
Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

author:Farmer Gangzi

  Delicious winter dates are commonly found in the city's vegetable farms, the taste is extremely sweet and crisp, the taste is also excellent, the peel is mostly ochre red, the small part is milky white with green, red and green contrast, pleasing to the eye. Lao Xu said that it was shipped from other places, and there are very few locals.

  Lao Xu is a hawker who specializes in fresh and fashionable fruits in the vegetable market, mangoes, cherries, winter dates, and the kind of red, yellow tomatoes. Every time the winter dates are on the market, he will rush to the fruit wholesale market in Nancheng to get the goods, and the first wave can sell at a good price.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  After several life turns, I also came to the vegetable market where Lao Xu sold vegetables, and entrusted someone to find a stall in the middle to run some dry goods with my father. Although there are no winter dates for sale, there are often a bunch of sweet and fragrant winter dates on the opposite old Xu stall. While Old Xu is idle for a while, some greengrocers will look left and right as if they are eating a few, because they have a good relationship with Old Xu, and usually they are still polite and exchanged, and Old Xu just pretends not to see it, still carrying his strong voice and shouting.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  Eating the winter dates that Lao Xu had worked hard to wholesale. It reminds me of the jujube tree planted in the courtyard of my childhood hometown, which was planted in an unknown era, and with the passage of time, the countryside is also advancing with the times. During a construction, the emerald green leaves and reddish dates of memory disappeared along with the jujube tree. Once, a person was playing idly at home. Lazy bed in the morning, did not catch up with breakfast, noon time, the stomach began to "grunt", so began to look around for food that can be filled, back and forth between the house and the courtyard, did not find anything to fill the hunger, they did not have pocket money available, tossed for a while, near the afternoon, parents are still busy in the field farm work. At this time, the sun is also lively, colorful, the sun is swaying, and the oblique shadow secretly grows slowly from the corner of the wall, showing a temperamental charm, a little reluctant, or afraid of fleeting. Day after day.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  I also felt a little tired, and inadvertently came to a tree in the courtyard where I could rest, and used it to shade the sun. Before that, perhaps because I was young, I didn't know that I was under a date tree, and the tree was full of sweet dates, resting for a few minutes, and the breeze was slight, and the gossamer was like a heart. When I looked up, I found a patch of emerald green color, shining through the sun, and between the leaves, dotted with some fruits with a slightly reddish surface—that is, the winter dates. I just want to eat it. How do you turn them into a delicious dish in your mouth? Not far from the courtyard, in a piece of rubble, I found some broken bricks, carried them with clothes, put them under the jujube tree, and prepared to use these broken bricks to throw the dates from the tree, thought about it, there should be no problem, so I grabbed some broken bricks in my right hand, and my left hand also held a small piece, plucked up the courage, aimed at a round and fruity jujube, threw it out hard, because the light was relatively strong, plus my first throw, just a few leaves fell from the "whine", the dates only moved slightly, or hung between the dates; After several times in a row, I threw out the small bricks in my hand quickly, but I still didn't throw a date. Without losing my temper, I changed into a larger brick, adjusted my posture and repeated movements, and threw it hard, like a well-trained and confident pitcher on the sports field; the bricks crossed an arc, and the dates fell away from the branches. I was excited and emotionally high,000, and I repeated this several times, and the dates stood all over the ground, around the trees, in front of my feet, waiting like a soldier for review, sweating all over my body, and before I could wash off the mud on my hands, I tasted the fruits of my harvest alone.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  Later, I heard that this could easily hurt the fruit tree. And scattered a field of innocent branches and leaves, because of the impact of bricks, the branches will be bruised into a certain amount of bruises, the yield of jujube trees will be reduced. I also tried to climb up the tree to pick fruit, but I was clumsy, like a "dry duck".

  If this year's fruit yield is reduced, the next year will produce more abundant fruit, which may be the jujube tree gathering energy in the body, and the next outbreak!

  After a timely rain, the jujube tree began to reveal a few delicate leaves, like ears listening to the sound of nature, a good year has come again, the sweet hope is cheering, the delicious gift of nature, and it will last forever. When the fruit was ripe, my brother and I would carefully knock some out with bamboo poles and sort and pack them. The good quality is picked together, and the poor are picked together. We left some and the rest for friends and family to taste.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  Time passes, the years are passing, the jujube trees in the home may be old, some branches, no longer grow leaves, bare; some branches even if they grow leaves, the fruit is also low in quantity and quality. Tangled and tangled. By chance, across the street from home, also in the yard, the same date tree was found. It was a jujube tree of the Zhao family that could be seen in the courtyard, which also made me very happy, because the jujube tree was too tall, leafy, lush, and there was a row of houses separated, and it was difficult to find the fruit hidden between the leaves for a while. Go back to meet a few small friends, or use the old method, small bricks, bamboo poles at the same time. After a while, the bricks fell in the courtyard of the Zhao family, making a crisp "popping" sound, and finally afraid of smashing the people surnamed Zhao, they still gave up this method, and the effect of destroying the fruit was also not good, Liao Ruochenxing. We used bamboo poles, and if the short ones could not be reached, we used thin hemp rope to connect several short bamboo poles together and search among the leaves. Keep quiet, slowly and gently hit the family, even if you are afraid of alarming the family. Every time there will be a good harvest, a few childhood close friends, you one, I one, the knocked dates together, leaving a yard full of date leaves scattered by the wind, and we are sincerely afraid. sweat. After all, this is a disgraceful thing, and I have always felt anxious in my heart. After a long time, it may be that our movement is too big, and the owner of the jujube tree still makes a faint unhappy sound, until finally shouting at us loudly and hoarsely, so we have to stop this action, still holding the bamboo pole in our hands, like a gust of wind, and run out of the yard. Later, we have been studying, we have left our hometown, we have not contacted each other for a long time, no one mentions these things again, and gradually I forget about them.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  Because of Lao Xu's winter jujube, I think the Zhao family's jujube tree is still leafy, hanging one cute fruit after another among the emerald green leaves, right? Is the family still guarding it? A few times back home, always want to see, time has passed, broken walls and ruins, the original courtyard, several tile houses, have been demolished, the gate has also been repaired and converted into a small door. Although it was close at hand, I didn't take a look.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  Thin skin, small core, juicy, tender and crispy meat, sweet and strong, slightly sour, this is the flesh characteristics of winter dates, which is loved by many people. Grandpa was also very fond of eating at that time. When I was young, Grandpa and Grandma lived in the front house of our house, going to school, after school would pass through the house where they lived, Grandpa would often tease me, put me in his arms, read the "Little Man Book" to me, occasionally shouted at me, and kindly took out a few dates from his pocket and stuffed them into my hands. Because of his old age, Grandpa lost a lot of teeth and did not have dentures attached. Every time he saw him, he carefully removed the jujube kernel with a knife, put it in the groove and mashed it, put a small spoon in his mouth, and chewed it gently and slowly. Look at the dates one by one, each with grandpa's temperature. Yes! Grandpa passed on to me the love between his grandfather and grandson through the dates he picked by his own hands.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  One day, when I came home and found that the jujube trees in my home had been planed, my mood was surrounded by sadness and it was difficult to let go. That warm picture made me feel mixed feelings. The jujube trees along the way have been sealed by the dust of time. The dates that I must be devoted to all my life, worthy of my heart, and which bring me joy and gratitude, have also been swept away; who wanted to rebuke it, who cut it? Since the tree is gone, it is useless to "ask the teacher for sin". Suddenly, I remembered that not far from the jujube tree, about two to three meters away, I had sprinkled a few fresh and very full jujube kernels, hoping that one day they would sprout, grow, flower and bear fruit.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  In the past, the rural economy was not very good, even if it was satisfied and happy to be able to fill the stomach, fruit was a luxury for rural people, not to mention the habit of eating fruit, in fact, in today's rapid economic development, all kinds of fruits are dazzling, both locally produced and some from other provinces. It is the fresh and amazing fruits from abroad, which are also placed in the major supermarkets in the small city, but they are still rare in the vegetable farms of the common people.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  So far, I have not developed the habit of eating fruit, but there is always a special feeling for winter dates, and give them that specific meaning; "dates" harmonic "early", everything must be prepared in advance; get up early in the morning, go to work early, and the appointment can not be late. "The time of year is spring". Modern life, in the cold winter of the waxing moon, air conditioning brings a warm and comfortable environment for human beings. Sometimes people become lazy, and "winter dates" is to imply that people should "smell the chicken dancing" in the winter under good conditions and recuperate. Wait until spring, wait until the birds chirp, wait until the malt is green, and there will be new hope in the new year!

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  Every New Year's Day, on the morning of the first day of the Chinese New Year, we are still asleep, and our parents will take a piece of cake and divide it into several pieces; it is the kind of "Funing big cake", which is placed at the head of the bed, waiting for us to wake up and eat the "cake" before we can get up. The intentions of our parents, later we slowly understood, but the result is often the opposite of what we want, and there has been no thing worthy of their parents' pride, but let them worry a lot. Since I knew that there was a jujube tree in my house, before going to bed at night, I would secretly hide the dates in the bed and bake them in my chest, hoping to get up early the next day to read and go to school. Inspire yourself, read in the middle of the night; insist on three or five days, and finally "raise your hand and disarm".

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  Winter jujube, also known as apple jujube, is an excellent variety of high-quality late-ripening fresh food. The fruit is round or flat, the fruit surface is flat and smooth, and the shape of the fruit resembles a small apple. Because august and September in the north are already a little cold, so it is called winter dates, while in the south August and September is still relatively hot, so many people will wonder why the food in such a hot time is called winter dates.

Friends winter jujube prose, after watching the brain is like playing a movie

  Winter jujube has been a royal tribute since ancient times and enjoys the reputation of the king of the hundred jujubes. Dating back to the Qin and Han dynasties, the most famous of them is "dipping winter dates".

Authentic dipped winter dates a box of five catties ¥39.9 purchase

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