
Traditional story, "The Son Does Not Speak", Li Tongjue

author:Big Rabbit Movies

There is a general judge in Guangxi named Li, who is a rich man, who has seven beautiful concubines in his family and countless treasures in the family. Unfortunately, he fell ill and died at the age of twenty-seven.

There was an old servant in his family, who had always been loyal, and on this day he invited the monk Dao to set up an altar for the master, and the old servant was busy handling The funeral of Li Tongjue, and suddenly a Taoist priest came to change the fate, and the old servant was full of sadness, so he said reprimandedly: "My master is sick and dying, and he is doing a funeral, there is no time to receive you, go quickly." Unexpectedly, the Taoist priest smiled softly and said, "Do you want your master to be resurrected?" I can do it and let him come back to his soul. The old servant was taken aback when he heard this, and rushed to tell the concubines in each room, and everyone was very surprised to hear this, and rushed out to meet the Daoist, but the Daoist priest was gone. The old servants and concubines regretted that they had neglected the immortal Daoist priest, and secretly blamed and blamed themselves.

A few days later, the old servant went out on the street and met the Taoist monk on the road, who was really surprised and happy, and forcefully pulled the Daoist priest to make amends and ask for forgiveness. The Taoist priest said, "It is not that I refuse to raise your master, but that the underworld stipulates that the dead must be replaced by someone who has been resurrected." I'm afraid no one in your family wants to die for you, so I left. The old servant said, "Please come back with me and discuss it." The old servant dragged the Daoist back home and told the concubines what the Daoist had said. The concubines were very happy when they first saw the Taoist priest coming, and when they heard that they were going to die for their master, they were very angry, and they looked at each other without saying a word. The old servant said decisively, "You are still young, it is a pity to go and die for me, I am old and have no worries!" He came out and said to the Taoist priest, "If you replace it with me, can you?" The Taoist priest said, "As long as you can not regret it and are not afraid." The old servant said, "I can." The Taoist priest said, "Remembering your sincerity, you can go and say goodbye to your relatives and friends." It takes me three days to do spells, and seven days to perform them. "The old servant received the Taoist priest at home and treated him with courtesy in the morning and evening. Go to each house to tell the reason, cry goodbye. Among his friends and family, some laughed at him, some respected him, some pitied him, and some people who thought his words were ridiculous and did not believe him.

When the old servant passed by the Temple of the Holy Emperor, which he had been worshipping, he went in to worship and made a wish, saying, "I will die in place of my master, and I pray that the Holy Emperor will help the Taoist priest to release the soul of my master." Before he could finish speaking, a barefoot monk stood in front of the case and said loudly, "You are full of demonic spirits, and great calamity is coming." I save you, you don't leak it. He gave the old servant a paper bag and said, "When the time comes, open it." "When I was done, I was gone. The old servant quietly opened it when he returned home, and there were five fingernails and a rope in it, and he put it in his arms.

In the blink of an eye, the three-day deadline had been reached, and the Taoist priest had the old servant's bed moved to the opposite side of the coffin of the master of the house, locked the door with an iron lock, and dug a hole to provide food. Taoist priests built altars and chanted mantras not far from the concubines. The old servant waited for death, but nothing changed. The old servant began to be suspicious of the Daoist, and as soon as his mind moved, he heard a noise under the bed. Only to see two black people emerge from the ground, green eyes, sunken eyes, short hair, half a meter high, head as big as a wheel, staring at the old servant with twinkling eyes, looking around the coffin, and biting open the coffin slit with his teeth. The crack cracked open, and a coughing sound was heard inside, just like the "owner of the house". The two ghosts opened the coffin and tried to help the "owner of the house", who looked like a seriously ill person and was very weak. The two ghosts massaged the abdomen of the "owner" with their hands, and the "owner" gradually became silent. The old servant looked at him in the same shape as the "master of the house", but his voice was Taoist, and said sadly: "The words of the Holy Emperor have indeed come true!" Hurriedly taking out the paper bag from his arms, he saw five claws fly out and become a golden dragon several inches long, grabbing the old servant and tying him to the beam. The old servant felt dizzy and stared down, but saw two ghosts help the "master" out of the coffin and come to the old servant's bed, but there was no figure of the old servant on the bed. At this time, the "lord of the house" shouted, "The spell has been destroyed!" "Two ghosts searched the house viciously, but they could not find the old servant." The lord of the house "was furious and tore the old servant's bed tent and bedding to shreds." When one of the ghosts looked up, he suddenly saw the old servant on the roof beam, very happy, and the "master" jumped up to grab the old servant, and before he jumped on the roof beam, he overheard a thunderclap, the old servant was shaken to the ground, the coffin was closed, and the two ghosts disappeared. The concubines heard the thunder, opened the door to investigate, and the old servant told them what had just happened, so they went to see the Taoist priest together, and the Daoist priest had been killed on the altar by the thunder. Seventeen words were written in sulfur on the corpse: "Demon Dao practices the Fa and changes shapes, seeks wealth and greed, and the heavens are decisive, such as the law."

How many people do not pay attention to daily health and wellness, delusional death and resurrection to break this law, the result is calculated and used by people, fortunately, the Skynet is restored without leakage, so that the evil people do not succeed. I hope that everyone will abide by the laws of nature, live up to Shaohua, and live a good life. Don't be extravagant about the unscientific resurrection of the dead.

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