
Jimu Sharp commented| children to stand in the gap between the top of the 27th floor to jump long, do not let children become "folded wing" angels

author:Jimu News

Jimu News commentator Wu Shuangjian

Recently, in a small area of Xianning, Hubei Province, two children played on the roof of a 27-story building, and one of them "stood and jumped" 3 times between the gaps in the roof, without any protective measures. Mr. Yin, the photographer, said that the incident occurred on October 24, and he was also frightened by this scene, and immediately called the property, and then the property staff took the child downstairs and carried out criticism and education. (According to Jimu News on November 1)

Netizens said bluntly, watching them jump, my heart beat. As we all know, on the roof of the 27th floor, a slight mistake is a big thing, it is a tragedy, it may ruin a family. Fortunately, Mr. Yin informed the property disposal in time, and also left us with this heart-wrenching, but very cautionary video.

The report said that the property staff took the children downstairs and criticized the education, which of course was correct. However, are there loopholes in the management of the property? Why can children go straight to the roof? Logically, the general roof is either locked, or surrounded by walls or railings to protect, can not let children easily put in danger.

Therefore, whether the property has responsibilities should also be clarified, and there should be reflection afterwards, how to strengthen prevention and implement rectification.

The main question is, where did the guardian go? It is not only children but also their parents who need to be educated. Now, fortunately, the child is fine, and the parents of the child probably do not know their children's "adventures". The police or the neighborhood committee, it is necessary to find the parents of the two children, to carry out guardianship education and child safety education for them.

According to a statistic, child fall incidents are one of the most important types of accidents and the highest mortality rate among children's accidental injuries, and 80% of children fall from buildings are between the ages of 2 and 6. That is to say, children at this stage are lively and active, lack judgment on the danger of events, and parents are extremely prone to accidents if they are improper and derelict in their care.

"Guangxi woman went out, 4-year-old child fell alone on the 18th floor of home", "Zhejiang couple took their 2-year-old son to visit a neighbor's house to renovate the child accidentally fell off the building", "6-year-old child took 7-year-old and 9-year-old children to the roof to play, and the result was that the 6-year-old child fell to his death"... The news that the child accidentally fell from the building also appeared in the media from time to time.

Every time the relevant news comes out, the public is heartbroken, the first thought is that the child is too pitiful, and the second idea is, where are the parents?

Children do not understand things, and parents have guardianship responsibilities. Experts remind that to create a safe activity space for children, to avoid leaving children alone at home, it is very important to do a good job of safety education for children, mo because of a momentary negligence led to tragedy, then regret will be too late.

And everyone should get a warning from this matter, take responsibility, take care of the children, and don't let them become angels with "broken wings".

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