
Science Fiction Award "Explorer": Interpreting the true meaning of science fiction I. Science fiction is a deep reflection and worry about real life II. Science fiction is a fervent expectation of the future blueprint III. Science fiction is the key to enlightening children's minds to achieve leading the way

author:Love the Summer of sunflowers

【The 15th book shared by the book game】

Junior Science Fiction Awards Book Series Explorer

Virtual space, biochemical experiments, apocalyptic crisis, futuristic worlds, time travel, cosmic exploration, artificial intelligence, extraterrestrial civilizations... Various topics make up the most popular science fiction topics of our time. However, you don't know that this type of novel has only appeared for less than 200 years. In 1818, the British writer Mary Shelley's Frankenstein officially opened the prelude to science fiction literature.

Some people are certainly not convinced, saying that China's "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "Journey to the West" are earlier than these. Yes, these Chinese literatures have a lofty position in the process of human civilization that cannot be ignored, but they are more magical. True science fiction has gradually emerged with the development of science and technology.

The earliest science fiction novel in China should be Liang Qichao's "New China Future" published in "New Novel". Although this is a novel with political implications, it is also full of imagination and expectations for the future. Unlike science fiction as it is understood today, it uses a humanities that is different from the natural sciences.

The set of books that we have obtained today has extraordinary characteristics, bringing together many literary masters, foreign and domestic masters, exchange of ideas and collisions, and the stories are bizarre and interesting and fascinating.

<h1>First, science fiction is a deep reflection and worry about real life</h1>

Science fiction is short for science fiction, a perfect combination of science and literature, fantasy and reality. Science fiction is not just fake, fictional, nonsense, and nonsense, nor is it a child's thing. Science fiction is not a castle in the sky, but there is a more vague definition of things. As Wu Yan, the editor of this series of books, said: Science fiction is a kind of literature that is easy to identify but not easy to define.

Lu Xun said that the myth is that a person has three heads or a neck that has been lengthened by a few feet. Just like the strange creatures mentioned in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the various disciples in the Fengshen Yanyi, and the various demons in the Journey to the West. The same is true of science fiction, as long as you pay attention, you can always capture the shadow of reality behind the rich fantasy. It seems that science fiction is crazy, or nonsense, tracking reality very far, in fact, it is very close to reality.

The book contains Thehead of Dr. Tisha's Upwards! up! It tells the story of the protagonist Carl and the merchant Borie who go to the upper realm to find whales.

When asked about the "whale hunt", it is necessary to mention the human whaling "industry". People in the Arctic began this work as early as prehistoric times, when it was just for food. It was not until the advent of floating factories in the 20th century that the technology of using whole whales was fully developed. In the 1960s, the world's highest annual whaling volume reached more than 66,000, and the main species were blue whales, baleen whales, sperm whales, humpback whales, and snapper whales.

The whaling industry has had its ups and downs throughout history. By the 17th century, the Dutch and English had formed large whaling fleets. In the 18th century, whaling ships were installed in refining furnaces, and whale oil began to be refined and stored at sea, so that whaling ships could stay at sea for up to four years. In the 19th century, the whaling industry declined due to the discovery of oil and overfishing. In the 20th century, with the development of life sciences and pharmacy, people discovered new uses for whale products, so the whaling industry quietly rose again.

Whales are in danger of extinction under human fishing. Usually, we don't want to see documentaries such as "Blue Planet" how beautiful whales are at sea, but it is actually difficult to shoot such scenes. To strengthen whale protection, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was established, which ruled that the world had suspended commercial whaling since 1986. However, due to the tradition of whaling in Japan and Norway, a small quota for scientific research or folklore use is arranged every year. China also stopped commercial whaling as early as 1981.

Science Fiction Award "Explorer": Interpreting the true meaning of science fiction I. Science fiction is a deep reflection and worry about real life II. Science fiction is a fervent expectation of the future blueprint III. Science fiction is the key to enlightening children's minds to achieve leading the way

The novel "Up! up! It is mentioned that with the advancement of science and technology, the use of advanced equipment has unintentionally destroyed natural resources. The heat barrier, which is the source of life, began to produce the phenomenon of cooling. Subsequently, various crises, especially the energy crisis, led to a shortage of heat and a yearly reduction in food production.

Due to the lack of food and the deterioration of the environment, there are basically no living things in the upper realm, and human beings have lived in the middle and lower realms of the earth. People have less and less food to eat, so people are looking for other foods that can supply life energy. Whales have been found to be very large, and if food can be found from whales, perhaps the problem will be solved.

However, humans have never seen a whale and believe that there will be no whale on earth. Even if there are introductions to whales in textbooks, they think it's a lie. But Karl had always believed in the existence of whales. He believes that as long as the whale is found, he can find food. Both he and Bowrie have been working on this. Finally, they break through the shackles of reality and explore new worlds.

The story seems to have an ending, but it also leaves endless fantasies. From the back of the story, we also see the author's thinking: while pursuing progress and evolution, human beings must pay attention to environmental protection, and cannot blindly pursue innovation and ignore the environment.

<h1>Second, science fiction is a fervent expectation of the blueprint of the future</h1>

Philosophers say: Live elsewhere. Best-selling authors describe it for us: it can be nine to five, or it can be a wanderer. So, the unruly people packed up, said to go, embarked on the journey, and began the road of exploration. And this is just reality, not as good as science fiction people, they go the farthest. They walk through the place where space disappears before time stops, they go to the limits of imagination.

People fantasize because there are many things that can't be done in reality. In his Critique of Political Economy, Marx commented on myths with the phrase "any myth is made by imagination and imagination, in order to conquer the forces of nature, to dominate the forces of nature, and to visualize the forces of nature." This review also applies to science fiction. Because science fiction can best show the domination and conquest of natural forces.

The book contains the famous science fiction writer Han Song's "Searching for the Night", which tells the story of human beings looking for the "night" to destroy the "perfect" opportunity.

The background of the story is that Chinese scientists and technicians use time coders to use the american daylight. Since then, the night of our country has also become day. The day in the United States has forever become night. Since then, the United States has become the world of the long night, and China has entered the eternal day economic model, creating a new economic growth point.

As a result, China has become the only source of global light and a truly omnipotent and dominant world power. This was originally a glorious thing, but because of the change in the amount of sunshine, the ecological circle on Earth has also changed dramatically. Many familiar plants and animals are extinct. To this end, scientists have used high technology to synthesize many new species to adapt to eternal day.

On the surface, achieving eternal daylight is a near-perfect thing, but in fact it is an undercurrent.

There is no night, human beings have to enter a state of never-ending work, and a large number of lonely people appear. They crave the night so desperately that they are willing to pay the price of their lives.

As a result, some people began to secretly create "melanoma". It allows people to enjoy the tranquility of the night for a short time. However, it comes at the cost of life. In one fell swoop, thousands of "melanomas" flashed in every nook and cranny. The night, in fragmented form, poses a threat to the country. They fear that beyond a certain limit, the balance of the new world will be upset. Even, if this "melanoma" is united with the night of the United States, it will cause erosion and regurgitation in our own country.

So the state sent people to destroy one "black tumor" after another. However, the staff found that those who enjoyed the "night" left a will that did not reveal the praise of the night. They feel happiness, mystery, love, fear, etc. in the dark night, all kinds of emotions that have long disappeared for human beings.

This fantasy "superpower" seems to meet the requirements of "perfection", but it is not necessarily correct. Human expectations for the future may be an ideal country, but whether it can truly achieve perfection requires more rational thinking. How to truly achieve world unity and maintain dialectical thinking is a problem worth thinking about for everyone.

It may be said that it is normal not to achieve "perfection", but human beings can expect "eternal life". Whether it can be achieved in science fiction. The articles included in Explorer, although not cloned and copied from generation to generation as described in The Sixth Day, have another perspective on this type of problem.

Science Fiction Award "Explorer": Interpreting the true meaning of science fiction I. Science fiction is a deep reflection and worry about real life II. Science fiction is a fervent expectation of the future blueprint III. Science fiction is the key to enlightening children's minds to achieve leading the way

Science fiction author Wang Teng tells the story of an old man's adventure in the polar region in "Summer Past".

The conclusion that the universe will not live forever on the planet has led to a war between land and polar people every once in a while. By some chance, the old man met a girl named Xinglan. Together, they ventured to "unrivaled dead lands" outside the Arctic. The whole process is full of wonderful colors, they not only witness the end of the world, but also know the future fate of the universe, and have a short and wonderful time at the end of life.

Maybe the future can't be "perfect" and the world can't be "eternal", but the present should be cherished. Every moment is a gift from life to us, an irreversible existence. As long as we continue to live and live well, it is the most beautiful blueprint for the future.

<h1>Third, science fiction is the key to enlightening children's minds to lead the way</h1>

Ji Xianlin mentioned in "Toward the Unity of Heaven and Man" that since human beings became human beings, the most important thing is to deal with three relationships, one is the relationship between man and nature, the second is the relationship between people, that is, social relations, and the third is the relationship between the balance and imbalance of individuals' inner thoughts and feelings. Science fiction is the same way, he can bring people to think.

I still remember when I was in middle school, there was a "Campus Science Fiction Grand Prix Portfolio" on my desk, and there were countless "Science Fiction World" and "Fantasy World" in the sideboard. After the renovation of the new home, the bookcase specially opened a corner to put old and newly bought science fiction books, such as "Harry Potter", "The Legend of Narnia", "Galactic Empire" and so on.

In childhood, perhaps what I liked from childhood was mythology, including we also loved to tell our children about "Pangu Opens the Heavens and the Earth", "Nuwa Created Man", and "Nuwa Refining Stone To Supplement the Heavens". But when it comes to literacy, what we prefer is to imagine ourselves and explore the unknown by ourselves. And the Junior Science Fiction Award Book Series is just what we need.

When we read this set of books, we can start from the exploration of the world, to be an explorer of the unknown; on the basis of exploration, there is something to discover, some innovation, to be a future "creator"; the process of creation, you need to break the old ideas, you need to have great courage, therefore, children also need to be a "brave"; bravery does not mean that you can dominate everything, but to learn to conform to nature, learn to be the "listener" of the voice of the road.

Science Fiction Award "Explorer": Interpreting the true meaning of science fiction I. Science fiction is a deep reflection and worry about real life II. Science fiction is a fervent expectation of the future blueprint III. Science fiction is the key to enlightening children's minds to achieve leading the way

Reading this set of books, we can gain a lot. For example, increase your child's interest in scientific knowledge. Interest is the best teacher, through science fiction, science fiction stories, let children have an interest in science, and then imagine science, devote themselves to science, and dedicate themselves to science. The future world needs to be imagined, and it needs to be created by science.

Another example is to help children improve their creativity. Innovation and entrepreneurship is the demand for talents and the expectation for the future. Chinese children develop less in imagination and creativity than abroad, and our education often entraps children's thinking. Therefore, we need science fiction to "restore" children's imagination-loving nature, help children find their "fantastic ideas", and plug in the wings to a high-energy future.

Another example is to cultivate children's dialectical thinking ability. While science and technology bring convenience to life, they also produce many social and ethical problems, some of which are not only thought-provoking, but also thought-provoking. Science fiction has illogical and irrational content, and these true and false worlds require children to learn to speculate.

The so-called "one yin and one yang is the Tao", children need to know that the world is not black and white; more importantly, they need to know that things have two sides. As children grow up, they need teachers and parents to help them, guide them, take their essence, remove their dross, absorb the excellent parts of science fiction, and apply them.

Our era is an era of rapid development of science and technology and explosion of knowledge. Our children are born in this era and grow up in this era, and they need to have scientific literacy and humanistic accomplishment. Those excellent science fiction works can bring children different companionship in the growth process.

Let us accompany our children, wave the wings of imagination and move towards the future together.

[If you have a story you want to hear, if you have a good story to share, welcome to leave a message, we will share together, see you in the next issue.] 】

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