
Banana Pest Management in July – 3 diseases + 5 pests

author:Inspector Sannong
{"info":{"title":{"content":"香蕉七月份病虫害管理——3个病害+5个虫害","en":"Banana Pest Management in July – 3 diseases + 5 pests"},"description":{"content":"七月节气:小暑至大暑气候:天气高温伏旱,又容易出现台风暴雨,防日灼防干旱,低洼蕉园注意防涝。物候:广西香蕉生长大部分处于...","en":"July solar terms: small summer to hot climate: high temperature and drought, and prone to typhoons and rainstorms, anti-sunburn and drought prevention, low-lying banana orchards pay attention to flood prevention. Phenology: Guangxi bananas grow mostly in..."}},"items":[]}