

Third, the plot of the family to fold first:

Li Tong's prophecy affirmed that he and Liu Xiu would embark on the road to reviving the Han Dynasty, but Liu Xiu was worried about the safety of Li Tong's father Li Shou, who was serving as an official in Chang'an, and Li Tong came up with a detailed plan for the incident, they planned to rebel at the time of the trial of the capital at the time of The Autumn Festival, and let Liu Xiu and Li Tie raise troops at the same time at The Tomb; Li Tong arranged for his cousin's son Li Ji to go to Chang'an, so that his father Li Shou could abscond back to his hometown in advance to escape from Wang Mang's control. Unexpectedly, Li Ji died of illness halfway through, and Li Shou learned of the news and wanted to abscond back to his hometown, but was persuaded by his friend Zhonglang to stop Huang Xian; asked him not to abscond in case the imperial court was alarmed and held by Guan Fang, so it was better to play a piece of zhengda guangming to pray for the sick old man to return to his hometown, so that he could walk safely.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Lee Mamoru Image

Unexpectedly, this report was delayed because of the backlog, and li tong and other matters were also leaked, and Li Tongcang escaped in panic; Wang Mang learned the news and sent Li Shou to prison, Huang Xianshang pleaded that the matter was not clear, and said that Li Shou was loyal to Wang Mang, and he was willing to escort Li Shou to check the facts, and if his son really wanted to rebel, he would let Li Shou kill himself; Wang Mang was blinded and agreed, but at this time, the report of zhen fu, the former doctor, was sent to confirm Li Tong's rebellion; Wang Mang was furious and wanted to kill Li Shou. Huang Xian interceded again, and Wang Mang suspected that the two were in a gang, so he beheaded both of them, and all their families in Chang'an were also killed, and the nanyang county sheriff received the order news, and also killed Li Tong's brother and sixty-four members of the clan, all of whom were burned in Wanxian County.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Wang Mang killed Li Shou and Huang Xian

Fourth, the battlefield fights and kills each other to know each other and become relatives:

Liu Yan's brothers Liu Xiu and li tong and Li Tie rose up and became known as the Lingling Army, and later united with the three green forest armies of the Xiajiang Army, Xinshi, and Pinglin to attack Lanxiang and Kewancheng; in the first month of 23 AD, Li Tong, Liu Xiu, and Li Yi met in Zhiyang, and defeated and beheaded the former master Zhen Fu and The former master Zhen Fu and Zheng liang Qiu gave revenge for their relatives in the first month of 23 AD. In February 23 AD, Liu Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty was proclaimed emperor by the main general of the Green Forest Army, and Jianyuan "Changed The Beginning" was for the More First Emperor; Liu Yan's brothers were in the coalition army due to their weakness, and liu Xiu led the Battle of Kunyang to achieve a great victory and became famous all over the world; Li Tong was made a great general and the King of Xiping; Li Yi is the King of Wuyin; Li Tong's cousin Li Song (李松) was made chancellor; Liu Xuan sent Li Tong to return to Zhenshou Jingzhou, where Li Tong married Liu Xiu's sister Liu Boji.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Liu Boji stills

Liu Boji was not a simple woman, after the rebellion of Liu Yan's brothers, the rebels won some battle victories; Liu Yan despised the enemy and even disregarded the persuasion of Deng Yu and others to attack Nanyang County with a weak blow; as a result, he was ambushed by Zhen Fu of Xinmang Nanyang Commandery, Liang Changqiu, the governor of Nanyang County, and the general Lu Zhi at Xiaochang'an Village (present-day NanyangNan, Henan). The battlefield was full of killings, and countless Han army generals and their dependents fell in a pool of blood. The second brother Liu Zhong was killed in battle, and the aunt (Liu Liang's wife) who raised Liu Xiu and Liu Boji to grow up and several of her children were killed, and the Han army was defeated. Liu Xiu and Liu Boji's brothers and sisters rode out on horseback to break out, and while they were on the way, they saw a group of officers and soldiers picking at their second sister Liu Yuan and two nieces who did not yet understand things; witnessing the tragic murder of their relatives, Liu Xiu immediately drew his sword and wanted to fight with the enemy; at this moment, Liu Boji shouted urgently: "Third brother, third brother!" Calm and calm. Thousands of hatreds, in the future, we can't all die; if we die, who can repay this bloody sea of deep vengeance!" Listening to the voice of the little sister, Liu Xiucai swallowed hot tears and shouted: "Second sister!" The Prancing Horse rushed out of the siege.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Stills of Liu Zhong being killed and Liu Xiu and Liu Boji breaking through

When the Han army was defeated and retreated to Zhiyang, there were only more than 1,000 people left with 80,000 or 90,000 horses, and there were still 100,000 troops led by Zhen Fu of Wang Mang's court; in order to survive, In order to survive, Liu Yan, Liu Xiu, Deng Yu, and others accepted Li Tong's suggestion and personally went to Yiqiu Town, Pingshi County, to find wang Kuang and Wang Chang to plot a coalition with the Green Forest Army. At this time, Liu Boji, who was grieving, asked herself incomprehensibly: Why do the officers and troops have such a great deterrent power? Why did our army collapse in one blow? After repeated hard thinking, Liu Boji decided to personally embroider four large flags for the Han army to inspire the soldiers to advance. So, she chose four yellow pennants from the fabric she was going to make a wedding dress, matched them with five color threads, and dried her tears and embroidered them. On the 3rd day of the lunar month, before the joint army went out, Liu Boji ran to the general stage and personally presented four yellow silk banners to the eldest brother Liu Yan. Liu Yan was overjoyed at first sight and shouted: Good sister! What a banner! The soldiers saw that there was a Suzaku banner in front of them, a Xuanwu banner in the back, a Green Dragon banner on the left, and a white tiger flag on the right, and each flag was embroidered with a dou da Chinese character, which immediately boiled over the whole field and boosted morale.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Liu Xiu drew a picture of the Battle of Zhiyang

The joint efforts of the Han army and the Green Forest Army began to be implemented with the strategy of "anti-guest as the mainstay" planned by Deng Yu, and Liu Boji, who was guarding the empty city of Zhiyang, organized the old and weak remnants to defend the city on the one hand, and on the other hand, sent people to lift the war drums to the head of the city and beat the drums to assist in the battle. The elite of the rebel army was exhausted, the Green Forest Army was encircled from the periphery, and under the attack, Wang Mang's new dynasty army was defeated, and the enemy surrendered to 40,000 people, and the Battle of Zhiyang not only avenged the dead rebel soldiers, but also greatly shook the foundation of the new Mang Dynasty. After a series of battles, by September of the first year of the first year, the Green Forest Army invaded Chang'an, Wang Mang died in the melee, and the new dynasty collapsed; and Liu Boji and Li Tong gradually became familiar with each other and became a couple after the baptism of life and death of the same war.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Li Tong and Liu Boji stills

V. Grace and low-key humility:

Liu Xiuhou took the initiative to appease Hebei, and after some twists and turns in Hebei, Li Tong and his wife also went to Hebei to meet; in June 25, Liu Xiu established the Eastern Han Dynasty in Hebei as emperor, and his brother-in-law Li Tong was appointed as a wei lieutenant; in 26 AD, Emperor Guangwu made Li Tong the Marquis of Gushi and was appointed as the Grand Si Nong; his wife Liu Boji was made the Princess of Ningping. Li Tong's prophecy of heavenly opportunity came true, and he not only became an official because of his merits, but also became a relative of the emperor and the state. Although there are records and descriptions of divination and prophecy in the history books, the compilation of the history books has many reasons involved, and their authenticity is difficult to distinguish; what divination and prophecy look at today is nothing more than superstition, and there are some people in advance, there are some hypothetical imaginations and associations, and after they are truly realized later, they have a certain exaggerated nature.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Pictures of imperial relatives and relatives

Li Tong's earliest prophecy pushed Liu Xiu firmly onto the road of fighting the world, which was of great significance; coupled with Li Tong's subsequent many military achievements and his relationship with Liu Xiu's uncle, Li Tong became a hot and important figure. However, Li Tong was not proud of his achievements, nor was he arrogant as a relative of the emperor and the state; every time the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu personally led the army on a campaign, he let Li Tong stay in the Capital Division, during which he pacified the people, built miyagi castles, and built schools..... Coordinate and stabilize this rear base camp; this trust shows that Liu Xiu attaches great importance to it. In 30 CE, Li Tong led ten battalions of the traitorous general Hou Jin and the capturing general Wang Ba to defeat Yan Cen in Hanzhong, and defeated the army sent by Gongsun Shu of Shuzhong to rescue Yan Cen at Xicheng.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Li Tong led an army to defeat Yan Cen and Gongsun Shu's army

In 31 AD, when the Eastern Han Dynasty was basically unified and the whole country began to move toward stability, Li Tong wanted to avoid the official field and retreat, and asked Liu Xiu to resign on the grounds of illness; Liu Xiu initiated a discussion among the courtiers on whether to let Li Tong retire, which was obvious and the purpose was obvious and unwilling to let this powerful pro-subject go, and to retain Li Tong through the mouth of the group of ministers; sure enough, the great Situ Hou Ba, and others said: "Wang Mang usurped Han and messed up the world." Li Tong was pregnant with the strategy of Yi Yin, Lü Shang, Xiao He, and Cao San, and established a grand cause, supported the gods, and assisted him in becoming a saint. Breaking the family for the country, forgetting to serve the Lord, has the great righteousness of helping the dying. The highest merit is known in the sea. Li Tong calmed down the world and resigned modestly. Anding must not forget the danger, and Li Tong should be ordered to take the job to cure the disease. If you want to return to the princely states, you can't listen to it. Emperor Guangwu then ordered Li Tong to treat his illness and work on time. In May of the same year, Emperor Guangwu appointed Li Tong as the Grand Sikong; later he was appointed as the Prime Minister, and the Emperor favored him with innumerable favors; but after Li Tong became the Prime Minister, he often ignored political affairs on the grounds of illness and returned to his hometown for many years; Liu Xiu said that you could take your post back to recuperate, but Li Tong did not dare to respond and resolutely resigned; it was not until 36 AD that Liu Xiu allowed him to hand over the Grand Sikong Official, but also specially gave him to participate in the imperial meeting; and sealed his son, and if Liu Xiu went to the Nanyang region, he would definitely send emissaries to visit Li Shou's tomb with the etiquette of tai prison In 42 AD, Li Tong died, and the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu and Empress Yin Lihua personally came to mourn and send funerals.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Stills of Liu Xiu and Yin Lihua

Summary: Li Tong was a man who had been an official when he was young, and after seeing that the Great Han Dynasty had been usurped by Wang Mang, he resigned his official position and returned home to become the Duke of Anle; but he always had a heart of support for the Great Han Dynasty, firmly remembering the tuoso prophecies conveyed by his father Li Gang; and as a commoner, he initiated Liu Xiu's path towards the restoration of the foundation of the Great Han Dynasty, because he firmly supported Liu Xiuzao's repeated openings, sacrificed dozens of lives of his own relatives, and abandoned his own rich and happy life; following Liu Xiu to the battlefield, this peace and ease to help Liu Xiu fight the will of the world is precious War has the merit of killing the enemy and leveling the four sides, seeking the world to return to the heart, doing their duty faithfully and not being arrogant and impatient, and keeping a low profile to avoid the grace of the emperor's affection for the government, which is even more difficult to compare with the noble and the layman. Wang Ba compared him to Xiao He, Cao Shan, Yi Yin, Lü Shang and other figures on a par with each other, although there is a suspicion of praise, but Li Tong only relied on the prediction of tujue, he set the goal of life and follow the goal, for Liu Xiu's eastern Han regime's opening and appearance, is indelible. Moreover, his work as a general, a courtier, and a relative of the emperor and the state are all extremely perfect, which makes people beyond reproach; he can afford to put down his personal merits, fame, fortune, and pleasure, and there are really not many such people in the world, and when Liu Zhuang, the Emperor of Hanming, commented on the selection of the twenty-eight founding heroes of Yuntai, in order to avoid being criticized because of his kinship, he did not include Li Tong in it; but Li Tong's merits were enough to keep pace with these famous generals, and even more than some famous generals; everyone said that this was not the case? Welcome to leave a message to communicate.

The founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Li Tong, who believed in heavenly opportunities

Lee Tsun Manga Statue

Original author: @ Lobbyist Mr. dys123 hobbies are complex, the way of moderation, a brief history, cultural talk, welcome to exchange, fun life.

Reference Book: Book of the Later Han Dynasty

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