
Tomorrow in the winter, eat more "three whites" for the family, eat less for the family to eat three things, enhance the physique is not afraid of cold

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Introduction: Winter is coming, and recently the temperature has plummeted one after another, which reminds me of Qiu Yuan's "Li Dong is a matter of two songs", which has a verse that is "drizzle is cold without frost, and the leaves of the wood before the court are half green and yellow", this poem means that the winter drizzle makes people suddenly chill, but the white frost has not been seen in the early morning, and the flowers and trees in the yard have changed from green to yellow, so from this verse, we know that when it comes to the winter season, the real winter is getting closer and closer to us. And there is a saying: "Li Dong has food supplements, spring is brave as a tiger", which means that reasonable food supplements are carried out in the winter season, and there will be a healthier body in the spring of the next year, so in the winter season, we must eat some nutritious food, so that the body of the spring and winter seasons is healthier.

Tomorrow in the winter, eat more "three whites" for the family, eat less for the family to eat three things, enhance the physique is not afraid of cold

In the winter season, there are 3 kinds of white foods that are particularly suitable for the family to eat, because these 3 kinds of white foods can not only enhance the body's resistance, but also eat them often to withstand the cold. There are also 3 kinds of food that are very unsuitable for the family to eat, because these 3 are cold, dry, and on fire, often for the family to eat, will make the family's physique cold or on fire. Next, Master Hu will share the practice of these 3 kinds of white food with everyone, and also explain the reasons why these 3 things are not suitable for eating to everyone, hoping that everyone can read it carefully.

【Eat three whites】

First white: Chinese cabbage

Tomorrow in the winter, eat more "three whites" for the family, eat less for the family to eat three things, enhance the physique is not afraid of cold

Chinese cabbage is a healthy vegetable in winter, and in the north, every household will prepare more than 100 pounds of Chinese cabbage. And Chinese cabbage, whether it is stewed or fried, or even used to mix the filling, is super sweet, and long-term eating, can make the body more moist, so in the winter, we must give the family to eat more Cabbage.

【Chinese cabbage dumplings】

Tomorrow in the winter, eat more "three whites" for the family, eat less for the family to eat three things, enhance the physique is not afraid of cold

Ingredients: 500 grams of Chinese cabbage, 50 grams of minced meat, 10 grams of light soy sauce, 30ml of ginger, green onion and pepper water, 5ml of dark soy sauce, 2 grams of chicken essence, 2 grams of pepper, salt, cooking oil.


1: First, cut the washed Cabbage into small pieces, then put a little salt into the Cabbage and stir well, marinate the Cabbage for 10 minutes, remove the pickled water and set aside.

2: Mix minced meat, soy sauce, ginger, green onion, pepper water, soy sauce, chicken essence, pepper and salt together and stir well, then put 10ml of cooking oil into the minced meat and stir well.

3: Then put the marinated Cabbage into the minced meat and stir well, and finally wrap the Cabbage in the dumpling skin and cook it.

Second White: White Lotus Root

Tomorrow in the winter, eat more "three whites" for the family, eat less for the family to eat three things, enhance the physique is not afraid of cold

White lotus root is a treasure, and the lotus root contains less calories and oil, if you are in the weight loss period, eat more lotus root in moderation, will not gain weight, lotus root in addition to stew to eat, and vinegar together with the very next rice.

【Vinegar Lotus Root】

Tomorrow in the winter, eat more "three whites" for the family, eat less for the family to eat three things, enhance the physique is not afraid of cold

Ingredients: 300 grams of lotus root, 10ml of white vinegar, 2 grams of chicken essence, 10 grams of coriander, salt, cooking oil.

1: First cut the washed lotus root into 0.3 cm slices, then put 5ml of vinegar into the lotus root and soak it for 10 minutes, after 10 minutes, fish out the lotus root, rinse again to set aside.

2, put the appropriate amount of oil in the pot, when the oil temperature is 70% hot, put the lotus root into the pot, fry the lotus root for 1 minute on high heat, put the white vinegar, chicken essence, coriander, salt all into the pot, the high heat continues to fry for 10 seconds to eat.

Third white: milk

Tomorrow in the winter, eat more "three whites" for the family, eat less for the family to eat three things, enhance the physique is not afraid of cold

Milk is also known as "white blood", because milk is rich in protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and other substances, and these substances are easily absorbed by the body, so in the winter often drink milk, can significantly enhance the physique, winter weather is colder, we can put milk into hot water soaked for 5 minutes after drinking.

【Eat three less】

The first: cold food

Tomorrow in the winter, eat more "three whites" for the family, eat less for the family to eat three things, enhance the physique is not afraid of cold

Duck, mung bean sprouts, cucumbers and other such will belong to cold food, winter often eat will have a heat removal effect, so after the winter, try to eat less duck, mung bean sprouts, cucumbers, it is recommended that we take pork, mutton, beef, chicken, Chinese cabbage, white radish as the mainstay.

Second: dry food

Tomorrow in the winter, eat more "three whites" for the family, eat less for the family to eat three things, enhance the physique is not afraid of cold

The weather in winter will be drier than in spring, summer and autumn, so at this time we should eat less dry food (melon seeds, peanuts and other fried products) to avoid lack of water in the body. It is recommended that you eat more apples, bananas, dustpans, sydney pears and other fruits with high water content.

The third thing: spicy food

Tomorrow in the winter, eat more "three whites" for the family, eat less for the family to eat three things, enhance the physique is not afraid of cold

Although eating spicy food in winter can make the body warmer, it is necessary to eat less (eat up to 1 time a week), because the winter weather is dry, if you eat spicy food for a long time, it is easy to cause dry mouth. It is recommended that you drink more rib soup, chicken soup, mutton soup, these health soups can help the body improve immunity, so that the body is more healthy.

I don't know if I know it, this year is the third winter that Master Hu has spent with everyone, and I sincerely thank you for your company all the way and wish everyone a healthy body. Finally, Master Hu would like to ask everyone what kind of food will be eaten in the local winter season? Welcome to comment on the following comments, let's discuss together, let's learn from you, here I sincerely thank you for "every like, every comment", and I will teach you special food in the future.