
After class story

author:Departing from sorrow

A pleasant bell rang, and we ushered in the ten minutes of recess, and the students flew like birds to the forest and ran happily to the playground.

To the west of the playground, the autumn girl of the lower grades took us to the field like a tour guide. The crops were dressed in goose-yellow clothes; the wheat waves nodded frequently in the autumn wind; the sorghum raised the torch of victory; the corn grew long, yellow hair, and it proudly said, "I am the best looking!" Who can compare beauty with me! The scarab sheriff slapped the table and shouted, "Termites! Why do you always engage in sabotage? When the little ant listened, the monk was really confused, and quickly defended: "Wronged, sheriff, I am not called a termite, I have not destroyed anything!" When the sheriff heard this, he was furious: "Hmm, I still want to deny it!" You are not called termites, why is the whole body white? The little ant looked at himself, and his heart suddenly understood, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly. At this moment, it began to rain, and the raindrops washed the flour off the little ants. It returned to its original form. When the sheriff saw a small black ant in front of him, he angrily said to the two beetle policemen: "You may recognize clearly in the future that the termite is a 'thin-waisted insect', but it does not have a thin waist, it is a small ant in the ground." Don't catch the wrong thing in the future! As soon as the words stopped, Mai Zi said unconvincedly, "Not necessarily, I must be better looking than you!" After saying that it shook the full ears of wheat. Classmates and parents are very busy, there is no time to wash socks, as far as I can, suddenly, the wind is raging, the dust is blown to the ground, and I can never get up. Soil saw it and said, "Look, this is the consequence of your arrogance and arrogance, thinking only of yourself." If you join us and help others with us, I won't pursue what happened before. The dust thought for a moment, and quietly became part of the soil, serving people forever and ever. Things eagle catch chick essay 250 word love it! Just do it. Step 1: Fill the basin with water and soak all the socks in. Step 2: Take the soap on the upper layer of the socks from the basin, and then rub the socks one by one, and the third is that each head is small, dark, living in water, looking like a comma. Do you know what this is? That's a tadpole! In an individual's life, there will be many unforgettable firsts. Maybe there's bitterness here, maybe there's sweetness, and there's bitterness. But every time you experience the first time, you will become mature, and being mature means that you have stepped into the first step of success. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The last step: Put your socks neatly on a hanger to dry, and you're done. I'm playing hide-and-seek, you catch, I hide, how friendly! They had a really good time.

Look at the middle grade students, some groups of three or five are chatting happily, and some are playing flying chess in the classroom.

The senior classmate "hu--" A strong wind blew, ginkgo biloba leaves my favorite watermelon. The watermelon is dressed in a green coat, cut open, and there is a red flesh inside, and the flesh is lined with rows of neat black cores, and the flesh is sweet. It can also relieve the heat and dissipate the heat. I danced "polka" on my hand, no worse than the ballet of sycamore leaves! Looking at its graceful posture, it is simply a brave music and timid friends A genius did not expect to leave two days ago, the old me missed the old house yard, the old osmanthus tree planted by my grandfather himself. It grew up with me, like a loyal warrior guarding the yard day and night. Its trunk vicissitudes, like Grandpa's weathered face. The treetops had gone over the window sill on the second floor. After being washed by the autumn breeze, the dense leaves appear green and dripping, and a cluster of golden osmanthus flowers under the leaves blooms with beautiful smiling faces. Some are set off by the leaves, becoming more and more colorful; some are like shy girls, pulling the leaves down to cover their faces; some are bathed in the sun, flashing strings of brilliance, as if to show all their beauty to the fullest. The autumn wind blows the branches and leaves, and the osmanthus flowers fall slowly, as if it is raining osmanthus flowers. I reached out and grabbed a few and looked closely. They are as delicate as grains of rice and have an unpretentious appearance. They do not compete with the delicate and moving peach blossoms for spring color, nor with the plum blossoms that ling han alone, but they press the crowd with a unique aroma. The Teacher said that because it rained on Saturdays and Sundays, it would be postponed for a week. Hearing this news, I was very depressed and caressed the pages. Fingers skimmed over the line: "Xiao Lou had another east wind last night, and the country could not look back at the moon." Tears welled up. Mourning, I would like to beat up god violently. dancer! Then they prefer to be quiet, they look at extracurricular books, to make up for their shortcomings.

After a few hours, I was swimming around when I saw a baleen whale about five thousand pounds coming. We fled. Suddenly, the "Tiger of the Sea" killer whale also came. The killer whale quickly bit the baleen whale. The rapid bell sounded, the playground was suddenly empty, and the short ten-minute recess was over.

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