
Good neighborly, friendly and harmonious neighborhood, guanyinge street community neighbor festival more activities

author:Qilu one point

Harmonious Neighborhood, Civilized Guanyin Pavilion, In order to celebrate the 16th "Canal City Neighbor Festival", various communities in Guanyinge Street carried out a variety of neighbor festival activities. It not only carries forward the culture of good-neighborliness, creates a civilized and warm community atmosphere, but also pulls the distance between neighbors, and enhances the cohesion and appeal of the community family.

Good neighborly, friendly and harmonious neighborhood, guanyinge street community neighbor festival more activities

Good neighborhood relations are inseparable from the beautiful character of reverence for virtue and kindness, friendship and mutual assistance, and even more inseparable from the social atmosphere of knowing etiquette and stressing civilization. The Qianpu community of Guanyinge Street carried out the learning activity of "Learning Civilized Regulations and Being a Civilized Neighborhood" at the Canal Bookstore Station East Road Store. Residents of the jurisdiction learn from the civilized regulations of the citizens, maintain public environmental order, and resolve neighborhood contradictions and disputes. Everyone is serious and earnest, striving to be civilized citizens, and fully demonstrating the good spiritual outlook of the residents of the community who are united, harmonious and positive.

Good neighborly, friendly and harmonious neighborhood, guanyinge street community neighbor festival more activities

Inherit the good-neighborly and friendly family style, and cultivate a harmonious and stable social atmosphere. The Houying community held a parent-child class on "Inheriting Good Family Style and Good Family Training". Through humorous language, vivid examples, and enthusiastic interaction, the lecturer explained how to control emotions, strengthen parent-child communication, and inherit the good experience and good methods of good family style and family training, calling on everyone to learn knowledge, talk about morality, care for the family, and care for the neighborhood. Residents of the jurisdiction said that "good family style plays a key role in people's growth process and is our lifelong wealth".

Good neighborly, friendly and harmonious neighborhood, guanyinge street community neighbor festival more activities

Dongxing Community of Guanyinge Street carried out neighbor festival cultural performances. The performances include both dances and songs, all of which are written and performed by the residents of the community. Programs such as "Red Hot", "Sing Mountain Songs to the Party Again", and "Gather Together" were staged in turn. While enriching the spiritual and cultural life of residents, the performance shows the new face of the community in the new era, and at the same time deepens the exchanges and feelings between neighbors.

Good neighborly, friendly and harmonious neighborhood, guanyinge street community neighbor festival more activities

In order to strengthen communication and exchanges between neighbors and cultivate the strong physique of residents, the Bipashan community held a neighbor festival table tennis friendship. Twisting and chopping, picking and pulling, although most of the table tennis enthusiasts in these communities are amateur players, their skills are not ambiguous at all. Everyone adhered to the principle of "friendship first, competition second", reflected a good competitive state and spiritual outlook, and played a level in the game, not only exchanging skills, but also enhancing the friendship between neighbors and enriching amateur cultural life.

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Correspondent Zhang Wei Reporter Wang Taki

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Good neighborly, friendly and harmonious neighborhood, guanyinge street community neighbor festival more activities

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