
The tenacious "small powerful army" is coming again? Don't be afraid! Three tips to keep in mind

author:Beiqing Net

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The tenacious "small powerful army" is coming again? Don't be afraid! Three tips to keep in mind

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A tenacious "small and powerful army"

The same is coming

How can families prevent cockroaches?

The tenacious "small powerful army" is coming again? Don't be afraid! Three tips to keep in mind


Experts from the Shenzhen Aiwei Office gave three clever tips

Allow citizens to improve the small details of daily life by improving

to prevent cockroaches

The tenacious "small powerful army" is coming again? Don't be afraid! Three tips to keep in mind

What cockroaches are there in Shenzhen?

According to reports, there are two types of common cockroaches in Shenzhen, such as the American cockroach, which is large in size, can be skipped by a short distance, and even invades the indoor environment through the sewer mouth; small cockroaches, such as German cockroaches, can be hidden through furniture, debris, cartons, etc., and can also invade the room through door and window gaps and pipeline gaps. Cockroaches eat everything, food at home can be defaced by cockroach bites, and can spread a variety of pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella. In addition, cockroaches can damage items and even burrow into electrical equipment to cause failure.

How can I tell if there is a cockroach invasion in my home?

Places where humans live are rich in food and water, so cockroaches like to follow the human environment.

Usually, you can pay attention to checking the back of the furniture and the inside of the cabinet for cockroach feces. Cockroaches like to be active at night, and can check the kitchen or no one's room for live cockroaches from 21:00 to 24:00. Please note! If you can see cockroach activity during the day, it proves that your cockroach breeding is already very serious!

As omnivorous insects, cockroaches eat not only food, but also garbage, feces, blood, sputum, and even wood, paper, rags, etc. When there is not enough food, cockroaches will kill each other and eat the corpses of their companions. With abundant water and food, cockroaches can survive for 90 days to 1 year. At room temperature, German cockroaches can live for 7 to 10 days without eating or drinking, and can survive for 42 days without water or food.

How to effectively control cockroaches?


Plug in the gaps

● Families should pay attention to the installation of screen doors and windows, block the air conditioning pipe holes, range hood pipes, water pipes, gas pipes, etc. and the holes between the wall, install floor drains in the sewers, and block the pores in the walls, floors, door frames, window sills (boxes), pools and sewers, etc., with putty, cement and other materials. These measures can all prevent cockroaches from entering the home to some extent.


Cut off water and food

● Cockroaches prefer oily food and humid environments, and try to store food in the refrigerator or cover the net. Pay attention to dry water stains, and the survival of cockroaches will be significantly limited when they are dehydrated.

Carry out household hygiene and cleaning regularly, and pay attention to sorting out indoor debris. Cockroach feces and other aggregate pheromones containing cockroaches must be removed in time.


Medical and mechanical extermination

● Cockroaches have a strong reproductive ability, if there is cockroach harassment in the home, it is necessary to kill it in time.

For a small number of cockroaches, cockroach houses, pasteboards, and food attractants can be used to lure and stick cockroaches.

Cockroach bait has the advantages of safety, high efficiency and ease of use, and has a good effect on cockroach control. On the cockroach-infested route, placed every 20 cm in the size of soybean grains, the bait should be avoided from getting wet or wet.

Aerosols can quickly kill cockroaches and are suitable for rapid cockroach killing in households. Before old furniture, express cartons and other items are moved indoors, they should be cleaned, and if necessary, spray hidden corners with aerosol to prevent cockroaches and their egg sheaths from invading the home. However, special attention should be paid to the fact that aerosols should not be used in kitchens with open flames. It is recommended that the public purchase qualified products with complete identification of cockroach insecticides with national pesticide registration numbers, product active ingredients and methods of use, etc., and complete production enterprises and addresses.

Written | Shenzhen Evening News reporter Zhou Qian

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