
Why did the Taliban make a comeback? Gradual secularization is perhaps the path that is best suited for Afghanistan

author:Weapons: Shawning

When it comes to the Taliban, many people have a negative view. They enforced feudal rule and imprisoned women. The Bamiyan Buddha, who destroyed the ruins of thousands of years alone, has not been forgiven by the world.

Why did the Taliban make a comeback? Gradual secularization is perhaps the path that is best suited for Afghanistan

The Taliban are making a comeback, and the news in the country is all about people fleeing. But we can't help but ask whether some people did not choose to flee, or chose to support the Taliban. Could it be that the people of Afghanistan are feudal traditions and need such a brutal and backward regime? What exactly does the Taliban look like?

First, the formation of the Taliban

There are deep social reasons for the emergence of the Taliban, and this source comes from the period of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Soviet invasion was met with stubborn resistance from the Albanian state, so many of the social elite were executed or imprisoned. Afghanistan, which has lost its tradition, has managed to drive out the invaders and ushered in a long period of civil strife. There was no order in the whole society, and no force could represent Afghanistan at that time.

Why did the Taliban make a comeback? Gradual secularization is perhaps the path that is best suited for Afghanistan

The consequence of anarchy is the pervasiveness of crime and the disintegration of society. At the time, how would you rate whether what you were doing was right or wrong? The only criterion is not the law that exists in name only, or morality that has no coercive power, but the teachings of Islam. The Taliban was established with a determination to rebuild morality and order in Afghanistan. The members at that time, apart from fighting, were religious studies. Externally, they were disciplined; internally, they set up independent tribunals with fast and harsh procedures.

The pattern of flowers and axes quickly restored order to the Taliban-occupied areas. This is also the main reason why they can get the support of the local people. Otherwise, it is impossible for a harsh tyrannical organization to rise rapidly. The eyes of the people everywhere are shining. For example, the death penalty is considered normal in some countries; Similarly, some of the Taliban's torture that existed only in our ancient days was considered cruel while the locals thought it was normal.

Who can tell who is right and who is wrong?

Why did the Taliban make a comeback? Gradual secularization is perhaps the path that is best suited for Afghanistan

The Taliban then destroyed the Taliban and rapidly expanded their territory, ending the warlord scuffle. In a short period of time, Kabul was captured and became the regime representing Afghanistan.

Second, the Taliban's nightmare

Taking control of the Afghan regime is not only the nightmare of some Afghan people, but also the beginning of the Taliban's nightmare. Because at first they just wanted to restore social order, and they were also people who had been oppressed. They have no idea how to govern a country. Just as the first thing needed to govern a modern state is law, the Taliban rely on social morality. But morality has no coercive power, so it has to adopt islamic teachings.

Why did the Taliban make a comeback? Gradual secularization is perhaps the path that is best suited for Afghanistan

They have not, and have always regarded themselves, as those in power, but as social critics. Even many people, overwhelmed by the fact that they had just occupied Kabul, wanted to bring back their former kings. It was like the revolutionary party on the second day of the Xinhai Revolution, they didn't know who to take the lead, so they had to push Out Li Yuanhong, who was the highest ranking in the Qing army at that time, as the leader.

What is even more ridiculous is that an organization with religious and moral ideas as its political philosophy has debated whether to levy taxes after taking control of the country. At that time, the Taliban's economic resources were religious taxes, which were equivalent to the christian believers donating money to the church. But the state taxation meant that the Taliban became secular and became a secular group. For this reason, the top level was divided into two factions, and there was a lot of quarrel. Until the Americans overthrew them, there was no result.

Why did the Taliban make a comeback? Gradual secularization is perhaps the path that is best suited for Afghanistan

Later, some international islamic experts concluded that the Taliban did not look like they were seizing power, but more like they were trying to eliminate it. They have no administrative structure, no foreign policy, no economic planning; the two most important ministries are the Ministry of Ethics and the Ministry of Justice, and they are not for the proper functioning of the Afghan state, but for the Afghan people to behave.

So it's understandable that Taliban law enforcers are checking the length of men's beards on the road and smashing music equipment that people carry with them. Their energy is wasted on these trivial things.

The Taliban formed in southern Afghanistan, where people believed that dress and everyday behavior were associated with virtue. Pop music and alcohol consumption are not allowed there. This concept has thus been extended throughout Afghanistan.

Why did the Taliban make a comeback? Gradual secularization is perhaps the path that is best suited for Afghanistan

Modernization of the Taliban

Thanks to the United States, some of the top Taliban were detained, and the other part ran to Pakistan or other countries to avoid trouble. They lost everything, but they opened up their horizons. For those natives of southern Afghanistan (the Taliban), 2001 was their first trip abroad. Many have been exposed to a variety of different Islamic sects and have reflected. Some people find the previous system of meticulously correcting the length of clothing and beards too absurd.

But there have been some obvious changes in the Taliban, such as their previous determination to re-establish social order in Afghanistan. The slogan now is "Counter Aggression and Regain National Sovereignty". In 2009, the Taliban in opposition added provincial management committees, as well as education, trade, and health committees. This shows that they have begun to attach importance to local administrative and administrative bodies at the provincial level.

Why did the Taliban make a comeback? Gradual secularization is perhaps the path that is best suited for Afghanistan

Previously, school education did not allow the teaching of social sciences and English, which showed "Western" content. Restrictions have now been lifted, while an agreement has been reached with UNICEF to allow girls to attend school. However, the understanding of girls' schooling is different in each place. Some only allow girls before the age of 10 to learn religious content, some allow girls to receive up to 7th grade general education, and only a few regions allow girls to go up to grade 12.

Previously, they did not allow ordinary people to watch television, and Afghans were told that news could only rely on newspapers and radio. But now the Taliban's ability to use social media has changed some people's imaginations. There is also the most important source of finance. To survive, the guerrilla Taliban can only rely on smuggling, kidnapping and drugs for profit. Some Arab countries will make some financial support behind their backs, including illegal mining revenues in Afghanistan.

Why did the Taliban make a comeback? Gradual secularization is perhaps the path that is best suited for Afghanistan

In particular, the drug trade and kidnapping are crimes that in themselves undermine the order they follow. Now the Taliban have begun to pay attention to taxation, trying to make themselves a secular organization of regime.

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