
Huangpu "Lighthouse": 488 meters super high landmark, 5 powerful state-owned enterprises jointly took over

author:May reason not to buy a house

It is planned to build the 488-meter-high landmark project (Huangpu New Trade Innovation Center), the tallest in Huangpu and the tallest in eastern Guangzhou, and finally successfully obtained the land.

On the morning of November 1, the Huangpu WenchongDutou plot (HP-WC-01 plot) was won by Guangzhou Kejin Investment and Development Co., Ltd. at a base price of 8.84 billion yuan after more than ten days of extension, equivalent to a floor price of about 6697 yuan / square meter.

Huangpu "Lighthouse": 488 meters super high landmark, 5 powerful state-owned enterprises jointly took over

According to the transfer announcement, the land plot covers an area of 83315 square meters, of which 62806 square meters can be used for construction, 18596 square meters for road land, and 1913 square meters for green space.

The land is used for commercial land and commercial land, with a plot ratio of 15.9 and a total construction area of ≤ 1 million square meters.

Huangpu "Lighthouse": 488 meters super high landmark, 5 powerful state-owned enterprises jointly took over

Detailed control planning of the Wenchong Dutou plot

Huangpu "Lighthouse": 488 meters super high landmark, 5 powerful state-owned enterprises jointly took over

The current situation of the Wenchong Dutou plot


5 state-owned enterprises joined forces

According to the aiqicha equity penetration chart, behind Guangzhou Kejin Investment and Development Co., Ltd. is a joint venture of 5 district state-owned enterprises in Guangzhou Development Zone.

They are: Guangzhou Science City Group, Guangzhou Yuanshengde Municipal Service Co., Ltd., Guangzhou High-tech Zone Group, Guangzhou Development Zone Investment Group, and SSGKC Investment Group. Among them, Guangzhou Yuanshengde Municipal Service Company is a subsidiary of KFQKG.

In terms of the proportion of shares, Science City Group accounted for 30%, with a subscription amount of 2.76 billion yuan, which was the largest shareholder; Yuanshengde accounted for 25%, with a subscription amount of 2.3 billion, making it the second largest shareholder; High-tech Zone Group, Development Zone Investment Group and Ssquite a knowledge city group each accounted for 15%, with a subscription amount of 1.38 billion yuan respectively.

Huangpu "Lighthouse": 488 meters super high landmark, 5 powerful state-owned enterprises jointly took over

Perspective view of the shareholding structure, click to enlarge to view

The joint acquisition of land by the five districts is a state-owned enterprise, which shows that Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone attach great importance to and have confidence in this landmark project.

As we all know, the above 5 district state-owned enterprises are functional old state-owned enterprises with more than 30 years of development experience, and their predecessors are: Guangzhou Development Zone Construction and Development Group (referred to as Jianzong), Kaide Holdings, Guangzhou Development Zone Industrial Development Group (hereinafter referred to as the General Administration of Industry), State-owned Assets Corporation of the Development Zone, and Guangzhou Development Zone Commercial Development Group (hereinafter referred to as The General Manager).

5 district state-owned enterprises, in the Guangzhou Development Zone top ten state-owned enterprise camp, strong strength. Among the current state-owned asset management scale of more than 300 billion yuan in the Guangzhou Development Zone, the assets of these five state-owned enterprises are expected to account for 80%. Among them, only one Science City Group has total assets of up to 66 billion yuan, accounting for more than one-fifth!

Undoubtedly, the development and construction of this super project of five powerful state-owned enterprises taking the land and 488-meter landmark has been stabilized!



Therefore, looking back at the strict transfer conditions of the plot, it is not difficult to understand that this land is basically "tailor-made".

First, after completion, introduce high-end hotels with a gross floor area of not less than 40,000 square meters;

Second, the construction starts within 1 year after the acquisition of the land plot, and the production is put into operation within 5 years after the start of construction (the special situation can be postponed for 3 years after approval), the annual revenue of the production is about 6 billion yuan, and the tax payment is about 100 million yuan; the production is reached within 9 years after the start of construction (the special situation can be postponed for 3 years after the approval of the special situation), the annual revenue of the production is about 10 billion yuan, and the tax payment is about 200 million yuan;

Third, the self-sustainment ratio is not less than 40%, and the number of years is not less than 10 years. Among them, the self-sustaining commercial property is not less than 14% of the total gross floor area, and the self-sustaining commercial property is not less than 26%.

Judging from the above transfer conditions, in short, it is required to have high-end hotels, can not cover the ground, strictly prevent rotten tails, and develop and put into production as soon as possible. At the same time, it is required that the self-sustaining ratio is not less than 40%, to prevent empty gloves and white wolves, and to sell to earn the difference.

Such harsh conditions for transfer can only be achieved by state-owned capital. As for why it will be postponed for more than ten days, it may be internal coordination.


Trillion-dollar state-owned assets plan

However, the deep meaning behind this "Five Tigers" taking over is not limited to this.

This is also one of the major measures for Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone to implement the "trillion state-owned assets" plan in the next five years.

The recently concluded work report of the 2022 district two sessions of the Huangpu District clearly stated that -

Support regional state-owned enterprises to become stronger, better and larger, promote the unified operation of operational state-owned assets, and achieve a state-owned asset management scale of more than 1 trillion yuan by 2025, forming 2 advantageous enterprise groups with assets of more than 200 billion yuan and 4-5 enterprise groups with assets of more than 100 billion yuan.

Ensure that more than 30% of the new investment of district state-owned enterprises is invested in strategic emerging industries, and strive to have more than 1 listed company controlled by each commercial state-owned enterprise by 2025, and the cumulative number of listed companies controlled by district state-owned enterprises will reach more than 10.

There is no doubt that the development and construction of the 488-meter landmark Huangpu New Trade Innovation Project, at least in terms of fixed investment data, will write a strong stroke for the assets of state-owned enterprises and the economic data of Huangpu District.

However, does the development and construction of the 5 state-owned enterprises mean that the future development and operation are also state-owned enterprises?

According to the comprehensive judgment of multiple parties, the observation jun does not rule out the introduction of strong first-line brand developers to cooperate in the later stage.

First take the land, out of the design plan, start construction, follow-up and then lead partners, coordinate the distribution of equity, multi-party strong and strong joint development, this development rhythm, it is not surprising.

However, regardless of whether non-state-owned capital is introduced or not, or whether state-owned enterprises play by themselves, at least it is certain that the construction process of the 488-meter landmark project will not be affected.

Judging from the statements of the current decision-making level in the district, the project is expected to start construction in the next few years.

The latest Huangpu District Government Work Report clearly proposes to enhance the energy level of the three headquarters economic agglomeration areas of Yuzhu Bay, Science City and Knowledge City, promote the construction of landmark projects such as the Huangpu New Trade Innovation Center, and build a world-class landmark business district in Huangpu Bay with high standards.

According to the project plan, the landmark project of Huangpu New Trade Innovation Center plans to build an international top commercial center, including a super high-rise landmark building, covering super Grade A office buildings, super five-star hotels and high-end business conference centers.

Huangpu "Lighthouse": 488 meters super high landmark, 5 powerful state-owned enterprises jointly took over

A 488-meter landmark concept rendering created by the "14th Five-Year Plan" development plan of the Huangpu Lingang Economic Zone

To this end, the plot clarifies the proportion of commercial and commercial functions, of which commercial functions account for 19% of the total gross floor area and 81% of the total commercial functions, which shows the ambition of Huangpu District to build an international top commercial center.

Indeed, Huangpu, as a real economic region with the most favored capital, the strongest innovation atmosphere, the largest number of technology enterprises and R&D institutions in Guangzhou, and the collection of more than 190 fortune-500 companies, needs a super landmark project to open the "façade" for future development and new development.

Huangpu "Lighthouse": 488 meters super high landmark, 5 powerful state-owned enterprises jointly took over

Schematic map of the CBD skyline from the starting area of the Financial City to Whampoa Port

Huangpu "Lighthouse": 488 meters super high landmark, 5 powerful state-owned enterprises jointly took over

Renderings of Lingang CBD planning


Ten years of project

Of course, the top landmark project must be a century-old boutique project. From the acquisition of land to construction, and then to put into operation, I am afraid it will take a long time.

In fact, the conditions for the transfer of land parcels clearly require that construction begins within 1 year after the acquisition of the land parcels, and production is reached within 9 years after the start of construction, and special circumstances can be postponed for 3 years after consent.

Referring to the construction process of the east and west towers of Zhujiang New Town - IFC selected the design scheme in 2004, started construction in 2007, basically completed in 2010, and put into use in 2012, about 8 years ago; while Chow Tai Fook Center took land in 2008, delivered and used in 2016, and then actually operated, which took 10 years.

The Huangpu New Trade Innovation Center project probably can't avoid this process: construction began during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, and it is expected that it will not "blossom and bear fruit" until the end of the "15th Five-Year Plan" (about 2030)."

Source: Whampoa Watch

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