
Re-arrange and redeploy, re-exert and sprint again - The Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau held a meeting to deepen the prominent problems in the qualification examination and approval of construction enterprises and the system governance in the field of bidding and bidding

author:Dazhou Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

On October 30, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau organized and held a meeting to promote the system governance of prominent problems in the field of qualification examination and approval of construction enterprises and bidding for housing construction municipal projects. Tao Yuxiang, secretary of the bureau's party committee, director of the bureau's bureau's system governance leading group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Huang Bo, head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Wei Xiaoping, member of the party committee and deputy director of the bureau, the main responsible persons of the housing construction and administrative examination and approval departments of various counties (cities and districts), and the relevant departments and directly subordinate units of the organs attended the meeting.

Re-arrange and redeploy, re-exert and sprint again - The Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau held a meeting to deepen the prominent problems in the qualification examination and approval of construction enterprises and the system governance in the field of bidding and bidding

The meeting conveyed and studied the first expanded meeting of the city's leading group for system governance in the field of bidding and bidding, the promotion meeting of the city's prominent problems in key industries and areas and the promotion of special supervision work for rural revitalization, the special meeting on the system governance of the city's qualification examination and approval problems, and the meeting of the office of the leading group for system governance in the field of bidding and bidding, reported the development of the city's system governance work in the field of housing and construction, analyzed the current situation and existing problems, and required adherence to targeted efforts, seeking truth from facts to find problems, anatomy problems, Solve problems and truly promote the system governance in the field of housing construction.

Re-arrange and redeploy, re-exert and sprint again - The Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau held a meeting to deepen the prominent problems in the qualification examination and approval of construction enterprises and the system governance in the field of bidding and bidding

The meeting stressed

  First, the understanding should be further enhanced to ensure that the system governance is tightened

It is necessary to overcome the war-weary mentality and the feeling of fear of difficulties, resolutely put an end to the erroneous thinking of slacking off and resting one's feet, perfunctorily passing through the passes, really tighten up ideologically, and carry the work of system governance in the city's housing construction field on our shoulders and grasp it in our hands. By deepening system governance, optimizing the business environment, and stabilizing the clean and healthy political ecology in the housing sector.

  The second is to redouble our efforts to ensure that the system governance is solid

Adhere to the four focuses of process control, problem handling, and system establishment. Pay attention to process control, establish a working mechanism of "audit and management interaction", strictly supervise bidding agencies, and strengthen the whole process management of enterprise qualification declaration, performance verification, and winning bid performance. Pay attention to the handling of problems, adopt a variety of methods such as self-search, enterprise reflection, complaints and reports, etc., once again comprehensively sort out and investigate the clues of problems, and strictly investigate and strictly handle all kinds of violations of laws and regulations. Pay attention to the optimization of the business environment, implement the fair competition review system in the field of bidding and bidding, accelerate the transformation of the approval method from "manual review" to "electronic review", promote the digital collection of professional title certificates and construction projects, further improve the management process of performance storage of construction enterprises, and improve the performance verification and supervision mechanism. Pay attention to the establishment of systems, improve credit management mechanisms for the whole process from survey, design, construction, supervision, cost, bidding and bidding, strengthen the prevention and control of risks in industry supervision and integrity, and build and improve the effective qualification examination and approval and the power operation constraint and supervision system in the field of bidding and bidding.

  Third, the responsibility should be further compacted to ensure that the system governance is strict

Strengthen organizational leadership, the main responsible persons of housing construction departments and administrative examination and approval departments at all levels should earnestly perform the "first responsibility", and strive to make more efforts and sprints in the last two months of this year to ensure that the system governance achieves practical results. Strengthen follow-up and effectiveness, carry out key dissection of counties (cities, districts) with more complaints and reports and problem projects, focus on supervising the progress of counties (cities, districts) with zero problems and zero cases, and focus on supervising the progress of market entities that are prone to violations of laws and regulations. Strengthen the pursuit of responsibility, seriously pursue responsibility and accountability, do not take responsibility, do not perform their responsibilities, engage in formalities, go through formalities, prevaricate, cheat, cover up and connive responsible units and responsible personnel, and publicly expose a number of typical cases.

Re-arrange and redeploy, re-exert and sprint again - The Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau held a meeting to deepen the prominent problems in the qualification examination and approval of construction enterprises and the system governance in the field of bidding and bidding

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